Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 361 What is the little devil doing! ?

Chapter 361 What is the little devil doing! ?

Unexpectedly, the famous Zeng Che was actually the fifth of the Eight Great Vajras. He is indeed trustworthy, because in history, when he was arrested, Dai asked someone to send a letter to him and he would not do it.

"Fifth brother, the Japanese have formulated a divorce plan. After repeated investigation and research, they have identified Wang Tianmu as the target, and I am the implementer of this plan." Qi Rui can only say so now,
"Since you know it's a divorce, why do you want to arrest him?"

"The Maochuan Mansion and the Special High School have already found clues about Station Master Wang. It will be a matter of time before he is caught. In this case, it is better to let me catch him. I will release him in a few days." Qi Rui thought to himself: I He wasn't caught to save you guys!
In history, although Wang Tianmu rebelled and became a traitor, he died peacefully in Taiwan. Some people said that he was ordered to surrender in order to sneak into the enemy camp.

But for him to sneak into the enemy's camp and destroy the intelligence agencies behind the enemy in Pingjin, North China, the price is really too high. You must know that the loss is not only the intelligence agencies of the military, but also the anti-Japanese team organizations such as the anti-regiment and guerrillas in the enemy's rear. heavy.

That's why Qi Rui thought about getting rid of Wang Tianmu simply and rudely, but what he didn't expect was that he dug a big hole for himself, and now he has to find a way to save him.

"Let Wang Tianmu go, what do you do?" How could such an important person let go as soon as he said so, what would you do if you let him go, you are the boss' trump card, Zeng Che asked.

"Fifth brother, this is a divorce plan. After being arrested, I will not punish him. After eating and drinking, I will release him after a while. This will make you mistakenly think that Wang Tianmu is a traitor. The Japanese also predicted that the boss We will definitely send killers to get rid of Wang Tianmu, and Wang Tianmu will really rebel when he is desperate." Qi Rui said according to Li Shiqun's plan,
"This little devil is too naive!" Zeng Che felt that this was nonsense, because he felt that the boss would not do this in the first place.

Qi Rui wouldn't believe it if he didn't know the history, but Wang Tianmu rebelled under such circumstances
"Fifth Brother, you'd better inform the boss about this and see what countermeasures he has. It's not difficult to save people, just wait until I release Station Master Wang and rescue him."

"Okay, I'll contact the boss when I get back, Xiao Jiu, we'll meet here tomorrow, let's go!"

"Fifth brother! If I have something, how can I contact you?"

"There is a daily grocery store about 500 meters west of Xilemen. If you call and ask Brother Wu, I'll know it's you."

When Zeng Che returned to the secret contact point, he immediately sent a confidential telegram to Dai, reporting the information Qi Rui said truthfully.

"Sure enough, it was aimed at Wang Tianmu. If the Japanese plan succeeds, it will be worth it!" Dai said after reading the telegram.

"Boss, why don't we play tricks and let Stationmaster Wang feign surrender!" Xu Baichuan asked.
"No! Wang Tianmu knows too much. The devil must know this, otherwise he would not seek him out, and he can't feign surrender!" Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Lao Liu is right, Tianmu knows too much, let's save him." Now that Qi Rui is his trump card, Dai doesn't need to go undercover in the enemy camp anymore.

"But what will Xiao Jiu do in this case? Will the devil suspect him?"

"He's the one who catches people. If you plan well, it should be fine." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Let Zeng Che and Xiao Jiu figure out what to do. He must be rescued. If he cannot be rescued, even if he is killed, he will not be caught by the Japanese again!" Dai said.

"I'll send a report to Lao Wu and ask him to discuss it with Xiao Jiu. I think Xiao Jiu will definitely think of a proper way." Zheng Yaoxian said,
Wang Tianmu, who was imprisoned, was always puzzled. He was ready to be tortured a long time ago, but after so many days, these devils gave him good food and drinks. Two cups, Wang Tianmu doesn't say what is useful and just consumes it like this, it is regarded as self-cultivation.

Seeing Qi Rui for the second time, Zeng Che asked after explaining what the boss meant: "Xiao Jiu, the boss told us to rescue Station Master Wang. If we can't save him, we can't keep him alive for the devil."

"Then save him, go to Chongqing immediately after rescue, let the boss pretend to isolate him for inspection, it is impossible not to doubt him, do you understand what I mean?" Qi Rui asked
"Of course I understand. You have to imprison Wang Tianmu for a while because of Xiao Jiu." Zeng Che said,
"Okay, then there's nothing difficult."

"Xiao Jiu, would the devil really let Wang Tianmu go like this?"

"I will write them a detailed divorce plan, and I think the devils will agree." The devils can approve Li Shiqun's plan, not to mention writing it himself, Qi Rui is still sure.

"When will that person be released, so I can prepare in advance."

"Wang Tianmu is currently locked in the Black Dragon Club Hall, and I will release him in three days. After he is released, I will not send many people to follow him. Just send someone to pick him up at a suitable place." Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, if we send someone to pick up Station Master Wang, it means we know he's coming out in advance. Isn't that bad for you?"

"Fifth Brother is thoughtful. It doesn't really matter. Wang Tianmu's arrest has already been reported in the newspaper. It is normal for the military command and some anti-Japanese organizations to try to rescue him. It is not a secret that he was imprisoned in the Black Dragon Society, so even if someone picked him up, there would be no problem." What."

"Okay! I'll make arrangements, let's go!"

When Qi Rui returned to the Black Dragon Guild Hall, he immediately devised a divorce plan, saying that torture is useless against people like Wang Tianmu. Dai is suspicious by nature, and Wang Tianmu knows too much. Any doubt about him will directly affect Pingjin, North China. If this plan succeeds, the desperate Wang Tianmu will take the initiative to join the imperial army.

Qi Rui wrote this plan very carefully from beginning to end, and listed various favorable possibilities for doing so. This plan was first read by Mo Chuan Xiuhe and then handed over to the North China Dispatch Army Intelligence Division. Finally, the plan was approved.

When the day came, Shunfu Kuchi personally sent Wang Tianmu outside the Black Dragon Hall, and said sincerely and admiringly: "Stationmaster Wang, you are a talent and a hero. I admire you very much, so I can't bear to hurt you. I sincerely hope If I can cooperate with you in the future, let's go, I hope you will remember me as a friend in the future, goodbye!" Shunsuke Jiuchi bowed to Wang Tianmu after finishing speaking.

Wang Tianmu looked around and murmured in his heart, "Nima, what is this little devil doing? Could it be that there are gunmen ambushing around to kill me?"

Even if there were gunmen, so what, the devils couldn't see that he was afraid, so Wang Tianmu walked away from the Black Dragon Guild Hall with his chest upright and square steps.

Qi Rui waited for Wang Tianmu to go far before he straightened up and went back to the Black Dragon Club Hall.

"Curator! Do you really not need to follow him?" Tang Rui asked,

"No! I just want to let him go, what are you doing with him?"

"The people from the Maochuan Mansion seem to have followed."

(End of this chapter)

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