Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 362 This move is too bad!

Chapter 362 This move is too bad!
Wang Tianmu walked more than 1000 meters and there was no movement. He turned his head and saw no one following him. He touched his head and said to himself, "What do you mean, little devil! Did you take the wrong medicine?"

At this moment, a car stopped in front of him, the door opened, and the person inside shouted: "Brother Wang! Get in the car!"

Wang Tianmu looked down and saw Yuan Hanjun from the Anti-Tuan who was talking, and Le Qianwen from the Anti-Tuan driving. What puzzled him was that the devils did not ambush and did not follow.

Le Qianwen is the eldest lady of Tongrentang and one of the main members of the anti-group. Yuan Hanjun is an important backbone of the anti-group. He is the grandnephew of Yuan Shikai.

At the moment when they appeared, Wang Tianmu thought that the devil was using him to fish, but found that there was no ambush. He really didn't know what the devil was doing, and asked, "How do you know that I will be released today?"

"Head Zeng informed us to pick you up, and we don't know anything else." Yuan Hanjun said,

"What else did Captain Zeng say?"

"I'll let you go back to Chongqing as soon as possible."

"Back to Chongqing?"

"That's right! Head Zeng said that this is a little devil's plan to divorce, and he just wants Director Dai to think that you have betrayed."

Wang Tianmu is an old man in the military command. He knew that the consequence would be that he would be cleared by the military command. He couldn't help scolding: "This little devil is really vicious. They dare to think of such a trick! Where is Captain Zeng now? I want to see him .”

"Brother Wang, Captain Zeng said that you must leave as soon as possible. Don't worry, he has already told Director Dai about your situation." Yuan Hanjun said,

"Zeng Che has made all the arrangements?"

"It's been arranged, someone from outside the city will pick you up! They will escort you back to Chongqing. Head Zeng also repeatedly told you not to think too much about it, saying that Boss Dai asked you to go back to Chongqing just because of tricks."

We all know that this is a devil's plan to divorce, so why worry about it? Wang Tianmu's identity has been exposed and he is not suitable to stay anymore. He still obeyed Zeng Che's arrangement and returned to Chongqing.

Maochuan Mansion
"Director, Wang Tianmu let go. Director Jiuchi didn't send anyone to follow him. When Wang Tianmu walked about a kilometer, a car suddenly appeared to pick him up!"

"What did you say, a car picked him up?"

"Yes, the license plate of the car is fake, and the people in the car didn't see it clearly."

"How did they know that Wang Tianmu would be released today, go! Come with me to the Black Dragon Guild Hall!"

After Qi Rui let Wang Tianmu go, he can't go back to Shanghai for the time being, because he has to wait for news from Wang Tianmu in Tianjin. He planned this plan from the beginning to the end, and he can't go back until there is a result.


"Mr. Maochuan! Are you worried?" Qi Rui saw him coming in a hurry and asked,
"I heard that you have released Wang Tianmu?"

"Yes, and it has been picked up."

"Wouldn't it be better if we used Wang Tianmu to fish?" Mao Chuanxiuhe asked regretfully,
"Mr. Maochuan, in this way, what we have caught are just some military killers. Important people will not participate in saving people, but if they fall into the trap, it will be different. Mr. Maochuan, we can't lose the big because of small things."

"Is Kuike-kun so sure?"

"Let's just wait for the good news! I believe this strategy has a high chance of success."

"Did Jiuchi-kun realize that there are people watching outside the Black Dragon Society?"

"Wang Tianmu is such an important person, the military special agents must want to rescue him, and someone will come to inquire about it, that's for sure."

"Kuichi-kun, you should ask the Chongqing Military Control Bureau what reaction it has." Although Hidekazu Mogawa also agreed with Shunsuke Kuike's estrangement plan, he still couldn't accept it in his heart, and it was so easy to catch such an important person. , If you say let it go, let it go. If this plan doesn't succeed, it won't be a big loss.

"Well, I'm going to your place."

Qi Rui followed Mao Chuanxiuhe to the mansion and sent a telegram to the twins, and soon there was a reply. After seeing it, Qi Rui smiled and said: "Wang Tianmu was arrested and the military command bureau was wailing, and now they don't know that he has been released by us." , but I think Dai should already know, so we have to wait until tomorrow to know their reaction."

"Jiuchi-kun, does this prove that we misplaced the person?"

Qi Rui smiled and shook his head and said: "Mr. Maochuan, think about it, the people in the military command think that Wang Tianmu is more dangerous than good. When they know that he was released by us without any injuries, how many people do you think will suspect him of rebellion?" gone?"

Mao Chuanxiuhe nodded and said: "The person has been released, we can only hope for a good result."

As if nothing had happened, Qi Rui began to make friends with some traitors and pseudo-North China government officials in Tianjin the next day. On February [-]th, Gemini got the news that everyone in the military command already knew that Wang Tianmu had been released, just like As Shunsuke Kuike had expected, most people suspected that he had defected to the enemy.

But Mao Chuanxiuhe can't take care of Wang Tianmu's affairs for the time being, because someone burned the Japanese army's grain depot and cotton warehouse in Tianjin, causing the devils a lot of losses. He is cooperating with the special high school to track down the arsonist.

"Fifth brother, did you guys do the burning grain depot and cotton warehouse?" Qi Rui asked Zeng Che the third time he saw him,

"We didn't do this thing, it was done by the Anti-Japanese Murder Squad." Zeng Che said truthfully,
"Are you the head of the rape group?"

"Although I am the team leader, I am only responsible for training and providing them with some activity funds. I rarely give them tasks."

"Fifth brother, I might stay in Tianjin for a while, what do I need to do?"

"No need, just be your Shunsuke Kuchi, but let me remind you that the people who resist the regiment are likely to assassinate you! Be careful."

"Don't let them kill me. I have many experts around me, and the Japanese know my strength very well. I can't let them go." Qi Rui said quickly,
"I will remind them, but if someone assassinates you, please let them go if you can. They are all good boys." Zeng Che said,
"I try my best!"

Shen Xilin of Donghua Yangxing received the first batch of goods shipped from Shanghai. The price given by Toshisuke Kuike was very suitable, and the handover was also very regular. He seemed to be a serious businessman.


"Call me Mr. Jiuchi! Because we had a great time working together, didn't we?" Qi Rui said to Shen Xilin with a smile,

Shen Xilin also smiled and said: "It is indeed very pleasant, Mr. Jiuchi, there will be a dinner at the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce tomorrow night, and I invite you to come. I will introduce you to some good friends in business!"

"I also hope to meet Shen Jun's friends, I will definitely be there tomorrow night!"

(End of this chapter)

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