Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 363 Little hero against the regiment!

Chapter 363 Little hero against the regiment!
Tianjin is a very important material transfer station for the Japanese North China Dispatch Army. A large warehouse at Tianjin South Station was burned more than a month ago, and all kinds of materials piled up like a mountain were burned to nothing. Kawaguchi Kenjiro, who was in charge of warehouse security, committed seppuku on the spot and apologized. .

So far, the arsonist has not been found. In the past two days, there have been arson explosions in Guangming Cinema, Cathay Cinema, Zhongyuan Department Store and East Asia Bookstore.

Qi Rui is getting acquainted with the new ability at the moment, the lip language specialization ability obtained by completing the task of saving Wang Tianmu, this ability has undoubtedly greatly enhanced Qi Rui's spy warfare ability, because no matter how far away, as long as he can see the other party talking, he will know him What is said.

"Boss! Curator Mao Chuan and Section Chief Sato invite you to go to the Special Advanced Class." Tang Rui reported,
"Did you say something?" Qi Rui asked,


"It must be the cases in the newspapers. Come on! Go and see."

It was the first time for Qi Rui to go to the special high-level class of Tianjin Military Police Headquarters. He came to the meeting room and was present with four Japanese military officers.

After the introduction, Shigekawa Hidekazu said: "Hiuchi-kun, I heard that you are an expert on traces, please help us look at these cases."

"Arson case?" Qi Rui looked at the file and asked,
"There are not only arson cases, but also assassination cases. We suspect that these people did it too."

"Is all the information here?"

"The important information is here!" Said Section Chief Sato,
"Give me the unimportant information, too."

A military officer gave the information to Shunsuke Kuike, and several people waited patiently for him to read it. Hidekazu Mokawa asked, "Kunichi Kuchi, what can you see?"

"Mr. Maochuan, I'm not very familiar with the situation in Tianjin, so I dare not speak falsely based on these photos and information." Qi Rui knew that it was all done by the anti-group people, and it seems that the devils still don't know their existence.

"Hisaki-kun, aren't these photos from the scene okay?"

"These are the scenes after the burning, and any traces are basically destroyed. I really can't see anything."

"Mr. Kuike, we think this is the work of a military agent!" Said Section Chief Sato,
"Section Chief Sato, I often fight against people in the military command, they probably wouldn't do such a thing." Qi Rui said,
"Hiuchi-kun is right, and I feel the same way. Why would the military commander's agents burn down movie theaters, bookstores and department stores? I think it's more like the people who hate us did it!" said Shigekawa Hidekazu.

"Mr. Maochuan is right. I read the information that the movie theater was showing insulting films at that time, and the bookstore was also selling some science books printed by our Empire of Japan. The Zhongyuan Department Store was opened by us Japanese, and they sold some Japanese products, so any person or organization that hates Japan is possible."

"But it also used explosives!"

"So, these people are not ordinary people, they may be some civilian armed forces or anti-Japanese organizations, maybe they don't have the ability to act as military spies." Qi Rui said,
"What about the assassinations?"

"Assassination cases are very similar to the style of military commanders, so these cases should be treated separately."

"Jiuchi-kun, you have also worked in the special high school, can you help us solve the case?" Sato asked,

"I can only say my best."

"Hiuchi-kun! Please help us with all your strength!" Mokawa Hidekazu begged,

"Maochuan-kun, since I'm doing my best, I'll take a look at these materials again."

Qi Rui spent a day and a half pretending to study the case in the super high class, and then was invited to Dengyinglou restaurant to attend the dinner of the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce. Now is the most active period of the anti-group, and the dinner this time is basically As a traitor, Qi Rui guessed that the anti-group would not miss this opportunity to assassinate.

So when he was about to climb to Yinglou, Qi Rui asked Tang Rui to slow down the car. He observed the surrounding situation and tried his lip language skills.

Looking at it this way, he really found something. Qi Rui saw five murderous people at the entrance of the alley opposite Dengying Tower. The oldest of them was in his early 20s, and the youngest was probably seventeen or eighteen years old. Most of the members are college and middle school students, so Qi Rui concluded that the five are all little heroes against the regiment.

Who are they trying to kill?It can't be me!
Qi Rui knew that they were very well-informed, and they might have known about his coming to this dinner party. Didn't Zeng Che tell them?

Qi Rui asked Tang Rui to park the car on the side of the road first. He was staring at the mouths of the five little heroes when he saw a person saying: "Team leader, Liu Wenhui's car is here!"

Who is Liu Wenhui?Qi Rui really didn't know that the target of the anti-group should be a traitor. Qi Rui quickly looked around and saw a car passing by and stopped in front of Dengyinglou. At this time, the two teenagers had already walked towards car.

I wipe!Don't do anything in front of me!Tang Rui followed Qi Rui, and it would not be difficult to leave two people who resisted the regiment with their strength, but Qi Rui definitely couldn't do that.

Qi Rui watched as the two teenagers drew their guns and fired six shots at Liu Wenhui before turning around and running away.

Seeing this, Tang Rui immediately drew his gun and asked, "Boss! Do you want to live or die?"

"Put the gun away!" Qi Rui ordered,

"Boss, don't we care?"

"Of course, follow them and see who they are, remember! Don't disturb them, don't tell anyone about this, go!" Qi Rui got out of the car after finishing speaking,
Tang Rui chased after him in his car, and Qi Rui came to the gate of Dengyinglou. At this time, Shen Xilin and a few others heard the gunshots and ran out.

"Jiuchi-kun, are you alright?" Shen Xilin asked with concern when seeing Shunsuke Jiuchi,

"I'm fine, who is this deceased?"

"It's Liu Wenhui, the new president of the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce."

"New! Where's the previous president?"

"President Wang Zhulin was killed in the same way before, and President Liu was killed again in less than two months. Tianjin is too unsafe, Mr. Jiuchi, come in with me."

"Can the banquet continue like this?"

"Even if we can't continue, I, Shen Xilin, can't let Mr. Jiuchi come here for nothing. Dengyinglou is a famous restaurant in Tianjin. I'll treat you to a drink to calm the shock."

"Then thank you Shen Jun." Qi Rui glanced at the corpse on the ground. The two little heroes fired a total of six shots, all of which were hit. Two of them hit vital parts and Liu Wenhui died on the spot.

Not long after Qi Rui and Shen Xilin entered the hotel, Sato arrived with people from the Special High School and the Gendarmerie. After he inspected the scene, he brought people into the hotel.

"Curator Kuike, why are you here?!" Sato asked in astonishment,
"Today the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce is hosting a dinner here, and I was invited by Boss Shen."

"Curator Kuike..."

"Section Chief Sato, you'd better take the people back first, and wait for me to talk about anything." After finishing speaking, Qi Rui gave him a look, which meant to let him go first,

Sato thought that Shunsuke Jiuchi had discovered something, so he immediately took Liu Wenhui's body away with someone, and left a team here in Dengyinglou just in case.

(End of this chapter)

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