Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 364 Discovery of Anti-Group Stronghold

Chapter 364 Discovery of Anti-Group Stronghold
The other people who attended the dinner party were scared away. There were only two guests in Dengyinglou, Shunfu Jiuchi and Shen Xilin. The two of them did not drink alcohol. They would keep their heads clear at all times.
"Where did Jiuchi-kun's driver go?" Shen Xilin asked,
"When I came here just now, two people shot and killed Chairman Liu."

"The driver went after the killer?"

"I remembered, Shen Jun is still a member of the special committee."

"Jiuchi-kun, do you want me to find someone to help?" Shen Xilin also knew that the assassination was done by the anti-group, and he was very worried, because he knew very well that Shunsuke Jiuchi was not a good person.

"Shen Jun, I don't know the outcome of this matter, just wait and see."

"Kuichi-kun, don't get me wrong, I just want to help you.",

"Of course I know, I hope my driver can find these people's dens and see who they are!"

"Jiuchi-kun has only one driver, are you not afraid that something will happen to him?"

"Haha, he will be fine with one against ten, Shen Jun, don't worry." Qi Rui is really looking forward to something happening to Tang Rui, as long as he doesn't die, because there is still a task to transform them. Done.

While the two were talking, they saw a fat man coming outside. Seeing Shen Xilin sitting down, he glanced at Shunfu Kuchi and asked Shen Xilin, "What's the matter with Chairman Liu?"

Shen Xilin said dissatisfiedly: "Director Pan, you came too slowly!"

"Tell me what's going on!"

"I don't know what's going on. When I went out, the shooter had already disappeared, and Liu Wenhui was dead."

"Who is this?"

"This is Major Shunsuke Kuchi! The curator of the Jiuchi Mansion in Shanghai, and a friend of Chief Mao Chuan!" Shen Xilin said to Shunsuke Kuchi after the introduction: "Jiuchi-kun, this is Director Pan Zhicheng and Pan of the Secret Service Committee. "

"So it's Chief Jiuchi! Long time! Long time!" Pan Zhicheng quickly stood up and bowed,
Qi Rui ignored Pan Zhicheng, and said to Shen Xilin: "Mr. Shen! Let's stop here today, let's make an appointment another day!"

"Jiuchi-kun, eat some more! This dish is not ready yet."

"No, I still have to go to the special high school. This Director Pan seems to have something very urgent to ask you, so I will leave first."

Shen Xilin and Pan Zhicheng sent Jiuchi Shunfu outside the Dengying Tower, and said, "Jiuchi-san, your driver hasn't come back yet, I'll take you to the special high school."

"No need! I can just call a rickshaw! Goodbye! Shen Jun." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he beckoned a rickshaw and left without looking back.

Pan Zhicheng watched the rickshaw go away, and then asked Shen Xilin, "This Shunsuke Kuchi is really arrogant!"

"When did you come back from Peking?"

"Just after I came back, I heard that President Liu was killed again before I had a sip of hot water. Don't you have any clues about who did it?" Pan Zhicheng asked.
"I really didn't find anything." After Shen Xilin finished speaking, he turned around and was about to go back to Dengying Tower. At this time, a car sped up and stopped at the door.
Tang Rui got out of the car and asked, "Boss Shen, where is my boss?"

"Oh! He's gone to a special high school class." Shen Xilin had met Tang Rui. If Pan Zhicheng hadn't been by his side, he might have taken action to kill him, because he was also worried that the people who resisted the regiment would be discovered.

Shen Xilin is so nervous because some of the anti-resistance groups with nearly a hundred members are our party's key training and development targets.

Tang Rui drove away, and Shen Xilin was not in the mood to eat and said to Pan Zhicheng: "The food on the table has not been touched, you and your brothers can enjoy it, I will leave first."

The traitor Pan Zhicheng is a foodie. When he saw Shen Xilin leaving, he really sat down and started eating. When he had eaten enough, he called his subordinates to eat what was left of him.

Qi Rui came to the super high class Sato and Mochuan Hidekazu were waiting for him.

"Hiuchi-kun! You are back, did you see the gunman?" Mokawa Hidekazu asked urgently,

"Yes, I saw the profiles of the two gunmen. They fired six shots at Liu Wenhui and then quickly retreated. This is the method of the military special agents." Qi Rui said,
"Didn't see the face clearly?"

"I really don't see it clearly. Judging from the side faces, the two killers are both in their 20s and very young."

"Why don't you chase them with Kuike-kun's skills?" Mokawa Hidekazu asked,

"At that time, my car was far away, and it was too late. Mr. Maochuan, don't worry, I have already asked my men to follow!"

As soon as the words fell, a military police came to report that there was a man outside the door who claimed to be Uchiha Yuu and was looking for Major Kuchi Shunsuke.

"Bring him in quickly! Quick!" Sato ordered,

Tang Rui was brought to the office. Qi Rui first saw Tang Rui's facial expression recognition, and then asked, "Have you followed?"

"No, the two of them ran to the opposite side of Dengyinglou and rode their bicycles into an alley. It was inconvenient for me to drive, so I got out of the car and chased after them. I chased about four or five alleys, but because I was not familiar with the roads, I still followed lost."

"You said they ran on bicycles?" Mochuan Hidekazu asked,


"Did you see their faces clearly?"

"Report, it was almost dark at that time, and even if there were street lights in the alley, it was very dim. I didn't see their faces."

"Mr. Maochuan, they are military killers, that's right!"

"Kuichi-kun so sure?"

"The two killers are professionally trained. They are by no means an ordinary anti-Japanese organization. Moreover, they evacuated very quickly. They left quickly on bicycles in a dark alley, which proves that they have already designed the evacuation route. Look, and they are very Familiar with the terrain, otherwise Uchiha Yu's strength and they can't escape." Qi Rui said,
"what a shame!"

"Section Chief Sato, what you should do now is to immediately send the military police to search for the young man riding a bicycle!" Qi Rui said,
"Yes! Please also draw the evacuation route of the two killers, I will send someone to search immediately."

Tang Rui marked the evacuation routes of the two killers on the map as required, and Qi Rui said: "Mr. Maochuan, I have said everything that needs to be said. I have something to say, so I will leave first!"

Tang Rui drove out of the courtyard of the extra-high school and said, "Boss! Are you going?"

"Didn't they find you?" Qi Rui asked,


This was expected by Qi Rui, because Tang Rui's ability far surpassed the little heroes who resisted the regiment.

Tang Rui drove to the Far East Hotel in the French Concession. Yes, there is also a Far East Hotel in Tianjin, and it was opened by members of the anti-group. The background of this restaurant is quite strong, and it is basically safe to come here.

"Have they entered this restaurant?"

"Yes! All five people have entered this restaurant!"

"A total of five people!?"

"Yes, there are five in total! All of them are about 20 years old."

"Tang Rui! You did a great job, and I will credit you with a great achievement!"

"Boss, such a high-end restaurant is actually their stronghold. These people are not easy."

"That's true, that's why we have to investigate!"

(End of this chapter)

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