Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 366 Curator Kuike is very romantic!

Chapter 366 Curator Kuike is very romantic!

Qi Rui purchased a batch of northern specialties from Shen Xilin for shipment. He deliberately left Comrade Shen with the impression of business rules. Can also play a protective role.

Kohinata Bailang and several subordinates left with Shunsuke Kuike, each of them was carrying a heavy big box, these were the belongings that Kohinata had earned over the years, and Qi Rui had long been aware of these belongings. I made a plan, otherwise I wouldn't have taken him to Shanghai.

On February 27th, [-], when Qi Rui returned to Shanghai, Zhuang Xiaoman hired a motorcade and waited at the pier, and Song Jian also lined up to welcome him.

"Jiuchi-kun! You're back!" Zhuang Xiaoman flung herself into her arms flirtatiously, as if she was afraid that others would not know that she was Shunsuke Jiuchi's lover.

"My beauty Zhuang! I'll come to you when I'm done here." Qi Rui said proudly,

And during this brief contact, Qi Rui already knew from Zhuang Xiaoman's secret words that she had something urgent to see.

Zhuang Xiaoman swayed her charming figure to direct the hired people to load the northern specialties that Qi Rui brought back into the car.

Xiao Hinata smiled and said to Bai Lang: "Curator Jiuchi is very romantic!"

Qi Rui laughed softly: "Mr. Xiao Hinata, Chinese women are also our targets!"

"Hahaha..." Xiao Hinata laughed in agreement with Bai Lang,
"By the way, Mr. Kohinata, do you have any acquaintances in Shanghai?"

"Curator Hisaichi, please take care of me when I come to Shanghai!"

Qi Rui took out a bunch of keys and said: "Mr. Kohinata, this is the key to my small building in the French Concession. You can take someone to live in it first. I will take you to see President Shigeharu Matsumoto tomorrow." Let's see what he has arranged for us."

Xiao Hinata took the key from Bai Lang, quickly handed Shunsuke Kuchi a small box, and said, "I said that I would definitely thank Director Kuchi, so please accept it!"

"Mr. Kohinata is too polite, you gave me 100 people and I haven't thanked you yet!"

"Curator Jiuchi, since these 100 people followed you, they told me that they have nothing to do with me. Besides, you are doing me a favor by taking them in. Please don't be polite to me, Director Jiuchi! Accept my offer Make up your mind!"

"Then I won't be polite!" Qi Rui glanced at Song Jian who was at the side, and he quickly helped to take the box.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian to drive Xiao Hinata and his people away first, and asked Tang Rui, Yi Yuxian, and Mending Yamato to take the others back to the Jiuchi Mansion. There were a hundred more operatives, and the strength of the Jiuchi Mansion They are about to catch up with the extra high school.

Qi Rui drove home alone, hugged Fu Yingxue who had been waiting for him to return, and kissed her enough, then asked, "Where's Miss Chunzi?"

"Junko Muto goes out to visit in disguise every day. She is really kind, because I cried several times when I saw her sorting out her notes." Fu Yingxue peeked at the notes written by Junko Fujiwara, and all of them were written by Chinese people. There is also the shameful atrocities committed by the Japanese army in China.

"Isn't it dangerous for her to go out alone?"

"Don't worry, I asked Song Jian to send someone to protect her secretly."

"That's good, did anything happen in Shanghai while I was away?"

"It must have happened. Seven days ago, the military special agent failed to assassinate Fu Xiaoan. It seems that the loss was huge. I also heard from Brother Tang Ling that Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian were ordered to leave Shanghai. You have to ask Zhuang Xiaoman where they went. gone."

"At the pier, Zhuang Xiaoman gave me a signal to meet up. It seems that something is really going on."

"There seems to be a big change in the military command Shanghai station."

Qi Rui knew that the poisonous bee king Tianfeng had left, and now the stationmaster of Shanghai station was Chen Gongshu. This stationmaster Chen was one of the four major killers of the military command. His behavior must be very different from Wang Tianfeng.

"Miss Jiaying, how are you?"

"South Railway seems to have made some changes, but it didn't affect Sister Jiaying."

"Xue'er, I'm going to see Zhuang Xiaoman and come back for dinner tonight."

Qi Rui drove directly to Zhuang Xiaoman's house, and this beautiful woman was already waiting for him at the door.

Zhuang Xiaoman hung on Qi Rui again like a sloth, and said coquettishly, "Ninth Brother! Do you miss me?"

Qi Rui hugged her to the sofa and sat down, and said with a smile: "How can you, little fairy, not be missed by others!"

Zhuang Xiaoman pecked Qi Rui's face and said with a smile, "I'm only going to be Brother Nine's goblin!"

"Tell me if there is anything important."

"Brother Jiu, Jellyfish and Muyu left Shanghai under the orders of the boss. I don't know where they went, but they will come back after a while."

"Song Mian is still there?"

"He and Tan Lin are still here."

"What did Chen Gongshu do?"

"Brother Nine, the boss called and said that no matter what he did, he would not let us get involved. Now the Hurricane team is under his command. A few days ago they went to assassinate the false mayor Fu Xiaoan. I heard that the Hurricane team and Shanghai Station lost a few people. "

"Hurricane under his command?"

"Yes, it should be that Chen Gongshu has a lot of targets to assassinate, and the boss is also worried about affecting Brother Jiu, so he doesn't let us get involved."

"Chen Gongshu doesn't know you either?"

"I don't know. Feng Manna is now in charge of the Shanghai station. Ninth brother, the boss also told you not to show up as a murderer for the time being. It's best not to contact the Hurricane team."

"Okay, I got it!" Qi Rui stood up after finishing speaking,

Zhuang Xiaoman asked pitifully, "Ninth Brother, are you leaving now?"

"Xiaoman, I will come to accompany you the night after tomorrow. I have a lot to deal with in these two days." Qi Rui comforted Zhuang Xiaoman with a soft kiss on the cheek after speaking,

Zhuang Xiaoman immediately smiled and said, "Ninth Brother, I'll cook something delicious for you the night after tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Zhuang Xiaoman is now one of his most capable assistants, and she is utterly devoted to him, and he still has to give her the warmth that should be given to her. Qi Rui still understands this very well.

Qi Rui drove to Shenghui car dealership. Tang Ling also waited for him to come and didn't go anywhere, and said, "Boss, Wen Qian said that he has a mission and needs to leave for a while."

"Brother Tang, I already know about this matter, I'm here to tell you something..."

Qi Rui had already planned the 100 people brought back from Tianjin. As the curator of Jiuchi Mansion, he would arrange for [-] people to come to the car dealership and Tang Ling would take them with him.

"Brother Tang, you assign these [-] people to Rongxiang and Shenghui car dealers. If there are not enough rickshaws, you can buy more. I will ask them to report to you every day. Call me if something really happens, and you can handle it yourself."

The purpose of distributing some people in the car dealership is to make the Japanese feel that they have a plan, and they can rest assured that they are handed over to Tang Ling Qi Rui.

"Boss, the organization has sent some comrades over during this time, and they are now under the responsibility of Uncle Li. Now that Uncle Li's work has been fully launched, the organization still wants me to contact Uncle Li. If there is a situation, you can notice me."

When Tang Ling said that there was a situation, he meant danger. Qi Rui himself and Fu Yingxue would not contact Uncle Li directly, so if there was any action on the Japanese side, Tang Ling would contact and inform Uncle Li.

(End of this chapter)

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