Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 367 Looting Kohinata Shiro

Chapter 367 Looting Kohinata Shiro

When Qi Rui saw Junko Muto again, the sweet and carefree smile on the face of the first meeting was no longer there. Shio Muto's death and the truth of the war that she learned recently made her grow up a lot.

Junko Muto locked herself in the room after a few mouthfuls of food, and never came out again. She seemed to be deliberately avoiding Shunsuke Kuike.

Junzi's behavior was normal, Qi Rui didn't want to persuade her, because time is the best cure, and she couldn't care less about her, because Xiao Biesheng was newly married, Qi Rui fell in love with Fu Yingxue for more than three hours after the mandarin duck bath just fell asleep.

The next day, Qi Rui drove to the extra-high school with some gifts. Mieko Sakai and Yunko Takeuchi complained: "Mr. Jiuchi, you came back yesterday and came to see us today. We are very sad."

"I know I was wrong, the two beauties, please forgive me!" Qi Rui said and stuffed the gift into the hands of the two.

Sakai Mieko congratulated: "Jiuchi-kun, we have all heard about your deeds in Tianjin. You are really amazing. You actually caught Wang Tianmu, one of the four major killers of the military command, and you used such a brilliant move. Even Colonel Tanaka praised him."

"Section Chief Sakai is talking about alienation?"

"That's right, our people in Chongqing reported that your divorce strategy is very good. Wang Tianmu was imprisoned by Dai as soon as he arrived in Chongqing. It is said that he has been interrogated for two days. As long as he survives, he will be released. I think he will definitely surrender to our imperial army!" Mieko Sakai said,

"That's really great. This is what I want. Only when people of Wang Tianmu's level surrender sincerely can we get everything he has mastered!" Qi Rui clapped his hands and said,
"Jiuchi-kun, I heard that you brought back a hundred Manchurian bandits as your subordinates?" Yunzi Takeuchi asked.

"Yes, they were all given to me by Mr. Xiao Hinata Bailang."

"Kuichi-kun is getting more and more powerful, you should take us in when we have nowhere to go in the future." Sakai Mieko said enviously,
"Section Chief Sakai is joking! If you have nowhere to go, then go to the Sakai Mansion!"

"Don't be joking, I have never heard of a woman setting up an independent intelligence agency!"

"Section Chief Sakai is a heroine, anything is possible."

"Okay, I'm not joking with you anymore, Mr. Jiuchi, is there any news about the military command recently?"

"Shanghai's military command should have changed. I should get news in the next two days, and I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Jiuchi-kun, when you're not busy, I'll treat you to dinner!"

"How can you let the beauty spend money! Let me invite you, by the way, how about the Secret Service Headquarters?"

"It's still the same."

"Then I won't disturb your work, let's go first."

It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that Qi Rui took Xiao Hinata Bailang to see Shigeharu Matsumoto.

"Mr. Kohinata, this is the first time that Major Kuchi praised a person in front of me! I have heard your legendary story a long time ago, and you are an amazing person." Matsumoto Shigeharu said,
"Thank you, President Matsumoto, for your praise. I am eager to serve the empire, and I hope to get more opportunities!"

"There will be. You should familiarize yourself with Shanghai first. Later, I will discuss your affairs with Colonel Yingzuo."

"Thank you, President Matsumoto!" Shiro Kohinata also knew that Matsumoto Shigeharu was Prime Minister Fumma Konoe's spokesperson in China, and a word he said would definitely work, so his comeback seemed hopeful.

Qi Rui served as the host and invited them to dinner at the most famous Japanese food shop. Matsumoto Shigeharu was very happy to call Kagesa Haruaki, and Kohinata Shiro was extremely grateful to Kuike Shunsuke.

"Little Hinata, I also know your ability, and I have a mission for you." Kagesa Haruaki said,
Xiaori quickly stood up to Bai Lang and bowed deeply: "This subordinate must do his best!"

"You set up an intelligence agency under Shang Xudong's name, and the task is to keep an eye on the Chinese in the Secret Service Headquarters! Do you know why you were asked to do this?"

"Let's ask Yingzuo Dazuo to clarify the confusion!"

"We all know that the Chinese cannot be of the same mind as us. They are cunning and fickle. Today they swear to die for you, and tomorrow they may shoot you in the back. You know them better. , In addition, you are still the elder of the Qing Gang, I believe you will not let us down." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"Hai! This subordinate will definitely live up to expectations!" Kohinata Bailang was excited. Don't look at Kagesa Haruka as just the chief, but he and Matsumoto Shigeharu are big shots, they don't talk nonsense, let themselves set up an independent intelligence agency Organization, isn't that the same status as Shunsuke Kuike.

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi, you performed very well in this trip to Tianjin. I got news that there has been a rift between Wang Tianmu and Dai. Even if Wang Tianmu is released, he will not be reused again. Your goal is likely to be achieved, Jiuchi ! What are you going to do next?"

"I would also like to ask Mr. Yingzuo to give some advice." Qi Rui said modestly.

"You must have a plan. I won't talk nonsense. Just do it according to your own ideas. I'm waiting for your good news."


The meal was very enjoyable. After the meal, Qi Rui invited Xiao Hinata Bailang to take a bath in the hot spring owned by Japanese expatriates. The still very excited Xiao Hinata Bailang talked with Hisaike Shunsuke about future cooperation.

When Xiaori Xiang Bailang returned home, he found no one came to greet him. He yelled a few times but there was no response. When he entered the small building, he found two attendants lying on the living room floor. They were all thrown with knives Kohinata still has the ability to survey the scene, and he is also very familiar with the hidden weapons of the Chinese.

Xiao Hinata Bailang felt bad, he ran to the basement where his belongings were stored, and all the boxes he brought disappeared.

"Hey! Mr. Jiuchi, can you bring someone to me this trip? All my followers have been killed and all the things I brought are gone!"

"Mr. Xiao Hinata, pay attention to your own safety! I'll be there soon!" Qi Rui immediately called Jiuchi Mansion and asked Tang Rui and Song Jian to take someone to find Xiao Hinata, and he also drove there.

Complete the D difficulty level task and get a skill gift bag.

Qi Rui happily opened the skill pack while driving, and what he got was the primary blind instinct.

"What's the use of this ability?" Qi Rui was a little puzzled, what is the instinct of a blind person, to distinguish the position by listening to the sound?Excellent hearing?Qi Rui tried it and didn't feel anything.

Qi Rui had already arranged it. In Tianjin, he used Xiao Hinata Bailang's radio station to send a report to the No. [-] special agent team, asking them to loot Xiao Hinata Bailang's property. The people who followed Xiao Hinata were all Chinese, but they Xiao Hinata is very loyal to that.

If Kohinata establishes the Shang Mansion, these followers must be the main force. Qi Rui will not only rob him, but also cut off his left and right hands.

(End of this chapter)

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