Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 378 No. 76

Chapter 378 No. 76
Qi Rui went to meet Keiko Hansai in person, and the news she found was basically the same as what Zheng Yaoxian said, which proved that the Military Control Bureau was acting according to the plan.

"So although Wang Tianmu can move freely now, but someone is secretly watching him?" Qi Rui asked,


"Has he noticed that someone is following him?"

"It doesn't matter even if he doesn't know, we just need to do a little bit of tricks and he will know." Keiko Sakanishi said,
"I'll ask the people from the Military Control Bureau to find out how many people are staring at Wang Tianmu, because we will find a chance to do it in the past two days."

"Jiuchi Shaozuo, what if Wang Tianmu doesn't follow?"

"Even if we tie him up, we have to kidnap him!" Qi Rui said after thinking for a while and said, "Miss Huizi, I only have three people here, and there may not be enough manpower. Can you take your two people together?"

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi, our mission in Chongqing is to investigate the Killing God, Judges and Poisonous Bee, but we have found nothing now."

"I did find out some of this. The poisonous bee's name is Wang Tianfeng, and he is now the colonel and deputy director of the Military Control Bureau."

"Is he not in Shanghai?"

"Chen Gongshu, one of the four major killers of the military command, is now the station chief of the military command Shanghai station, and Wang Tianfeng has been transferred back."

"But I know the director of the Military Control Bureau, why haven't I heard of this Wang Tianfeng?"

"He is the deputy director. He should not be in Chongqing right now."

"Major Kuike, do you have any information about the judges?"

"The Judgment Team is made up of two people. The code names are Jellyfish and Muyu. I don't know their real names. I heard that because of their outstanding achievements, Dai set up a jellyfish assassination team. The team leader is Jellyfish, who is also the number one killer in the team. The second killer is Muyu, and the others still need to be investigated. As for Killing God, I have no information, this person is too mysterious, I heard that only Dai knows who he is."

"According to what Mr. Kuchi said, the group has expanded into the jellyfish assassination group! Is there any big action for them recently?" Keiko Hanxi asked nervously,
"It is very possible that there will not be more than ten members in my analysis jellyfish assassination team, but the other team members must also be masters in action, otherwise they will not be able to cooperate with jellyfish and herding fish at all."

"This news is really important, Major Jiuchi, what is your current position in the Military Control Bureau?"

"Two of my subordinates in the Military Command Bureau are captains, but they haven't been reused yet. They are trying to climb up. By the way, you should also contact the insiders of the Military Command Bureau, right?" Qi Rui, the three twins I only said two things, Qiao Yu is always in a dormant state,
"I'm only in contact with an internal staff, and I can't compare with the two subordinates of Major Kuike, so it seems that we are redundant here!" Said Keiko Sakanishi,
"Miss Huizi, I also feel the same way, so you should go back to Shanghai with me, and leave the affairs of the Military Control Bureau to my two subordinates."

"It's a pity, I spent a lot of money for this." Keiko Hanxi said distressedly,

"When Mei Huizi told me about you, you were already on your way to Chongqing. If you can bring Wang Tianmu back to Shanghai this time, Miss Huizi, I will definitely give credit to you."

"Thank you, Major Jiuchi, we will go back to Shanghai with you."

"Then you are ready to wait for my news, we may act at any time."

After Qi Rui made an appointment with Keiko Hansai, he asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to go back to the hotel to rest and stop staring at him. He called Zheng Yaoxian to make an appointment, explained his plan in detail and asked, "Sixth brother, what is the plan?" is that OK?"

"Okay, no problem, you ask Zheng Guoan and the others to help you obtain military secret service documents, and they are also capable of obtaining military vehicles. Then you will go all the way north to Yueyang."

"Okay, I'll arrange it then."

"Xiao Jiu, wait for me in Shanghai, and I will go to you guys after my affairs are over." Zheng Yaoxian didn't like to stay in the rear, he wanted to wait for Qi Rui's side to leave, and he asked for his order to go. In Shanghai, the enemy's rear is his battlefield.

Of course it would be great to cooperate with Sixth Brother, Qi Rui stood up and hugged Zheng Yaoxian and said, "Sixth Brother, I'll wait for you!"

Qi Rui explained the task to Zheng Guoan and Shen Hongkai, asking them to get some secret service certificates and passes. Zheng Yaoxian and Xu Baichuan will create opportunities for them. It is not difficult to get a military vehicle in Chongqing.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to stare at Wang Tianmu, who was drinking heavily all day long. After Shen Hongkai and Zheng Guoan got the documents, pass and car, he immediately notified Hanxi Keiko.

On the night of March 26, the two secret whistles watching Wang Tianmu did not show up, but Wang Tianmu was so drunk that he got into the car and left Chongqing overnight.

"Why is no one staring at him today?" Sakani Keiko asked,

"For the past few days after he was released, Wang Tianmu drank too much alcohol every day, and he was very drunk every day. It should be a waste of manpower to stare at him at the Military Command Bureau." Take them away, if there is someone following them, they must be killed.

With the special agent certificate and pass of the Military Unification Bureau in his hand, he drove a military vehicle. After leaving Chongqing, the journey went very smoothly. Several people took turns driving non-stop for two nights and two days to arrive at Yueyang, where the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army was stationed.

Shunsuke Hisaike used the military radio of the Sixth Division to send a telegram to Kagesa Haraaki, and Shiro Inaba, the head of the Sixth Division, personally sent them on the plane to Wuhan.

On April [-], [-], Qi Rui and the others finally arrived in Shanghai. After they got off the train, they sent Wang Tianmu directly to Meiguan, which was also Yingzuo Zhenzhao's request.

"Wang Sang! Hello, I'm Yingzuo Zhenzhao. I'm so happy to see you!" This Wang Tianmu is more valuable than many Chinese who have surrendered now. Yingzuo Zhenzhao warmly welcomes him.

"I haven't promised to do things for you yet!" Wang Tianmu snorted coldly, he didn't say much all the way, Qi Rui and Hanxi Keiko also took turns to persuade him.

"Wang Sang, look what these are." Yingzuo Zhenzhao placed some newspapers and arrest warrants in front of Wang Tianmu,
After Wang Tianmu read it, he sighed and closed his eyes in pain, because the newspaper had already said that he was a traitor, and both the military commander and the central commander had ordered him to be hunted down.

"Wang Sang, you can only cooperate with us now."

"Director Yingzuo, I can't help you now, because Boss Dai has suspected me for a long time, and he has adjusted everything I know."

"Wang Sang, these are small things. What we want is someone like you, Wang Sang. How about this? You are tired too, so take a rest first."

Yingzuo Zhenzhao sent someone to take Wang Tianmu down to rest, and he held Jiuchi Shunsuke's hand and praised: "Jiuchi Shaozuo! This estrangement is very good."

"How does Director Ying Zuo plan to arrange him?" Qi Rui asked,

"Let him go to No. 76 first!"

"number 76?"

"Oh! Secret Service Headquarters has moved to 76 Jisfell Road."

(End of this chapter)

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