Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 379 The Unstoppable Jinhe Plan

Chapter 379 The Unstoppable Golden Lily Project
Even though Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun were killed, they still failed to prevent the emergence of Moku No. 76. Tang Huimin is now the director of the Secret Service Headquarters, Bi Zhongliang is the section chief, Liang Zhongchun and Wang Manchun are still section chiefs, but they have more people under their command Not a lot.

"Director Yingzuo, you want Wang Tianmu to be the director of the Secret Service Headquarters?"

"Yes, Tang Huimin has other things to do. Wang Tianmu is very familiar with the military command organizations in Pingjin, North China. Even if Dai makes adjustments, as long as he wants to do it, he will definitely find a way. Besides, we reuse him to show other people in the military command."

"Will Bi Zhongliang and his elders have any objections to being the director right from the start?"

"Being him a director is to make him feel how much we value him, because this matter was originally planned by you, and you have to supervise and cooperate more with his work, Shao Zuo Jiuchi, as long as Wang Tianmu's achievements are made. It's your credit, and you should be promoted as an agency chief!" Yingzuo Zhenzhao encouraged,


"Jiuchi, I heard that the twins lurking in the military command played a role this time?" Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked,

"Yes, if it weren't for them to assist us this time, it wouldn't be so smooth."

"Tell me about the jellyfish killer team."

"Director Yingzuo, we don't know much, but according to my analysis, the jellyfish killer team is also directed by Dai himself."

"Aren't they commanded by God of Death?"

"This killer team is mainly based on jellyfish and supplemented by herding fish. If it is under the command of the Killing God, it should be called the Killing God's Assassination Team." Qi Rui said,
"There is some truth to what you said."

"However, because the Judgment Group and the Killing God often cooperated before, I think they may continue to cooperate in the future, but this Killing God is too mysterious, and Gemini has no news about him." Qi Rui continued,
"Major Kuchi, I think the commander of the killing god may be some Japanese experts. Don't forget that the kidnapping incident of the tourist group has not been solved. We haven't found any of those Japanese experts. I'm afraid there are a lot of accurate information from our side before. They obtained it through various means.”

"Is there no clue in the intelligence department of the dispatched army?" Qi Rui asked,

"The intelligence department has thoroughly investigated all the internal organs, even the staff department, but no suspicious person has been found, which further proves how terrifying these people are, so! Major Jiuchi, you also need to Continue to investigate this case, and we must find out this killer and those Japanese experts! Keiko Hansai, Keigo Nakai and Shotaro Maekawa, three old secret agents, go to Hisaike Mansion to assist you first."


In the case of the kidnapping of the tourist group, Shunro Hata worked hard to find no clues, only the assistance of local guerrillas was found, so he carried out several cleanups. any news.

So Hata Toshiroku handed over the task of investigating the case to the intelligence agency, and Kagesa Haruaki not only asked the Hisaike Mansion to investigate the case, but also asked all the intelligence agencies to investigate together.

Qi Rui took the people back to the Kuchi mansion first, but everything in the mansion was as usual. Qi Rui announced that Keiko Hansai was the chief of the special affairs section of the Kuchi mansion, and she was in charge of the black dragon club. Chinese.

After Qi Rui made arrangements, he drove directly to Huimin Pharmacy, where Chen Jiaying and Fu Yingxue were basically here during the day.

In front of Sister Jiaying, Qi Rui couldn't get too close to Fu Yingxue, and asked, "Sister Jiayin, is there any news from you recently?"

Chen Jiaying took some deciphered telegrams and said: "Qi Rui, according to my intelligence analysis during this period, the devils have a huge golden lily plunder plan, which is personally in charge of Prince Yongren of Chichibu Palace. This plan started from the Battle of Nanjing After the fall of Nanjing, the Japanese army looted [-] tons of gold from Nanjing and its surrounding areas, and now this plan is still going on, with trucks and trains transporting all kinds of property, antiques, cultural relics, books and other items to Shanghai every day."

"The organization gave us a mission?" Qi Rui vowed to kill all the Japanese war criminals he could kill since he killed Prince Hatohiko of Asaka Palace. Prince Yongren of Chichibu Palace is also one of the main war criminals.

"It's almost impossible for us to stop the Golden Lily Project. The organization's intention is to protect as much as possible, especially the cultural relics left by our ancestors." Fu Yingxue said.

"Are there details of cultural relics in these telegrams?" Qi Rui asked,

"General items are not detailed, but some valuable and valuable cultural relics will be specially marked, Qi Rui, all property will be stored in the warehouse of the Japanese military dock when it is shipped to Shanghai, so once the things arrive in the warehouse, there is nothing we can do. We can only find a way during the transportation." Chen Jiaying said,

"The organization wants us to cooperate with the martial arts team?" Qi Rui asked,

"The martial arts team is the main force, and the guerrilla team is the supplement." Chen Jiaying said,

"By the way, Qi Rui, the guerrillas in Nanjing, Wuxi and other places have been encircled and suppressed by the Japanese army many times and suffered heavy losses." Fu Yingxue said,

"Where are the guerrillas around Shanghai?"

"I heard the news that the guerrillas around Shanghai were all broken up and hidden among the people, so the loss is not big."

"Sister Jiaying, continue to intercept the devil's telegram, and notify me as soon as there is any new news."

Qi Rui knew about the Golden Lily plan, but before he was powerless to stop it, the entire city was captured, and the lives of people in the city could not be saved, let alone property, but what the organization said made sense, try to protect as much as possible, and it happened that the martial arts team recently There are no tasks, and it is feasible for them to rob Japanese transport vehicles, but how to store and protect the captured items is a problem.

In addition, even if the things arrive at the pier, Qi Rui can’t help it. He has the ability to steal. Qi Rui read Chen Jiaying’s recently deciphered message and remembered the names and delivery dates of some important cultural relics. He plans to find an opportunity to visit the pier warehouse at night. .

Qi Rui left the pharmacy and went to Zhuang Xiaoman's house. So far, she has no news of the jellyfish killer team.

"Xiaoman, do you know Qin Henian?" Qi Rui wanted to change Chi Tiecheng from Qin Zishu,
"I know, but now he has quit the party and is home for the elderly." Zhuang Xiaoman said,

"Does he have a daughter named Qin Zishu?"

"Yes, she is only sixteen or seventeen years old now, why did Brother Nine ask about them?"

"It's okay, just casually asking, how is your side?"

"Brother Jiu, I opened Junfu Foreign Firm, and I'm just waiting for you to come back and open it."

"When I come back to open, do you want to make it more grand?"

"Must, I want to invite merchants, celebrities, tycoons from Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, Shanghai and other places to be present! If we want to do it, we must do it big." Zhuang Xiaoman said.

"Haha, yes, be courageous!" Qi Rui pinched Zhuang Xiaoman's cheek and said with a smile,

Zhuang Xiaoman put both hands on Qi Rui's arm and said happily: "But of course, otherwise, she is not very worthy to be Brother Jiu's woman."

"Are the few people given to you useful?"

"It's easy to use. You can do whatever you're asked to do. It's very disciplined. By the way, Brother Ninth, didn't you say that they are all bandits? You can't tell at all."

"They were all heroes of the Northeast Volunteer Army before, but now they have been brainwashed by the Japanese spies, as long as they are easy to use, let's see if we can transform them slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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