Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 380 It's Time To Investigate You!Shunsuke Kuike!

Chapter 380 It's Time To Investigate You!Shunsuke Kuike!
Keiko Sakanishi was called back to the Mei Agency. Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked her about other achievements in Chongqing. After all, she was a disciple of Rihachiro Sakanishi with rich experience and strong ability. Before leaving, she also saw that she had something to say to her. Say it yourself.

"Miss Keiko, what do you think of Major Kuike's ability?" Kagezuo Shaki asked,
"Director Yingzuo, do you really want Wang Tianmu to be the director of the Secret Service Headquarters?" Keiko Sakani asked back,

"Do you have anything to say?"

"Director Yingzuo, don't you think the matter of Wang Tianmu went too smoothly?"

"Miss Keiko, you are a disciple of General Hannishi, and you have the title of Shanghai Enchantress, feel free to speak your mind."

"Chief Yingzuo, I know the whole story of Wang Tianmu's case. Shaozuo Jiuchi has never been to Tianjin. He suddenly went there and said that he wanted to arrest Wang Tianmu, and he was arrested within a few days there. Chief Yingzuo, I know the director of Maochuan, and I know the director of Tianjin Super High School, Sato, and they are not stupid."

"Jiuchi Shaozuo told me that he only went there after receiving a tip from Wang Tianmu."

"Director Yingzuo, I also bought two people in the Military Control Bureau. One of them is the deputy director of the colonel. Wang Tianmu's secrecy level is almost the same as that of the killing god, the judge group and the poisonous bee. The people of Jiuchi Shaozuo are not at all. I might find out about them." Keiko Sakanishi said,
"Since Miss Keiko is willing to tell me that she suspects Major Kuchi, do you have evidence or a way to prove it?"

"Director Yingzuo, Shaozuo Jiuchi sent someone to follow me in Chongqing. I pretended not to know that I had met twice with a man named Wang Baode in Juntong. I think something must have happened to Wang Baode now."

Ying Zuo Zhenzhao thought for a while and said, "That alone doesn't explain anything."

"Director Yingzuo, Wang Tianmu should agree to do things for us soon, and he will tell you everything he has learned before, but our gains will definitely be small, because Dai has already made adjustments because he suspects him of rebellion. It seems that this It's all reasonable, but what if this was Shunsuke Hisaike's plan in the first place?"

"Miss Keiko, Shunsuke Hisaike is our Japanese. He graduated from Nakano School, and he is highly regarded by Prime Minister Konoe and Mr. Shigeharu Matsumoto."

"I know all about this, Director Kagezuo, I have a very bold guess, Shunsuke Kuike may be the god of death!"

The Mei Agency is the core organization of the Japanese intelligence unit. Investigating the killing god is the most important task. Keiko Sakanishi said that Shunsuke Kuike is the killing god, and Kagesa Haruaki was shocked: "What are you talking about? The auxiliary is the killing god!"

"Director Yingzuo, because the purpose of my coming to Shanghai and Chongqing is to investigate Shashen, the judge group and the poisonous bee. I have been in Chongqing for so long, and I have used various methods to get them almost nothing, but Shao Zuo Jiuchi knows The judge team has formed the jellyfish killer team, and they know that the poisonous bee is Wang Tianfeng, who is now the deputy director of the military commander."

"He also has people inside the Military Command Bureau."

"I know that the two latent personnel he placed in the military command are nothing more than the rank of captain, and they don't have any important positions in the military command. It is impossible for them to obtain such information."

"Maybe he has other channels?"

"Then let him talk about this channel, Chief Kagezuo, I have always suspected that the killing god is within us, if you think of Shunsuke Kuike as the killing god, there are some things that can be explained." Said Keiko Sakanishi ,
Kagezuo Zhenzhao smiled and said: "Miss Keiko, I believe what you said, but because Toshisuke Hisaike is a person valued by Prime Minister Konoe, all of this needs evidence. Aren't you in his mansion now?" If you want to work, then investigate him secretly, I will fully support you, but you have to remember, what I want is real evidence."

"Hayi! Director Yingzuo, I will definitely find the evidence."

After Keiko Hansai left, Akira Kageza thought carefully about Shunsuke Kuike's past, and suddenly found that what Keiko Hansai suspected was not impossible, so he immediately sent a report to the secret agents lurking in Chongqing, asking them to investigate Wang Baode, who was in command of the military. , As a result, there was a reply soon, and this person had just thrown himself into the river.

After hearing this, Kagezuo Zhenzhao couldn't help sweating down his spine, and said with a tingling scalp, "It's time to investigate you! Shunsuke Kuike."

Kagezuo Zhenzhao immediately called Qingqi Qingyin and ordered: "Qingzuo! I have a mission for you! Secretly investigate Kuike Shunsuke, Aoyama Masami and everyone related to him."

"Director Yingzuo, are Song Jian and Tang Rui one of us?" Qingqi Qingyin asked,

"It's an intelligence officer who has received our training for more than ten years, but he has been with Shunsuke Kuike for a while. Don't alarm them unless it is absolutely necessary, and investigate carefully through other channels."


"Your Majesty Qingqi, starting tomorrow you will take over the secret service headquarters and lead a team of military police stationed at the secret service headquarters, obviously to assist them, but also secretly to monitor these Chinese people."

"Director, what about the special high school?"

"You don't need to say anything, aren't you at Secret Service Headquarters, what's the matter for them to come to you directly."


The Chongqing Military Control Bureau, Zheng Yaoxian and Xu Baichuan were called to the office by Dai.

"Boss, why have you been here for so many days?" Xu Baichuan asked,
"I went to Lanzhou and stayed in Xi'an for two days when I came back. Did Xiao Jiu take Wang Tianmu away?"

"It was taken."

"Did you set up a problem for him?"

"Boss, I wanted to set the difficulty for him, but we would lose a lot of brothers that way, and Xiao Jiu couldn't do it, so we let Wang Tianmu drink a lot..." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Old Six! How can you make such a mistake? Wang Tianmu is too easily taken away by Xiao Jiu, the Japanese will definitely be suspicious!"

"At first I was also worried about this, but after all, there is nothing wrong with investigating Wang Tianmu. Letting someone watch him for two days should have passed. Besides, we delayed releasing him for half a month."

Dai thought for a while and said, "It's all up to Wang Tianmu's good luck. Sixth, you pack up and go to Shanghai to help Xiaojiu. Remember, we can all sacrifice for him! Including you!"


At this time, Qi Rui was in the established Shang Mansion, and Shiro Kohinata had just returned from Japan. Here, Qi Rui met Yui Araki and Hideko Chida. These two finally made their debut, but this Yui Araki was not what he appeared in the TV series. .

"Director Hisaichi, our work is about to start, please take care of us in the future." Xiao Hinata said to Bai Lang,

"Xiao Ri is polite to the head of the agency. We should communicate with each other if we have sincere cooperation." Qi Rui said,
"Curator Hisaike is right."

"Major Kuike, Yui Araki is the anti-specialist expert I invited from China, and Hideko Chida is his student. They are all very capable people."

"I see!" Qi Rui nodded and said,
"Please take care of Director Kuike!" Yui Araki bowed and said,

(End of this chapter)

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