Chapter 384
Why are you in such a hurry!Looking for himself at this time, Qi Rui couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Could it be that they discovered something?
When he came to Meiguan, Yingzuo Zhenzhao said to Shunsuke Jiuchi with a smile: "Master Jiuchi, I can't go to the opening of Shunfu Foreign Firm, I'm so busy, I'm sorry!"

"Director Yingzuo, this business is run by Zhuang Xiaoman, I didn't know it before..."

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi, don't worry, your status is special, we just need to know some things in our hearts."

"Thank you Director Yingzuo!"

"I called you here to tell you good news. Wang Tianmu has surrendered to the empire, Major Jiuchi! Your plan has succeeded."

"Great, did the two geishas play a role?"

"Yes, I've been persuading her for a few days, why don't the two geisha take off their clothes, it's ridiculous when you think about it."

"Then he confessed?"

"Writing material."

"Director Yingzuo, can I meet him now? I need a portrait of Chen Gongshu." Qi Rui asked anxiously,
"I called you here for this purpose. In fact, there are other reasons for calling you here at this time."

"Is there anything else the director needs to do?"

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi, it is enough for you to show up at Shunfu Foreign Firm, don't make too much influence, so as not to embarrass the headquarters of the Gendarmerie Commander."

"Hayi! Thank you for the reminder! But Shunfu Foreign Firm really has nothing to do with me."

Qingqi Qingyin made the investigation very clear, no matter how he checked on the surface, this Junfu foreign company has nothing to do with Kuchi Shunsuke, because he did not invest a penny in this foreign company.

But everyone knows that Zhuang Xiaoman is Shunsuke Kuike's woman, but it's just a lover. It turns out that Zhuang Xiaoman pretended to be smart and borrowed Shunsuke Kuike's name and identity to do business.

Shunfu Foreign Firm opened, and it was enough for Shunfu Kuchi to show up, because Zhuang Xiaoman was very good at handling things and asked the calligrapher to write the list of people who came to congratulate on two screens, one was the list of Japanese, One is Chinese.

Qi Rui met Wang Tianmu and drew a portrait of Chen Gongshu according to his description. He immediately sent someone to send the portrait to the printing factory and printed a thousand copies for Tang Ling.

Just when Tang Ling was looking for someone with the secret agents of Jiuchi Mansion, the special high school received news that Fu Xiaoan, the mayor of Shanghai, was killed at home. Mieko Sakai and Yunko Takeuchi immediately took people to the scene, but from the scene Seeing that he didn't find any useful clues, he called Shunsuke Kuike, hoping that he could help.

After Qi Rui brought a few people to the scene to investigate carefully, he said, "Section Chief Sakai, Fu Xiaoan should have been hacked to death with a kitchen knife by someone he knew well while he was asleep."

"Familiar people, use a kitchen knife?"

"Yes, they used a kitchen knife. Have you checked the master of Fu Xiaoan's residence?"

"Yunzi is interrogating his servant."

"Quickly find out who is missing from his family now."

Mieko Sakai asked about it and said to Shunsuke Kuchi, "I checked, and his servant Zhu Shengyuan disappeared early in the morning."

"Hunt this person immediately!"

Sakai Mieko immediately asked Takeuchi Yunzi to lead someone to hunt down Zhu Shengyuan. Qi Rui knew that it was Chen Gongshu who persuaded Fu Xiaoan's servant Zhu Shengyuan to do it, and the traitor should have left Shanghai by this time.

On April [-], [-], the May Agency
"Master Jiuchi, I got the exact news that Chen Gongshu has been forced out of Shanghai by you, and he may not be coming back in a short time. Congratulations to Jiuchi Mansion for making new achievements!" Yingzuo Zhenzhao praised,

"Chen Gongshu ran away?" Qi Rui asked unwillingly,
"Yes, he took his people and left Shanghai for the time being. What are the arrangements after the military command Shanghai station? You should ask Gemini if ​​there is any news."


"Jiuchi Shaozuo, Wang Tianmu provided us with some very valuable information. The Maochuan Mansion cooperated with the military police and the local garrison to arrest a group of military agents and anti-Japanese guerrillas. This time you have contributed a lot!"

"Great, I was worried that we wouldn't gain much if Dai made adjustments." Qi Rui said so, but he was a little puzzled in his heart, why there was such a big loss if he didn't make adjustments.

Qi Rui didn't know that in order to protect his and Wang Tianmu's safety, Dai gave up the adjustment of certain areas, so Wang Tianmu still played a certain role for the Japanese.

"Wang Tianmu has been in charge of many areas, and he also has many friends and subordinates. For example, Zhao Gangyi of Qingdao station surrendered to the empire under his influence, and Shaozuo Jiuchi, but the most important areas of Beiping and Tianjin have made great adjustments. , but that's pretty good."

"So I'm relieved. I've been muttering in my heart because bringing him back was so smooth, and I was worried that they would give us a trick." Qi Rui said,
"Oh, it seems that Kuike Shaozuo has realized this a long time ago?" This is also a point that Keiko Sakani doubts. Now that Shunsuke Kuike has said it, Kagezuo Zhenaki is more sure of Keiko Sakani's ability.

"Haha, I think Director Yingzuo must have thought of this a long time ago."

"Then can you tell me, do you still have senior latent personnel in the Military Control Bureau?"

"Report to Director Yingzuo, there are three of us twins in the Military Control Bureau, don't you know?"

"I've only heard about the Gemini Project, and I don't know exactly what's going on." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said truthfully,
"Three, besides Zheng Guoan and Shen Hongkai, there is also Qiao Yu. They are all twins, because Qiao Yu has been lurking for a longer time, and his identity is safer."

"Did you ask them to investigate the God of Killing, did you combine judges?"

"This is their top priority right now."

"So, the jellyfish killer team and the information about the poisonous bee came from their investigation?"

"Yes." Qi Rui knew that Yingzuo Zhenzhao would not contact them directly,
Kagezuo Zhenzhao thought for a while and said: "Master Kuchi, the Shang Mansion has been established, should you express that at least Kohinata has returned 100 people to you?"

"Does Director Yingzuo want me to give Shang Mansion a twin?" Qi Rui asked,

"I won't force this, I just feel that we need to give support to the Shang Mansion now."

Now there are only these three twins lurking inside the Military Control Bureau. Kagezuo Zhenzhao doesn't want them all to be under the control of Shunsuke Kuchi alone, so he also finds an excuse to ask someone.

"Okay, then give Qiao Yu to the Shang Mansion." Since Yingzuo Zhenzhao opened his mouth, how could he not give it, it turned out that Qiao Yu came to the Shang Mansion in this way, so it seems that Chen Shan will also appear on the stage.

"Then I would like to thank Major Jiuchi on behalf of Shang Mansion."

"I should also support Shang Mansion, after all, I brought people to Shanghai."

"Jiuchi! Looks like I'm going to change my mind soon."

"What does Director Yingzuo mean by this?"

"I think you will be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander soon, and you should buy me a drink then!"

"Alcohol can be drunk at any time, I think I will call you General Kagezuo soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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