Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 385 There Are Japanese Secret Agents in the Team

Chapter 385 There Are Japanese Secret Agents in the Team
Kagezuo Akira's promotion to major general is already a certainty, and he himself already knew that what Shunsuke Kuike said today made him very happy, and said: "Master Kuike, keep working hard in the future, I think your future is also bright !"

"Please support General Yingzuo in the future!" The Mei Agency is the core intelligence agency of the Japanese army, and it will also control the entire Wang puppet government. If Qi Rui wants to obtain more and more valuable information, he must get the approval of Yingzuo Zhenzhao , so when it's time to praise him, you must not be stingy.

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi, if you have anything to say in the future, you still need to make it clear to your subordinates, don't let them guess your thoughts, it will easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings." Kagezuo Zhenzhao persuaded in a good mood,

"Oh! General Yingzuo, did someone tell you something?"

"That's not true, I just remind you."

"Hayi! I have memorized the general's instruction!"

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi, your grades are very outstanding. Not only did Wang Tianmu's affairs do a good job, but you also forced the number one killer of the military command to leave Shanghai, but you don't want to put all your energy on dealing with Chongqing, because According to our information, the Communist Party has been very active in Shanghai during this period, and a lot of supplies have flowed from Shanghai to the Communist Party’s base areas and even the Yan’an area, so your current focus should be changed.” Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"Hayi, some time ago I captured an important figure of the Communist Party, but unfortunately died, so I know almost nothing about the Communist Party now."

"Major Jiuchi, I know that you arrested the director of the Jiren University library before, and I have sent people to investigate the students and teachers who have had contact with him."

"Oh? Does General Yingzuo have any clues?"

"There is no clue, what about the professor you released?"

"I don't know. I let him go after he confessed to the curator. I originally planned to see what value he had, but I didn't want him and his daughter to disappear. I was busy with other things at the time. I can check it out."

"Major Jiuchi, you should start from two aspects, I think you should know how to investigate?"

"The subordinates know! I will send people to investigate all Chinese businesses and businessmen, and also monitor some schools. It is best to develop some student insiders."

"You can do things as you see fit in the school, but according to our information, the Communist Party base not only got cotton, sugar, salt, cotton cloth and even medicine and food, Major Jiuchi, if my guess is correct, among them Some of the supplies may have flowed out of Zhuang Xiaoman's hands." Kagezuo Zhenzhao didn't actually have any evidence, he just wanted Hisaichi Shunsuke to pay attention to this matter.

Qi Rui panicked and said: "General Yingzuo! Zhuang Xiaoman will never be a Communist!"

"I know this. I just remind you that in the future, you should pay attention to the merchants who cooperate with Junfu Foreign Firm, especially the merchants who purchase strategic materials from the foreign firm. Do you understand?"

"General Yingzuo! I have been on guard against this for a long time, and have already sent someone to monitor Zhuang Xiaoman!"

"Well, I know this, I believe you will have a sense of proportion."

Qi Rui still has mixed feelings about leaving the Mei Agency. Yingzuo Zhenzhao should have a huge spy network in his hands, and he can get some information about the base area and Yan'an, and the Jiuchi Mansion is just one of them.

It seems that it is necessary for Zhuang Xiaoman to suspend the cooperation with Ming Spiegel on strategic materials, but other cooperation must continue, because the interruption will draw people's attention to the Ming family.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian to drive to the Shang Mansion at No. 99 Jinjiafang. It is also necessary to keep in touch and cooperate with Xiaohinata Bailang.

"Hello, Director Hisaike!" Hideko Chida bowed respectfully to greet her.

"Miss Chida, is Director Kohinata there?"

"Yes, please follow me."

Qi Rui came to Xiaohinata's office, Araki Yui bowed and left, Xiaohinata Bailang stood up and smiled and said, "Congratulations to Director Kuchi, I heard that you have made great contributions again."

"I don't dare to take credit for the great work. I just came here to tell you that Chief Yingzuo asked me to give you an undercover agent in the Military Control Bureau." After finishing speaking, Qi Rui handed Qiao Yu's information to Xiao Hinata and said, "Here are all his information. , from now on, he will be a member of your Shang Mansion, but if he gets any important information, please share it with me, Director Xiao Hinata.”

"Oh! Thank you so much for the support of Major Kuike!" Kohinata Shiro had already received a call from Kagesa Haruaki, so he accepted the gift without hesitation.

"Mr. Kohinata, I heard that the Shang Mansion has the support of the No.13 Army Command! You are really amazing!"

Shiro Kohinata did get the support of No.13 Army Commander Fujita Shinnaka and Chief of Staff Shozo Sakurai, because the headquarters is in Shanghai, which is quite a support for Kohinata.

Xiao Hinata said to Bai Lang with a somewhat embarrassing expression: "The main reason is that the headquarters still don't trust the Chinese very much. Let me keep an eye on them. Shao Zuo Jiuchi should know who they are referring to, right?"

"I know, no matter what, we are our own people. How is the investigation of the No. [-] agent team who stole your belongings?"

"They haven't moved at all recently. Is there no news about them from Director Kuike?"

"No, I guess they may not be in Shanghai recently." Qi Rui said,
"Major Jiuchi, you must inform me if you have any news about them."

"That's for sure! I have one more thing to do. Do you have information on the Communist Party?" Qi Rui asked,

"Not yet. Once there is news about the Communist Party, I will definitely notify you."

"Okay, then you can be busy, I won't bother you."

Qi Rui went back to the Jiuchi mansion and worked until he got off work. He returned home and said to Fu Yingxue: "Xueer, inform the organization tomorrow that the Mei agency has discovered that many supplies have been transported from the Shanghai area to the base area and Yan'an. It is best to let the relevant departments The work of the firm was suspended for a while."

The materials transported from Shanghai, Hangzhou, Jiangsu and other places are all played by the newly established red economic front, including the Ming family.

"How did the devil know?"

"There must be devil spies lurking in our team, but we can be sure that the identity of the spies is not high."

"I will notify the organization tomorrow." Fu Yingxue knew that the situation was serious and said,
"Xue'er, I'm going to Zhuang Xiaoman's place now, and I want to inform her to stop providing strategic materials to Der Spiegel."

"Now Junfu Foreign Firm has opened, you should go there often." Fu Yingxue said very understandingly,

"Xue'er, I can't help it, I'm sorry."

"I understand, let's go."

Qi Rui drove to Zhuang Xiaoman's house. There are more than a dozen people guarding her house now. She also hired a chef and maid. After all, so many people have to eat.

"Mr. Jiuchi, are you eating here?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked Qi Rui just as he was about to talk to Qi Rui about something important.
(End of this chapter)

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