Chapter 386

Zhuang Xiaoman is Qi Rui's liaison officer. Except for Boss Dai who contacted her directly, the only one who knows her identity is the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian. Now she obeys Qi Rui's order to silence the radio, so Dai can't contact her now.

And just today, Zhuang Xiaoman received a code phone call from his sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian, telling her that he had arrived in Shanghai and would temporarily take charge of the work of the Military Command Shanghai Station. Zhuang Xiaoman knew that Qi Rui would be very happy if he heard the news .

"Let's go out to eat." Zhuang Xiaoman's home is busier than his own now, and it's not convenient to talk. Qi Rui is also worried that there is a bug in her home.

"Great!" Zhuang Xiaoman went to change immediately like a little girl in love.

Qi Rui called Du Xing, Cheng Wu, Han Zhang, and Liang Dong over and asked, "Did you find anything with Ms. Zhuang recently?"

"Report to the curator, no suspicious person was found."

"You have to be more dedicated to Miss Zhuang's safety in the future, and I won't treat you badly."

"Yes! Curator."

Du Xing and the others prefer to follow Zhuang Xiaoman, because following her is not so dangerous, and the pay is much higher, and the food is much better than the mansion.

In the car, Zhuang Xiaoman smiled and said, "Ninth Brother, I have some good news for you."

"What good news?"

"The sixth brother called me today and said that he has now taken over the Shanghai station."

"Brother Six is ​​here!?" Qi Rui asked happily after hearing that,
"Yes, Sixth Brother is now the station master of Shanghai Station."

"Xiaoman, did Sixth Brother say to meet me?"

"Brother Six wants you to meet at the old place."

"I see."

"Ninth brother, are you going today?"

"Brother Six must have something important to do with me. I'm here to tell you that we will stop providing any strategic materials to Der Spiegel during this period, but we can cooperate with other goods, especially Japanese goods."

"Brother Nine, the devils really planted bugs in my office and bedroom, they really suspect you!" Zhuang Xiaoman said,

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do, did Brother Six call your office?" Qi Rui asked,
"Ninth Brother, don't worry, Sixth Brother communicated with me using tone codes, even if there is an eavesdropping, you won't be able to hear anything."

"The set of tone signals designed by Sixth Brother is indeed very safe."

"Ninth brother, who is doubting you?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will be fine for the time being, but they will definitely investigate for a while. You should continue to be vigilant."

Qi Rui and Zhuang Xiaoman had dinner outside, asked about some company matters, then sent her home, put on makeup, and went to the old warehouse to meet the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian.

"Sixth Brother, you shouldn't have come!" Qi Rui said after meeting Zheng Yaoxian,
"Why aren't you happy when I come here!" Zheng Yaoxian slapped Qi Rui on the head and said with a smile,
"Shanghai is more dangerous now."

"The boss asked Chen Gongshu to come to Shanghai for the main purpose of assassinating Wang Jingwei and others. Now there is some conflict with what you and Wang Tianmu are going to do, so the boss let him go back. Shanghai station can't be left alone."

"Sixth brother, Chen Gongshu met me in the special training camp. He is a threat to me staying in Shanghai. Besides, there are devils who suspect me and are already investigating secretly."

"The boss has thought of this. By the way, Chen Gongshu was notified by Tan Lin. Are you going to arrest him?" Zheng Yao asked first.

"Well, I asked Tan Lin to go, but I didn't expect him to keep five people for me."

"That's what the boss asked him to stay, and the boss is willing to pay for you." Zheng Yaoxian said,
Qi Rui continued to ask: "Has Liu Baode, who was in contact with Keiko Hansai, been eliminated?"

"Yes, the boss will definitely not keep such a person in secret."

"Brother Six, I sent someone to keep an eye on Keiko Sakanishi and she found out. Now that Liu Baode is dead, she will naturally suspect me, and she even told Zhen Zhao Kagezuo of her suspicion."

"That's why the boss asked me to help you."

"Sixth brother, let's change the way of doing things in Shanghai station this time."

"Are you asking me to keep a low profile?" Zheng Yaoxian understood that Qi Rui was worried about his safety and asked,

"Well, it's best not to let anyone know that you've arrived in Shanghai."

"Xiao Jiu, I don't think it will be high-profile anymore, because I only brought Song Xiaoan and Zhao Jianzhi this time, and now I am in charge of the Hurricane Action Team." Zheng Yaoxian mainly came to help Qi Rui this time, and Dai didn't Arrange assassination missions for them.

"Tell me whoever you want to kill, and I'll find someone to do it."

"I'm here to let you play the role of Shunsuke Kuchi in a down-to-earth manner. The jellyfish killer team has arrived, and they will do what the boss wants to kill. Don't be brave!"

"Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian have arrived?"

"The cake shop is open again, don't you know?"

"When did it happen? I really don't know."

"It was just yesterday, because Zhuang Xiaoman's radio station was silent and the boss couldn't notify you."

"The devil installed bugs in her home and office, and the radio station must be temporarily unavailable."

"The boss has also guessed, Xiao Jiu, the jellyfish killer team may have to carry out several major assassination missions this time, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Well, I have a clue."

"Xiao Jiu, how is Wang Tianmu's situation now?"

"By the way, why didn't the boss make adjustments? I heard that apart from Tianjin and Beiping, we lost a lot."

"Chahar, Suiyuan, Beiping, and Tianjin have all been adjusted. The bosses of the remaining places deliberately sold them to the Japanese. Otherwise, Wang Tianmu and you are in danger. The boss means that no matter how big the loss is for you, it is worth it. "

"Now Kagezuo Zhenzhao is really happy, Wang Tianmu will also be appointed as the deputy director of the Secret Service Headquarters, and I may also be promoted to Lieutenant Assistant because of this credit, but their investigation of me will definitely continue for a while. "

"I will report Liu Baode's situation to the boss."

"Don't worry about it. After a long time, if they can't find evidence, the matter will fade away."

"I still have to report, the boss is a person who cares about details." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Brother Six, what identity will you use to stay?" Qi Rui asked,

"Xiao Jiu, do you know someone from the police station in the French Concession?"


"Can you help us get a household registration and ID card?"

"Okay, leave this matter to me."

"Xiao Jiu, hurry back, let's meet as little as possible during this time." Zheng Yaoxian patted Qi Rui on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Jiu, don't worry about gains and losses. Sometimes sacrifice is necessary. Just do your own thing well. Do you remember!?"

"I know, Brother Six! Be careful too."

Qi Rui drove back home, Fu Yingxue thought he would stay at Zhuang Xiaoman's place today, and asked, "Is the matter over?"

"It's over, Zheng Yao is back first, and there's also the judge team."

"Is this military command going to take a big action?"

"It should be said that the jellyfish assassination team has a big operation."

"What do we need to do?"

"not needed for now."

(End of this chapter)

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