Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 388 Qi Rui, I Was Molested!

Chapter 388 Qi Rui, I Was Molested!
Now Chi Tiecheng is a cold-blooded, cruel person, except Qi Rui, Zheng Yaoxian, Su Wenqian and Song Mian will show some kindness, and he will get rid of anyone who hinders his mission without hesitation.

In terms of professional ethics, he is qualified, but Qi Rui knows that he is a rather inhuman person, because his rationality is almost terrifying, and such a person is indeed suitable to be a killer.

In addition to being rational and indecisive like Su Wenqian's mother-in-law and mother-in-law, Chi Tiecheng is also very good at attacking the mind. He can use different methods to achieve psychological manipulation of different people, and let the other party use it for himself to achieve his own goals.

Chi Tiecheng knew that just talking about patriotic ideals was not enough for Qin Zishu to help them complete the task of assassinating Fujita Shinchu and the traitor Bai Songqi.

He also has a great way to deal with women. First, he staged a hero to save the beauty on the street, and then cooperated with the romantic candlelight dinner to meet the girl's skin and flesh, and then used bitter tricks, saying that he was going to be a meat bomb, which caused Qin Zishu to feel sorry for his sweetheart. For love, nodded and agreed to help him complete the assassination mission.

According to the plot, Chi Tiecheng didn't really fall in love with Qin Zishu, he just gave Qin Zishu the short-lived joy of men and women in order to complete the task, but this feeling supported the silly girl for a whole ten years of miserable time, and Qi Rui also knew about the little Shan Leng He also has a crush on Chi Tiecheng, which shows his great magic power in this regard.

Qi Rui doesn't want Chi Tiecheng to disappoint Qin Zishu, because she is a good girl, she can become a heroine like Lan Yanzhi, Li Xiaonan, Zhuang Xiaoman, and others, and Qi Rui doesn't want her to leave Qin Henian, maybe this It can also change the fate of Comrade Yang Zhiliang in the future.

The first thing to do to change the plot is to prevent Qin Zishu from getting pregnant. At the candlelight dinner, Su Wenqian prescribed contraceptive pills to Qin Zishu according to Qi Rui's instructions. Qi Rui didn't intend to stop the love between men and women.

After having fun, Qin Zishu woke up and saw the letter left by Chi Tiecheng. As expected, she chased after and stopped the man who had promised her with her body, and promised to fully cooperate with the assassination.

Chi Tiecheng happily told Qi Rui the good news: "Ninth brother, if we get Yang Zhiliang's cooperation again, the success rate of this operation will be even higher."

"Tiecheng, do you like Miss Zishu?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yeah...hahaha... Brother Jiu, I'm a killer, how dare I really like a girl!"

"Then do you know that you will ruin her by doing so?"

"Ninth brother, I did this purely for our assassination plan, because without her we might not have any chance."

"Tiecheng, it's true that you are a killer, but first of all you are a person with flesh and blood and feelings. Miss Zishu is a girl who is loyal to her feelings, and she will never marry for you. If you are only for this mission, then You will ruin Zi Shu's life, have you considered this?"

Qi Rui knew that it might be difficult to change Chi Tiecheng, but for the sake of Su Wenqian, Qin Zishu, Shan Leng, Yang Zhiliang, Qin Henian, and Yin Qiansu, he wanted to try.

"Ninth Brother, why do you seem to know Qin Zishu very well?"

"Tiecheng, do you know why I dare to reveal my identity to you?"

"Because Brother Jiu knows that even if I die, I won't betray you!"

"I'm so sure that you won't betray me because I know how to judge people. Qin Zishu is what I call a good girl. As your ninth brother, I just hope you can cherish her feelings for you."

"Yeah...haha... Brother Jiu, let me try, because I don't know if I can do it." Chi Tiecheng and Qi Rui didn't dare to promise anything,
"Tiecheng, why can't she become an anti-Japanese hero like Sister Ouyang and Gao Han? Her father is Qin Henian, and she can definitely do it."

"Brother Jiu is a good idea! How about sending her to the training camp?" Chi Tiecheng asked,
"You don't have to go to the training camp for training. Usually, you can teach her yourself, can't you?"

Chi Tiecheng understood Qi Rui's intention, that he wanted him to spend more time with Qin Zishu, so he fell silent.

Qi Rui didn't say anything about Qin Zishu, and asked, "I've seen your assassination plan, and I'll send the No. [-] secret service team to meet you."

"With their help, the success rate of this mission is even higher!" Chi Tiecheng said with a smile,

"Tiecheng, I'm waiting for your good news."

"Yeah...hahaha... Brother Nine, starting from this operation, our special bullets will become the logo of the jellyfish assassination team."

"Hisaki Shunsuke will personally investigate you, after the operation is over, you have to hide!"

In the play, only Comrade Yang Zhiliang takes care of the two of them. This time there is the No. [-] special agent team plus Song Mian and Tan Lin, so the result should be better than in the play. Qi Rui hopes that Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian will try not to get injured.

Back home, Fu Yingxue asked, "Why do you feel worried?"

"The jellyfish assassination team of the military command will assassinate Fujita Shinnaka and the traitor Bai Songqi. This mission is very difficult."

"Are you worried that they won't be able to complete this operation?" Fu Yingxue knew that if Qi Rui had this idea, she might go to support her.

"That's not true. I'm worried that they will get hurt after they succeed." Qi Rui is now thinking that Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian will be taken care of by Yang Zhiliang, but if Qin Zishu's eyes are really injured like in the TV series, timely surgery is of course the best It couldn't be better, but I had no chance to operate on her at all.


"There are dozens of people protecting Bai Songqi, and there is at least a squadron of devils protecting Fujita Shinnaka. It's not so easy for them to get out after the assassination."

"Qi Rui, should we help them?"

"We definitely can't go, because the people from several intelligence agencies who were attacked by them will definitely rush over there immediately. Some people already suspected us. If we can't find me at this time, the consequences will be serious." Qi Rui said,
"Not bad, more and more mature!"

"Must mature."

"Qi Rui, I want to tell you something."

"what's up?"

"I received a suspicious call the night before yesterday, saying that Mrs. Nakajima asked me to go to her home. She said it was suspicious because Mrs. Nakajima didn't know me very well."

"But you went anyway?"

"Yes, I went, but I met fake robbers on the way, and I was molested by them."

"Indecent!?" Qi Rui's face changed drastically when he heard that.

"They probably wanted to test whether I have force. I wasn't fooled, so I was taken advantage of by two of them." Fu Yingxue said without much indignation.

Qi Rui understood that the molestation that Fu Yingxue said should mean being molested, and asked, "Do you know who did it?"

(End of this chapter)

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