Chapter 389
There are not many people who can take advantage of Fu Yingxue's skills, but because her current identity is Aoyama Masami, and it is obvious that someone came to test her force, so she must take this loss.

"They should all be Chinese, but they didn't dare to go too far. Someone yelled from a distance and they ran away." Fu Yingxue said,

Qi Rui hugged Fu Yingxue in his arms and said apologetically, "Xue'er, I'm sorry! I have made you wronged."

"What is this grievance? They will pay with their lives in the future!" Fu Yingxue said domineeringly,

"Yes, I will definitely find out who they are!"

Pointing to her chest, Fu Yingxue smiled and said, "They are all your favorites. I won't let others touch them. I pretended to be scared and squatted on the ground. They didn't take advantage of me."

Qi Rui was amused by Fu Yingxue: "That's good! You scared me."

In the next few days, Qi Rui mainly investigated the merchants that cooperated with Junfu Foreign Firm, and also sent people to check the school. During this period, he asked Tielin for a few ID cards.

Because Xu Tian had told Tielin before leaving that he would satisfy Junfu Jiuchi's request as much as possible, so he gave it very happily. Qi Rui left a few sheets for Jiuchi Mansion, and gave all the others to Zheng Yaoxian, the sixth brother.

On the evening of April [-], [-], Chi Tiecheng, Su Wenqian and their assassination plan began to be implemented. Qin Zishu told Bai Songqi that her father, Qin Henian, had agreed to have an interview with General Fujita Shinchu, and she was alone like the plot in the play. Go see Bai Songqi.

Because Bai Songqi was worried about being assassinated, the room he was in would always be hung with curtains. Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian would calculate the exact position of the person based on the shadow of the lights in the room. The two of them had practiced this many times.

The assassination process is the same as the plot. When Bai Songqi answered the phone, he was shot dead by Chi Tiecheng, because the special bullet was used, which had a fast rate of fire and great power. There were no glass shards flying, and even if there were, they were blocked by the curtains, so Qin Zishu couldn't be hurt at all.

Qin Zishu's eyes were not injured. She was overjoyed to see Bai Songqi shot and died, so she screamed according to the plan, because the time was just right, and her screams would not affect the next move of Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian.

At this time, Fujita Jinzhong's car turned and came into the sight of Su Wenqian and Chi Tiecheng. The two shot Fujita Jinzhong one after the other according to the plan and then evacuated immediately. Because there were many ghosts at the scene, they quickly found Su Wenqian's sniper point.

The difference from the script is that not only Yang Zhiliang, Song Mian, Tan Lin, and the No. [-] special agent team are all ambushing around, they cover Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian and jump to the truck driven by Yang Zhiliang. Evacuate quickly.

In the special high-level class, Jiuchi Mansion and Secret Service Headquarters arrived at the scene almost at the same time. Qi Rui checked Fujita Shinnaka's car and said to Sakai Mieko and Haruki Keishin: "The jellyfish assassination team did it! They are back again!"

"Curator Hisaike, is it possible that the Jellyfish Assassination Team was set up to assassinate our senior generals?" Keiko Sakanishi asked,

"I only know that the jellyfish assassination team was established, but I don't know anything else. The first person they killed when they returned to Shanghai was our supreme commander in Shanghai. It seems that, as Miss Huizi said, the establishment of the jellyfish assassination team is a big move. On the spot, the two killers who were supported were also top-notch masters, and they were able to retreat unscathed under so many people's siege and interception!" Qi Rui said,
"I heard from the squadron leader that the sniper on the bell tower was injured." Qingqi Qingyin said,
"Send people to monitor all hospitals and pharmacies immediately." Mieko Sakai ordered Bi Zhongliang,
Bi Zhongliang looked at Qingqi Qingyin, and after obtaining his consent, he hurriedly led the people away.

"Jiuchi Shaozuo, why are you so sure it's the jellyfish assassination team?" Qingqi Qingyin read the information of the judge team, although the description is a bit magical, but it is a sharpshooter.

"I don't need Hisaichi-kun, I can be sure that they did it." Mieko Sakai said,

"Qingqi Zhongzuo, this bullet has been modified. Consul Shixiong Muto was killed by such a bullet. I am afraid that only jellyfish and herd fish in this world can make such a cooperation. Who else would be there if it weren't for them." Qi Rui said,
"According to the guarding army, a total of more than a dozen killers came this time. Two killers first sniped Bai Songqi, and then sniped Commander Fujita. Their timing is too precise! Chi-kun, what do you think?" Mieko Sakai asked,
"That is to say, the jellyfish assassination team knew that Bai Songqi and Commander Fujita would come! Someone tipped them off, or this was originally designed by the jellyfish assassination team." Qi Rui said,
"Commander Fujita came here to see Qin Henian, but Qin Henian didn't come, it was his daughter Qin Zishu who came. We asked Qin Henian, and he didn't know about it, so it was obviously planned by someone. , and the biggest suspect among them is Qin Zishu, we have already brought her under control." Mieko Sakai said,

"Take me to see her."

"Curator Jiuchi, Director Yingzuo is here!" Qingqi Qingyin said,
Because this matter is very important, Yingzuo Zhenzhao arrived, and after hearing the report, he said to Shunsuke Jiuchi: "Master Jiuchi, try not to anger Qin Henian, you can use Qin Zishu to threaten him, if he agrees to work for the new government , the matter of her daughter is easy to talk about."

"Has Qin Henian come yet?" Qi Rui asked Mieko Sakai,
"Here we come! He is now asking us to release Qin Zishu."

"Let's go."

Qi Rui followed Mieko Sakai to the office building. When Qin Henian asked Qin Zishu everything and she didn't say a word, Qi Rui stepped forward and said, "Mr. Qin, hello, I'm Shunsuke Kuchi from the Jiuchi Mansion. "

"Can you take charge?" Qin Henian asked,
"Please tell me what request you have, I will try my best to meet it!"

"I'm taking my daughter home!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, your daughter is seriously suspected!"

"What can a teenage girl do? Bai Songqi is her elder brother. It's not normal for her to come and play with him!" Qin Henian said,

"Mr. Qin, we suspect that she colluded with the jellyfish assassination team to plan this assassination, so she can't go home with you."

"It's impossible, she's only 17 years old, how could she know any jellyfish assassination group!"

"Mr. Qin, we need to ask her personally if she knows the jellyfish assassination team."


"Old Mr. Qin, we are talking to you politely now because we want you to work for the new government. If you agree, we will release your daughter immediately."

"I've told you many times that I'm just a piece of trash sitting at home, and I have no ability to do anything for the new government."

"Mr. Qin doesn't need to answer us so quickly. Go home and think about it first. Don't worry, we won't do anything to Ms. Qin." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to send Qin Henian out of the building.

Qi Rui glanced at Qin Zishu who was terrified, then found Yingzuo Zhenzhao and said, "Director Yingzuo, I have a way to get Qin Henian to do things for us!"

(End of this chapter)

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