Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 391 The National Treasure That Must Be Seized

Chapter 391 The National Treasure That Must Be Taken Back
Qi Rui did have a conspiracy. When Qin Henian brought people to the gendarmerie headquarters, he found that there were many reporters here, and the scene was arranged like a celebration.

Tanaka Masanori of the Gendarmerie Command, Kagesa Haruaki of the Ume Organization, Hisaike Shunsuke of the Kuike Mansion, and Sakai Mieko, the head of the special high school, were all present.

Qin Henian finally understood what the Japanese were up to. They wanted to admit that they were traitors, but for the sake of his daughter, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and deal with these devils.

Qi Rui knew that Qin Henian would not betray his motherland and nation. Such incidents would have some impact on his reputation for the time being, but after that he would definitely pretend to be sick at home for a long time and continue to thank guests behind closed doors. It is a kind of protection.

Because the devil would no longer have murderous intentions towards him, and if he didn't do this, how could Qin Zishu, who was so suspected, be let go so easily.

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi, your method is very good!" The Japanese don't want Qin Henian to help them do anything, they just need to let the Chinese know that such a respected person like him is also doing things for the empire, and the newspapers will publicize it This matter, this trick is really clever, because it doesn't matter what Qin Henian thinks.

"As long as our goal is achieved!" Qi Rui laughed,
"Master Jiuchi, is that Qin Zishu really okay?" Ying Zuo Zhenzhao asked,

"Director Yingzuo, according to our investigation, her problem is not serious. Even if there is, she should be used by others without knowing anything, but I will still send someone to watch her for a while."

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi is right. She is definitely not an important person. She may be able to find out something if she keeps it. I will leave the next thing to you, Jellyfish Assassination Team. You must find out as soon as possible. They are threatening us. It's really too big." Thinking about it, Kagezuo Shaki's back felt chills,
"The subordinates will definitely do their best to investigate."

Qin Zishu is safe, because she is not pregnant and has not been kicked out of the house by Qin Henian. She is still the eldest lady of the Qin family, and now she is looking forward to Chi Tiecheng's appearance again.

"Tiecheng, don't look for Zishu recently, because I will send someone to watch her for a while." Qi Rui in the cake shop urged,

"Ninth Brother, did Qin Henian really do things for the Japanese for Qin Zishu?" Chi Tiecheng asked,
"No, this was all arranged by me. Otherwise, how could Zishu be released so easily? You didn't consider her when you designed this assassination plan?" Qi Rui asked,

"Ninth Brother, there is nothing more important to me than completing the task."

"Tiecheng, do you have to sacrifice me to complete your mission one day, and you will not hesitate?" Qi Rui asked,

After hearing this, Chi Tiecheng quickly shook his head and raised his hands and said, "Ninth brother, how is it possible! I swear I will never do such a thing!"

"I know you won't, but Zishu sacrificed so much for you, you won't just ignore it, right?"

"Brother Jiu, I'll listen to you. I will try to teach her when the matter is over." Chi Tiecheng said,

"Tiecheng, I still say the same thing, Qin Zishu is very good, she is only 17 years old and helped you complete such a difficult task, we must treat her well!"

"Yes! Brother Jiu, I remember."

Chi Tiecheng doesn't love Qin Zishu, but it's not that he doesn't feel it at all, otherwise he wouldn't be jealous of Su Wenqian later.

Chi Tiecheng is not really a person without feelings. He can violate the two principles for Su Wenqian, which shows that he is not incurable. If you want to change Chi Tiecheng, you must first let him know how to cherish and love. This will take time. nourish.

"How is Wen Qian's injury?" Qi Rui asked,

"It's all right, Brother Nine, thanks to the support and cover of the No. [-] special agent team this time, otherwise we would never see you again." Chi Tiecheng knows how dangerous this operation is, if it weren't for No. [-] Under the fire cover of the secret service team, Yang Zhiliang's truck couldn't get rid of the devil's pursuit at all.

"You take good care of Wen Qian, and I will thank the No. [-] special agent team."

Su Wenqian's injury was not serious, but he injured his right hand, which would greatly affect his marksmanship in the future. Yang Zhiliang has been taking care of him, and they became good friends at this time.

"Oh, Brother Jiu, why is it so good this time and you know to bring me a cake!" Gao Han took the cake and asked with a smile,

"I know you girls like to eat it, so I happened to come from the cake shop in Tiecheng, so I'll bring you one."

"Brother Nine, who is injured?" Ma Yunfei asked, seeing that someone was injured, the No. [-] secret service team couldn't see who it was.

"Su Wenqian, I'm fine now."

"The combination of judges is really good, every shot is an earth-shattering action!" He Jian praised,
"Xiao Jiu, when did you take the box you asked us to snatch back from the small building last time?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

"Let's store it with you first, is there anything important and valuable in it?" Qi Rui asked,

"It's all gold, silver and jewelry. This little devil has been fishing for a lot these years! No wonder you let me attack him." Ouyang Jianping said,
"Ninth brother, do you want to kill him?" He Jian asked.

"Don't wait, this little Hinata Shiro is not simple, he is looking for you, there is no need for you to take less action recently, you must be more careful."

"Xiao Jiu, are you here to tell us this?"

"Yes, because I may be tossing around with Jiuchi Mansion for a while, so be careful, don't hit me with a gun."

"That's right, the Commander Lieutenant General died, and now the little devil can't wait to dig three feet to find the killer." Ma Yunfei said,

"Xiao Jiu, we may need to leave Shanghai for a while, and I will let you know when we come back." Ouyang Jianping said,
"Are you going to perform some mission?"

"We're going to Wuhu. I don't know what the specific task is." This time, we are going to help the guerrillas. Ouyang Jianping will definitely not tell Qi Rui.

Qi Rui came to the French Concession in disguise, and came to the Huimin Pharmacy in the International Settlement in disguise. Here, Chen Jiaying already had news that the devils would transport a batch of looted property from Hangzhou by train in two days. According to the intercepted date Fang telegraphed that there were twelve volumes of the Yongle Canon among the belongings this time, and the organization hoped to get them back.

Upon hearing the news, Qi Rui resolutely said: "The Yongle Grand Ceremony must not be snatched away by devils! This operation must be successful!"

"Qi Rui, this is the devil's telegram." Chen Jiaying gave the deciphered telegram to Qi Rui,

After reading it, Qi Rui found that there were not only twelve volumes of the Yongle Canon, but also several national treasures, and said, "We must at least take these national treasures back."

"Qi Rui, the organization hopes that you will do your best, but don't force it. After all, what we are going to grab this time is a train."

Li Xiaonan was very happy to receive the task. She immediately sent a telegram to Jing Yun and told him the specific task. Qi Rui hoped that Jing Yun could come up with a specific plan first, and hoped that he would immediately send his own people to Hangzhou to investigate the enemy's situation. .

(End of this chapter)

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