Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 392 You Know Kill God! ?

Chapter 392 You Know Kill God! ?

After the armed forces team, who had been waiting for several months, received the telegram, Jing Yun personally took Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing to Hangzhou Railway Station to investigate. Because the devils transported a lot of things, they hoped to know the exact carriage for transporting the national treasure in advance.

After investigating Jing Yun and the others, they really found out that the devils were being guarded by special personnel when transporting precious national treasure cultural relics. After finding out the exact departure time of the train, Jing Yun and the others took the train back to meet Zhou Daliang and the others.

"Comrade Miao Dao, Jing Yun and the others have completed their investigation, and they called to promise to complete the task." Li Xiaonan reported to Qi Rui,
"What are they going to do?"

"No, I asked, and they said that they have formulated multiple plans, but they will adapt accordingly." Li Xiaonan said,

"Like my apprentice! Okay, then we'll just wait for their good news." Qi Rui said before that he wanted them to make a plan of action in order to make them think about deduction, and he sent a telegram to explain that the plan of action was not to embarrass them.
"Comrade Miaodao, we have found out some clues about the other task you assigned. The people who urged the students of Santa Maria Girls' School to take to the streets to distribute leaflets were people outside the school. We haven't found out who they are, but they are definitely not Our comrades." Li Xiaonan said,

"I don't think they are either. Few of the children in this school are poor. These two people must have ulterior motives. You don't need to worry about this matter. I will investigate it myself."

When Qi Rui returned to Jiuchi mansion, he called Song Jian and Tang Rui to him, and ordered: "I heard that some students have been distributing anti-Japanese leaflets on the street recently, and you take people to catch some secretly. If others arrest them, you will bring them back to me together with the arresters."

Song Jian and Tang Rui set off immediately with their operatives. Keiko Hansai knocked on the door and came into the office and asked, "Director Kuike, Director Kagezuo called, asking if we have any news about the jellyfish assassination team?"

"Not yet, I went to the special high school today. We sent people to check all the pharmacies and hospitals, and found nothing. I have also led people to investigate in the French Concession and the Public Concession these days, and there is no progress. There is still no news about the jellyfish assassination team in Chongqing." Qi Rui said with some frustration,

"That's what I reported. Director Kagezuo urged us to investigate quickly. The assassination of Commander Fujita has alarmed His Majesty the Emperor. He hopes that we can find the killer as soon as possible and give General Fujita's family an explanation."

"Miss Huizi, you also saw it. Are we idle? But the jellyfish assassination team is in the dark. If Shanghai is so big, it will be hard for us to find them if they hide."

"Director Hisaike, I heard that Fujita Shinnaka's son Fujita Eiji has arrived. He is currently at the Mei Agency. Maybe he wants to investigate the case himself."

"Oh!? That would be great, how he wants to check our Jiuchi Mansion will fully cooperate."

"Hai." Keiko Sakanishi did not leave after finishing speaking, but stood there hesitantly,

"Miss Keiko, is there anything else you can do? Just say it."

"Curator Kuchi, can I ask you a question?" Keiko Sakani already knew that Haruki Keiyin's investigation of Shunsuke Kuike and the people around him had no results, and she also felt that she was worrying too much, but Liu Baode's Death and Shunsuke Kuchi sent someone to follow her and she needed an explanation.

"Miss Keiko is our senior, if you have any questions, just ask."

"Curator Hisaike, did you let Shifang Accelerator and Yuu Uchiha follow me when you were in Chongqing?"

"Miss Huizi is worthy of being a senior. You have discovered their strong skills. It's amazing."

"Curator Hisaike, can you explain to me?"

"I had important business to leave Chongqing for a few days, and Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu stayed. I thought they had nothing to do, so I asked them to protect you secretly. Hehe, there is another important reason, that is, I want them to stay with you. You seniors study hard."

"Curator Hisaike wants to inspect us?"

"Sorry, Miss Huizi is a legendary figure, I really mean that."

"But Liu Baode who contacted me is dead."

"When did you die?"

"He drowned after we left Chongqing."

"Miss Huizi, didn't we come back together? We don't have time to kill him!" Qi Rui was taken aback after speaking, and then asked in surprise: "Miss Huizi thinks I'm the one who informed the military commander!?"

"I'm just wondering about his sense of death."

"Miss Huizi, you don't think I'm a member of the military commander?" Qi Rui asked with a gloomy face,
"No! No, Director Kuchi, think about it differently, do you also feel that this matter is very strange, as an intelligence officer, I will definitely think about it."

"Then let me solemnly tell Miss Keiko that Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu only saw you meeting a man twice, but they don't know who this man is, and I also know from your mouth His name is Liu Baode, and his death has nothing to do with us!" Qi Rui said seriously,
Keiko Hansai thought about it for a while, Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu followed her from a distance, and indeed she shouldn't know Liu Baode's name, so she hurriedly said: "Curator Kuike, I doubted you for my sake. I apologize to you, and I also told Director Yingzuo my doubts, I am really sorry!"

"It's okay, this is also your duty, I don't blame you, an intelligence officer needs to have your meticulous spirit!"

"Curator Hisaike, I will do my best to do things for you in the future!"

"Miss Huizi is a senior, and we really want to learn a lot from you. Let this matter go. Miss Huizi, how is Wang Tianmu?"

"He has now assumed the post of Deputy Director of the Secret Service Headquarters, and he also said that he would like to see you, the curator."

"Then you bring him, I really have something to ask him."

Keiko Sakanishi feels a lot more comfortable now, because she hasn't found anything wrong with Shunsuke Kuike through investigations these days. She knows that Shunsuke Kuike will know that she doubted him sooner or later, so it's better to ask him directly. On the contrary, they will not let the other party misunderstand themselves.

When Wang Tianmu came to the Jiuchi mansion, he bowed deeply to Shunfu Jiuchi and thanked him: "Thank you, curator Jiuchi, for taking me here from afar! You have given me the grace of rebuilding, and Wang is willing to be the director of Jiuchi in the future. Go through fire and water!"

"Director Wang! Don't do this, you are a friend of our Great Japanese Empire, and we should do this."

"Curator Hisaike asked me for something?"

"Director Wang, I want portraits of jellyfish and herding fish, do you know them?"

"I'm sorry, Director Kuchi, I've only heard about these two people, I've never seen them before."

"What about killing God?"

"Killing God, I heard Boss Dai say it!"

Wang Tianmu heard that Dai had said about Killing God, Qi Rui stood up from his chair and asked excitedly: "Do you know about Killing God?! What did the surname Dai say!"

(End of this chapter)

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