Chapter 393

Boss Dai was fine, so how could he tell Wang Tianmu about himself?

"Dai said that Shashen is his trump card team." Wang Tianmu said,

"Ace Secret Service? That's right, they really shouldn't be alone." Qi Rui said,
"Yes, I heard that Dai Na meant the God-killing Action Team. The members of the team didn't say much. From Dai's expression, it can be seen that everyone in this intelligence team is a master of intelligence and operations."

"Director Wang, have you heard of the hijacking of the Sakura?" Qi Rui asked.

"I heard that Dai mentioned the killing god only when he was talking about this incident, because it was the killing god who personally directed this operation."

"He personally commanded the operation, so the Killing God was also on the Sakura at that time!?"

"That's right. According to Dai, the hijacking of the Cherry Blossom was carried out jointly by Shashen and Wang Tianfeng, the station chief at the time. Because the operation was relatively large, they also used local guerrilla forces in Wuxi."

"Director Wang, what did the surname Dai say? You told me everything without missing a word." Qi Rui said urgently,

"Curator Jiuchi, you are kind to me. I will definitely tell you everything I know. There is really nothing else. After that, I asked some friends, but no one knew about the Killing God and the Killing God Action Team."

Qi Rui lowered his head and thought for a few seconds and said, "Director Wang, I trust you! Can't you give us any clues from Shanghai?"

"Curator Jiuchi, my activity area is always in the north of the Yellow River, and I am not familiar with Shanghai, but I can provide you with some information, such as the portraits of Chen Gongshu, Zheng Yaoxian, Xu Baichuan, Wu Tianbao, etc. , I have seen these people before."

"We already have all of these people. You gave us Chen Gongshu's, Director Wang, maybe I will let you follow me to Beiping and Tianjin. Aren't you familiar with them there? I hope we can cooperate to clear them." Get rid of all the anti-Japanese elements."

"Curator Jiuchi, Wang will definitely cooperate fully."

"Very good, go get busy. After you get back, sort out the materials in Beijing and Tianjin." Qi Rui said,
Keiko Hansai sent someone to send Wang Tianmu back to the Secret Service Headquarters. He returned to the office and asked, "Director Hisaichi, the God-killing Action Team seems to be quiet these days. Are they also running around?"

"It should be, pay attention to the news in other regions recently."

Qi Rui went home early today because he wanted to know whether the martial arts team was successful or not. An hour later, he received a call from Li Xiaonan. She used code words to inform Qi Rui that the operation failed. Now the train has arrived in Shanghai. The national treasure has been transported to the devil's military dock.

Qi Rui drove to find Li Xiaonan, and learned that all members of the martial arts team had arrived in Shanghai. Jing Yun told Li Xiaonan the reason for the failure.

"Didn't you plan multiple plans, did you have no chance to start?"

"Jing Yun said that they didn't expect that the last three carriages of the train were full of devils. There was a small team of devils in the last and third-to-last carriages, and there were devils in and on the penultimate carriage that transported the national treasure. , because the journey from Hangzhou to Shanghai is during the daytime, Jingyun and the others have no chance at all, because you have repeatedly emphasized that you must act while ensuring your own safety, so they really gave up without a chance.”

Qi Rui didn't expect the devils to be so well protected, even if he was there, he might have nothing to do, so he comforted him: "Tell Jing Yun that they did the right thing, did they find out what kind of packaging these national treasures are when they inquired? "

"Jing Yun said that those national treasures are guarded by special personnel, and they all use the same black leather suitcase. Now these suitcases have been sent to the No. [-] warehouse at the dock."

"Little man, you tell Jing Yun they are on standby."

"Qi Rui, as Jing Yun said, the devils in the warehouse are more strictly guarded, so there is no chance."

"I know, just let them stand by." The few national treasures that the devil transported into the warehouse this time are all priceless, especially the twelve volumes of the Yongle Canon Qi Rui will never let the devil transport them to Japan, so he once again sprouted a night treasure. Explore warehouse ideas.

After dark, Qi Rui drove the car to investigate the dock warehouse again. As before, there was a squadron of devils guarding the warehouse. There was no cargo ship moored at the dock, which meant that there was still time to prepare.

Shanghai in April was cloudy and rainy for several days, Qi Rui took care of it after the investigation.

As soon as Qi Rui got home, he received a call from Song Jian, saying that he had caught a few students who were posting anti-Japanese leaflets everywhere.

"Qi Rui, the student you asked them to arrest?" Fu Yingxue asked puzzled,

"Don't worry Xue'er, I won't embarrass these students, I just want to find out who abetted them."

"You don't think you are a patriot?"

"The little man said that it must not be our comrades who made them do this. I also checked that most of these children are arrested by the gendarmerie. Most of them are children of wealthy families, and most of them are female students. .”

"Did the gendarmerie devils bully them?"

"The gendarmerie mainly extorts money from the children's families, but what if the girls fall into the hands of the devils?"

"Qi Rui, find out who it is, I'll kill them!" Fu Yingxue said angrily,
"Wait for my news."

Qi Rui looked at it and saw that it was 35:[-] p.m. on April [-]th. He drove to Jiuchi Mansion to interrogate these students himself. They were all about the same age as Qin Zishu. Everything you want to know.

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, find the person who abetted them according to the clues provided by these children, the sooner the better!"


Qi Rui personally warned the children and their families, and then asked them to pay a fine and take everyone away.

At 10:[-], Qi Rui disguised himself as a middle-aged man and approached Li Xiaonan, asking her to inform the martial arts team to meet outside the Devils military pier.

At 10:[-], Jing Yun, Zhou Daliang and the others came to the appointed place and met Qi Rui who was wearing make-up and covering his face.

Qi Rui changed his voice and assigned tasks to them, because the little man said that this was the chief Miao Dao, and Jing Yun and others all obeyed the order and started to act.

The drizzle kept falling, and Qi Rui hid outside the warehouse wearing a black night suit. At [-]:[-], the dock suddenly lost power, and the surroundings were instantly pitch black.

Qi Rui's newly learned blind instinct played a role at this moment. According to the previously scouted location, Qi Rui climbed over the wall and entered the No. [-] warehouse. Some devils had already lit oil lamps, which did not prevent Qi Rui from moving around in the warehouse.

The goods in the entire warehouse can be described as piled up like a mountain. Qi Rui came to the front of the warehouse door. The newly shipped things should be at his current location. He searched for the black suitcase, but it took nearly an hour. turn up.

(End of this chapter)

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