Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 394 They Recruited!

Chapter 394 They Recruited!

There were a total of six dock warehouses for the Japanese army. Warehouse No. [-] contained all kinds of books, cultural relics, old porcelain, old furniture, etc. looted from our country.

Jing Yun and the others found out that the things had been stored in the No. [-] warehouse. Qi Rui searched here but couldn't find it, so he left the No. [-] warehouse and looked at each warehouse first.

Among the six large warehouses, Warehouse No. [-] stores weapons and ammunition, Warehouses No. [-] and No. [-] store various metals, including copper, aluminum, lead, iron, etc., and Warehouse No. [-] stores grain.

Qi Rui found the black leather box that Jing Yun and the others were talking about when he arrived at Warehouse No. 20, because he could only take away twelve volumes of the Yongle Canon and a [-]-centimeter-high ice-species emperor green bodhisattva statue. He found other things in the black leather box and put them in to restore it to its original state.

There is a saying in Daomen that stealing the wind does not steal the moon, and stealing the rain does not steal the snow.On a windy and rainy night, it is easy to hide, and the sound of wind and rain can also cover up the sound of action.

It was God’s help today, and Qi Rui asked Jing Yun and the others to cut off the power supply wires of the dock, and told them to continue to cut off the wires as long as the dock is powered on. As long as the warehouse is always kept dark, Qi Rui can ensure that For his own safety, the instinct of the blind can indeed allow Qi Rui to listen to the wind and distinguish his position, and his ability to walk in the dark and distinguish objects is very strong.

It is only now that Qi Rui understands why the system gave him this ability. Today, he helped himself a lot. Qi Rui tied the twelve volumes of the Yongle Canon and Bodhisattva statues to himself with a rainproof cloth, then climbed over the wall and left the dock warehouse, looking for things in Qi Rui During the process, the dock was never powered on.

After coming out, Qi Rui said to Jing Yun who was waiting for him: "I have already got the twelve volumes of Yongle Canon and Avalokitesvara, and I can only take out so many things. The task is completed, and you will stay in Shanghai for a while. .”

"Chief, why don't we take more of the things in the warehouse?" Jing Yun asked,

"I wish I could grab it all back, but we didn't even have a vehicle to get it away."

"Then we won't let the devils get it if we destroy it!" Jing Yun said angrily,

"These things are treasures left by our ancestors and cannot be destroyed."

"Chief, why don't you just watch the little devil snatch it away?"

"How few national treasures of our country have been robbed by foreign powers? I believe they will come back one day!"

"Chief, we haven't been able to complete the task this time. We really have nothing to do." Jing Yun worried that the chief would dislike the incompetence of the martial arts team and explained,
"You guys are doing the right thing. I will criticize you if you act forcefully. Since the last Sakura incident, the defenses along the Guizidui Railway have been strengthened a lot. We still have to think of other ways for similar tasks in the future. After this Besides, you guys did a good job today, so go back quickly."

Jing Yun found other people and left quickly, Qi Rui returned to his original state and drove through the streets and alleys to go home.

"Why did you come back so late? Did you hear about someone who abetted the children?" Fu Yingxue asked unaware that Qi Rui had gone to the warehouse at the Japanese military dock.
"Xue'er, I asked Jing Yun and the others to cut off the wires in the area of ​​the pier. I took advantage of the rain to enter the warehouse and stole twelve volumes of the Yongle Canon and a priceless statue of the Ice King Green Bodhisattva. There are still many in the warehouse. Baby, but I just can't take it anymore."

Seeing Qi Rui take out the Yongle ceremony and the Bodhisattva statue, Fu Yingxue complained, "Why are you acting alone without me?"

"Xue'er, even if you go with me, you won't be able to enter the warehouse. I'm safe by myself." Qi Rui said as he took off the wet clothes inside,

"Look at what's hidden under your feet, did you take off your shoes when you entered the warehouse?" Fu Yingxue asked.

"Of course I won't leave traces in the warehouse." Qi Rui said,
"So the devil won't necessarily find something missing?"

"We will definitely find it. After all, it is a priceless item on the roster. I just hope that we will send it out of Shanghai before the devil finds out. You can ask how to organize these items. If necessary, I can send them out of the city." Qi Rui said ,
"Okay, I'll go tomorrow."

The next day, Qi Rui arrived at the Jiuchi mansion after ten o'clock. Keiko Banxi handed him the materials Wang Tianmu had sorted out, and said, "Director Jiuchi, these are the materials Wang Tianmu sorted out."

Qi Rui looked at the list and contact points of the special agents of the Beijing-Tianjin area, and asked, "Has he given these to Qingqi Qingyin?"

"He said he did. He said that now he has become the target of the military command. The personnel and contact points of the military command in Beijing and Tianjin must have made a lot of adjustments, so there may not be any gains if you look for it according to the above. He is right about this point, because our people in the Beijing-Tianjin area really have nothing to gain." Keiko Sakanishi said,
"Miss Huizi, go ask him if he is sure if we take him to Beijing and Tianjin."

"I asked, and his answer was hard to say, but because he knows the rules and habits of these people very well, he may be able to gain something."

"Very good, we must not miss any chance, you go and tell Director Yingzuo, we will personally take Wang Tianmu to Beijing and Tianjin."

"Hayi!" Keiko Hansai discovered that Toshisuke Kuchi was quick to handle things and never let go of any opportunity. Indeed, Wang Tianmu was very familiar with the Beijing-Tianjin area. Many of these spies were brought out by him, and there will definitely be gains if they go there.

"By the way, what is Eiji Fujita doing?" Why did Qi Rui do this? It was to avoid participating in Eiji Fujita's investigation of the jellyfish assassination team, and to find an excuse to hide in another place. Here, let the jellyfish assassination team and Sixth Brother have a good time. toss.

"Curator, Eiji Fujita has already gone to the special advanced class, and now he is in charge of the special first class, and he has already begun to investigate the jellyfish assassination team."

"Miss Keiko, please stay and assist Eiji Fujita."



"Come in!"

Song Jian came in and reported: "Curator, they've been caught, they're from the Anqing Association."

Qi Rui asked unexpectedly: "Are there anti-Japanese elements in the Anqing General Assembly?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, four of them have been caught, and they've all been recruited!"

"Have you tried it?"

"If caught, they will be interrogated. They refuse to admit that they are anti-Japanese elements, but they have done all the same things. Anti-Japanese leaflets were also found from them."

"Baga! Continue to interrogate, and be sure to find out who their upline is!" Qi Rui ordered,

After Song Jian left, Keiko Hansai asked: "Curator, the Communist Party is everywhere, why are you so surprised that there will always be people from them in Anqing?"

"The Anqing General Assembly cooperated with the Inoue Mansion to do a lot of things for our Great Japanese Empire. They provided me with the news of Chen Gongshu before, and I plan to cooperate with them well, so that's why I was so surprised."

(End of this chapter)

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