Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 398 The Strange Theft Case

Chapter 398 The Strange Theft Case

Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to follow Wang Tianmu all the time, and told them that if they want to communicate with Wang Tianmu in the Maochuan Mansion and the Special Higher Class, they must have their own people present.

News of Toshisuke Kuike's coming to Tianjin did not occupy the headlines in the next day's newspaper. Four drug factories and three local tobacco halls were attacked and set on fire, which was reported by major newspapers.

Gu Junru also reported the news from Shanghai to Shunsuke Kuchi who was reading the newspaper for breakfast.

"Curator, last night, Keigo Nakai and Iyo Kento led a team of 30 people out with Eiji Fujita and were ambushed. In the end, only Iyo Kento survived by chance, and everyone else died."

Qi Rui asked in shock: "They're all dead! Do you know who did it?"

"Section Chief Bannishi guessed that the Jellyfish Assassination Team teamed up with the Military Command Shanghai Station to do it, because Fujita Eiji and Nakai Keigo were killed by someone, and the bullets used were the same as the bullets used to kill General Fujita. According to Yi Yokento's report, they were ambushed There were more than 20 people, a dozen of them were armed with submachine guns."

"Baga! The Military Control Bureau is really tenacious, is their Shanghai station coming again!?" Qi Rui knew that it was the sixth brother who led Chi Tiecheng and the Hurricane Action Team to do it.

"Director, there is another important news here. It is news from Japan that the twelve volumes of the Yongle Canon dedicated to His Majesty the Emperor and a statue of Guanyin were stolen. According to the investigation of the task force, they were stolen from the military dock in Shanghai. Let’s go, the task force has already arrived in Shanghai.”

"Since there is a task force, we don't have to worry about it. Let Section Chief Hannishi immediately cooperate with the Special High School and the Secret Service Headquarters to investigate the killers who ambushed us!"

"Curator, Section Chief Hansai made a special report because the task force assigned Chen Jiaying to cooperate with the case."

"Chen Jiaying is now a member of the task force?"

"That's what Section Chief Hannishi said."

This was beyond Qi Rui's expectations, but he was not worried, and said: "Chen Jiaying is an expert on traces, it seems that someone recommended her, so I wish her the best of luck in solving the case and recovering the stolen treasure."

Qi Rui knew that the devil would find out sooner or later, and it was not bad. It was discovered in Japan. The precious little devil in Yongle Dadian is also very clear, so he established a task force. It's no wonder the devil can find clues.

Indeed, Chen Jiaying was recommended by Xi Yixian, the director of Manchurian Railway Nanjing Branch, because the case was too weird.

Early in the morning, Chen Jiaying followed the task force from Tokyo to the pier site. After surveying and asking about the situation, she came to a conclusion that stunned the devils.

"Miss Chen, you said the perpetrator was a blind person? How is this possible!" said the task force leader Yuto Fukada,

"That's right, if the perpetrator was a blind man, how did he find the Yongle Canon? There were a lot of classic books in the warehouse at that time." Deputy team leader Kugu Hideyoshi also said,

"The night of the theft was a stormy night. At that time, the pier was cut off. The reason for the power outage was that the wires were artificially cut. However, we carefully inspected the scene and found that there was only one perpetrator, because we found his footprints in the No. [-] warehouse. At that time People don't wear shoes, only socks."

"Then how did Ms. Chen determine that he is blind?"

"It was very dark at that time, and you can hardly see your fingers in the warehouse, isn't it true?"

"He should have something like a flashlight in his hand."

"I thought so at first, but if you look carefully, you will find that this person obviously did not use lighting tools when looking for things in the dark."

"Why did Miss Chen say that?"

"Look at these traces." Chen Jiaying pointed to the traces left by Qi Rui on some cargo boxes in the No. [-] warehouse. Because there were patrol soldiers and devil soldiers guarding the warehouse, Qi Rui used the instinct of a blind person to move in the warehouse.

In this way, he used his hands to explore the surroundings in the dark, so he left many traces in the No. [-] warehouse. Because he was wearing gloves at the time, he did not leave fingerprints. The traces left by the upper eye opening his hands and groping forward are basically consistent with the traces on the scene.

"Everyone, based on these traces, it can be deduced that the perpetrator is about 1.7 meters five in height, and there is only one person." Chen Jiaying said,

"Miss Chen, we will leave the same trace when we grope in the dark, so why do you say he is blind?"

"We normal people will definitely have a hard time groping forward in the dark. From the footprints and the traces left around, we can see that the footprints and the traces on the box are not messy. Looking at the footprints proves that this person moves very fast. Normal people You can't do this in the dark." Chen Jiaying said,

"What if he had a lighting tool in his hand?" Kuko Hideyoshi asked.

"If he was holding a lighting tool, he wouldn't leave these marks! Do you touch the surrounding cargo boxes with your hands while holding a flashlight?"

Fukada Yuto still couldn't believe it and asked: "Miss Chen is right, but this is too weird. It is obvious that he didn't know where the things were when he entered the warehouse! Then how did he find the things?" of?"

"Yes, he should have thought that he had searched for the item in Warehouse No. [-] here, and went to Warehouse No. [-] when he couldn't find it. He found it very easily there, and this person is not greedy. took the things very aggressively." Chen Jiaying said,

"It's unbelievable!" Because from the scene, what Chen Jiaying said was well-founded, and since it was a special case team, they must have the ability to investigate cases, but they still couldn't accept the conclusion that this was done by a blind person.

"I'm only inferring from the traces. The specific person who committed the crime still needs to be verified. Maybe this person was blind before and can see now." Chen Jiaying said,

"This statement is much more reasonable! Even if a long-term blind person can see, he will retain the survival skills of blind people cultivated for many years. Miss Chen, I hope you can write us a detailed report." Fukada said,
"Okay, that's all I can help you with. I still have a lot to do, so I'll take my leave first."

After Chen Jiaying left, Fukada Yuto said, "Thanks to Director Nishi Yoshiaki for introducing us to Chen Jiaying, an expert on traces, otherwise we would have really overlooked a lot of things."

"Captain Fukada, do you believe what she said?" Kuko Hideyoshi asked,

"Why don't you believe what she said, but the perpetrator is indeed very familiar with operating in the dark. He moved in the dark without making any noise. You must know that there were soldiers guarding the No. [-] warehouse at that time."

"I think what Chen Jiaying said makes sense, because even if there was some movement, they couldn't hear it. It doesn't mean that there was a lot of wind at night." Said Kazuo Shimizu, a famous detective.
"It is very common for the riverside to be windy. At that time, they thought that the wires were hung up by the wind, so they didn't pay attention to it." Fukada Yuto said,
"Leader Fukada, how should we investigate next?"

(End of this chapter)

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