Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 399 We Must Assassinate Wang Tianmu

Chapter 399 We Must Assassinate Wang Tianmu

Hirohito was very annoyed by the loss of the treasure he had obtained. He ordered the task force to solve the case at all costs and asked them to find it back, so Yuto Fukada and Toshihide Kuko studied what to do next.

"We have to start from the beginning and see who in China knows that the item is in our hands, because this is a well-planned theft operation. Chen Jiaying said that only one person entered the warehouse to commit the crime, but there must be someone outside to respond, at least Someone else cut the wire," said Kazuo Shimizu.
"Inspector Shimizu is right, our next task is to find all the insiders immediately." Yuto Fukada said,
Fukada Yuto took the special case team to Hangzhou on the same day's train, because several insiders were in this city.

Chen Jiaying sighed in her heart on the way back to the pharmacy, because she didn't expect Qi Rui to have such an ability, which can mislead these devils very well.

At this moment, Qi Rui and Wang Tianmu were invited by Sato to the special high school. They first talked about the military command Tianjin station, and Wang Tianmu gave all the information that Wang Tianmu should give, and told them the contact information of some military special agents for the special high class give it a try.

At the same time, Wang Tianmu also promised to help pay attention to the contact codes published by the military command in the newspaper, and took people to try to find the former subordinates.

"Director Jiuchi, we went to the two drug factories where the accident happened today. According to recent cases, they were all done by a group of people, and they seemed to be veterans. Because of the recent accidents in the drug factory, they were all prepared or were they arrested. The attack, and all the drugs were burned, what do you think about this?" Sato asked,

"Isn't this vicious competition among drug factories?"

Seeing that Shunsuke Kuike was not interested in this matter at all, Sato asked, "Director Kuike, don't you think this matter is serious?"

"These drug makers are almost gang members. Isn't it normal for them to fight for territory and profit?"

"It seems that curator Jiuchi doesn't know anything about the drug factory in Tianjin."

"There are almost no drug factories in Shanghai. Mr. Satomifu always transports the finished products. The drug dealers in Shanghai buy them back and sell them in various ways. I really don't know about Tianjin."

"Since curator Kuchi doesn't know much about this, forget it." Sato saw that Kuchi Shunsuke didn't want to care about this and said,
"It's okay, if you need my help in the extra-high class, you can just tell me, anyway, there is nothing to do today."

"That's great. There are four drug factories that were attacked. I heard that curator Jiuchi is an expert on traces. Can you help us go to the scene?"

"There's nothing wrong with that, let's go."

Yushi Sato brought a team of gendarmes to the drug factory where the accident happened. After Qi Rui inspected the scene, he said: "I think there are two possibilities. You should first ask the boss of the drug factory if he has any enemies. It cannot be ruled out that this is revenge. Second, the arson is done by people who hate drugs, after all, many Chinese families have been ruined by drugs.”

"Curator Jiuchi, why do I feel that the perpetrators are very capable of action, they seem to come and go without a trace every time, because we have taken precautions against frequent accidents recently, but it didn't help."

"Who do you think did it?"

"Why do I feel that it has something to do with the Communist Party's armed forces?"

Qi Rui frowned and asked with interest: "Is it related to the Communist Party? Tell me your reason."

"Mr. Kuichi, almost all of the drug factories involved in the accident are owned by our Japanese side, and some of them are solely owned by our Japanese side. We have sent additional staff at night, but even so, accidents still happened, and the night watchmen Almost all people were killed, and some of the dead were ronin from the Black Dragon Society."

"It's indeed a bit strange for you to say this. How about this, you sort out all the information of the case and send it to my place of residence. I will take a closer look and give you the answer."

"Then I'll leave it to Director Kuike."

Qi Rui saw the scene and knew that it was the martial arts team who did it. He asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to accompany Wang Tianmu back to the villa, and strolled to the agreed meeting place with Zeng Che, a local smoke house called Fushou Yannian.

In the innermost single room, Qi Rui saw the fifth brother Zeng Che, who was lying on his side on a wooden bed, and there was a small wooden table on the bed with two smoking guns placed on it.

Qi Rui sat by the bed and asked, "Fifth brother, why did you make an appointment to meet here?"

"This kind of place is safe!" Zeng Che put the tobacco soil in the bong and took a sharp puff, then spit out all the smoke, and soon the single room was full of smoke.

Qi Rui seldom smokes, let alone drugs, he covered his nose and asked with vacant eyes: "Fifth brother, can we change the place?"

"Xiao Jiu, let's stay here, because tomorrow I will send someone to burn down this smokehouse, and I came here to check out the spot."

"Fifth brother, it's almost there, we have to change the way."

"Xiao Jiu, is there someone else doing this?" Zeng Che asked,

"Aren't you responsible for all the cases these days?" Qi Rui pretended to be stupid and asked,
"No, most of our targets are tobacco dens, but the drug factory has never been moved. Obviously someone has targeted the drug factory, and the attack is much more ruthless than ours."

"Did someone who resisted the regiment do it?"

"Of course not."

"Then I really don't know, go back and check."

"I checked, and it doesn't seem to be the Communist Party."

"How do you know it's not the Communist Party?"

"They have my people there, let him check it out, and the Communist Party has not taken any action in this regard."

"Fifth brother is awesome! There are people from the Communist Party."

"Xiao Jiu, what does Lao Liu mean by asking me to build these smokehouses?"

"You will know in a few days, don't attack the smokehouse these days, suspend all activities."

"Will this smoke house be burned tomorrow?"

"No need to burn it." Qi Rui said, worried about Zeng Che's accident,

"That's a good relationship, Xiao Jiu, I heard you brought Wang Tianmu here?" Zeng Che asked,

"That's right. I brought him here to find you. You have to be very careful recently."

"Xiao Jiu, since Wang Tianmu came to Tianjin, it would be unreasonable if the Military Control Bureau does not take any action, so we must assassinate Wang Tianmu."

Now that Wang Tianmu is wanted by the army, and Wang Tianmu has already been published in the newspaper when he came to Tianjin, it would be unreasonable if the army's Tianjin station didn't respond at all.

"I'm here to tell you about this matter. You can plan an assassination operation, but you can only slightly injure Wang Tianmu." Qi Rui said,
"Has there been any activity on your side recently?"

"The day after tomorrow, I will invite Shen Xilin and Pan Zhicheng from the Secret Service Committee back at Xilemen, and then I will take Wang Tianmu there, and you can figure it out."

"Okay, we will act at the gate of Xilemen."

"That can't be done, because according to me and my human ability, you can't escape!"

"Then when shall we do it?" Zeng Che asked Zheng Yaoxian, Xu Baichuan knew this little Jiu and knew how powerful he was,

(End of this chapter)

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