Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 415 This is a good deal!

Chapter 415 This is a good deal!
The jellyfish killer team is an existence that scares the devils. Every time they take action, they come and go without a trace. What makes the devils especially terrified is their sniper skills, which can accurately capture the target's life thousands of meters away.

Qi Rui's micro-expression management is very calm on the surface, Mochuan Hidekazu still saw a little fear in his eyes, he didn't joke about Kuchi Shunsuke, he himself was frightened, maybe he would be the next target to be assassinated by the jellyfish killer group .

"Kuike-kun, didn't they say that someone was injured when they assassinated General Fujita?"

"It should be one of the jellyfish and herd fish, but it didn't affect their next actions, because I carried out crazy revenge on the Military Command Shanghai Station, and finally drove away Chen Gongshu, one of the four major killers. My Jiuchi mansion started to retaliate wildly, several of my capable men have been completely assassinated by them, and now there is no one who can take charge of the mansion, and it is precisely because of this that I let Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu go back."

"But isn't it dangerous to have no one around you now?"

"Don't worry, Mogawa-kun. Masami Aoyama and I will dress up as Chinese and stay at the Tianjin Hotel just in case. Shunsuke Kuike has already left Tianjin and returned to Shanghai."

"Jiuchi-kun, you should follow back, just leave it to us."

"How can I do that? I haven't finished General Honma's request. I have to find out who these people are."

"How do you plan to check?"

"Mr. Maochuan, I won't come out these few days. Say hello to General Honma for me. If the armed forces don't show up after the transaction, I will take Masami Aoyama to Taihang Mountain together."

"Jiuchi-kun is going to the Taihang Mountain Eighth Route Army base?" Mao Chuanxiuhe asked in surprise,
"Yes! No matter what, I have to find this armed force. There must be traces of so many of them. The strength of these people is always a threat to us."

"But now that the money is in the hands of the Eighth Route Army, what can we do if we find them?"

"It would be great if I could find out the base of the Tuba Road, so that our Imperial Japanese Army can go into the mountains to clear up the land!"

"It's so dangerous, what are you doing with Ms. Yami?"

"Don't underestimate Yami, she is now an excellent agent under the training of me and South Railway agent Chen Jiaying, she also speaks fluent Chinese, I also taught her some fighting skills, and her marksmanship is also good now, We pretended to be husband and wife to convince Balu even more."

"It's really admirable! Mr. Kuchi, I'm waiting for your news at home!" Mo Chuan Hidekazu said moved,

After Qi Rui left the extra-high school, he called Donghua Matheson and asked Aoyama Masami to go back and pack up his things and come to Tianjin Hotel to look for them.

Fu Yingxue had made it clear to Shen Xilin that only a few Eighth Route Army soldiers from the base area were left behind, and the other soldiers had already escorted money and supplies back to the army.

"Qi Rui, the organization asked us how we need to cooperate next."

"At the right time, find a man and a woman to pretend to be us and enter the base area near Laiyuan. We will go there after we finish our work in Chengde." Qi Rui said,
"What are we doing these two days?"

"Tomorrow we will disappear to Beiping, and then go to Chengde from Beiping." Qi Rui said,
"Are we leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes, we will disappear tomorrow. I have already prepared all the documents." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he gave the prepared documents to Fu Yingxue.

"From tomorrow onwards, my name will be Tan Xue?"

"Yes, I will start calling Qi Jun tomorrow. These certificates can be from special high school, and there are special passes, but we try not to use them."

In the outskirts of the city, the 27th Division and the special committee led by Mokawa Hidekazu waited for several days, but the armed forces did not move at all. So under the order of Mokawa Hidekazu, the drug dealers started trading with the local drug factory, and waited for all the transactions. After it was over, there was still no movement.

Mokawa Hidekazu now believes that those armed forces have gone to the base of the Eighth Route Army with money, so he reported the situation to Honma Yaharu, and also told him that Shunsuke Kuchi had disguised himself as a Chinese to go to the base to investigate.

Qi Rui and Fu Yingxue dressed up as middle-aged people first arrived in Beiping, and then took the train to Chengde, that is, to the border of Manchuria at that time, stayed here for a good night's rest, and left the city after having breakfast early the next morning .

At a designated place in the southwest of Chengde, Qi Rui and Fu Yingxue met with Xu Hu and Yang Dali of the Snow Leopard Special Forces and said that the code was connected.

"Hello, my name is Qi Jun, she is Tan Xue, where is Zhou Weiguo, the leader of your detachment?"

"Our captain is waiting for you, come with us."

Both Qi Rui and Fu Yingxue noticed that there were people around, but they all pretended not to know, and followed Xu Hu and Yang Dali to the detachment's camp.

Qi Rui asked: "Comrade Xu Hu, when did you arrive?"

"After receiving the order, we rushed over overnight. We have been here for two days."

"Thank you, have you finished the dry food you brought?" Qi Rui asked Xu Hu,

"Fortunately, the comrades of the martial arts team brought us some, and now there is nothing to eat."

"We also brought some." During the conversation, everyone came to a mountain forest, and Qi Rui recognized Zhou Weiguo among the snow leopards at a glance. He was talking to Jing Yun, Zhou Daliang and the others.

"Detachment Captain, someone is here!" Xu Hu reported,

Zhou Weiguo stood up, looked Qi Rui and Fu Yingxue up and down and asked, "Are you the one the organization asked us to wait for?"

"That's right, my name is Qi Jun, and she is Tan Xue. Thank you for your hard work this time!" Qi Rui stepped forward to shake hands with Zhou Weiguo and said,
"What exactly is our mission?" Zhou Weiguo asked,
Qi Rui looked around, Zhou Weiguo signaled Xu Hu to take people down to rest, Jing Yun looked Qi Rui and Fu Yingxue up and down, Qi Rui said to him: "Jing Yun, you go down too, and share the food with comrades Now, let me say a few words to Captain Zhou."

Jing Yun was sure it was Brother Qi Rui, so he immediately stood up and stood at attention to salute: "Yes!" After speaking, he took the two bags and pulled Zhou Daliang, and Li Nancheng and the others left.

"Captain Zhou, didn't Jing Yun and the others tell you anything?" Qi Rui asked,

"It doesn't seem like an action to kill devils?"

"It's not true. This time we are targeting the drug dealers in Rehe and Mengjiang."

"Rush them?"

"Yes, we have obtained more than 7000 million yuan from drug dealers. Now several groups of drug dealers have finished trading in Tianjin and have already set off. Our goal is the money in their hands."

"What does the organization mean by letting us rob them of their money?"

"Yes, with this money, your Hutou Mountain independent detachment can be expanded into the Hutou Mountain independent group."

"Do you mean that all the money belongs to us?" Zhou Weiguo's detachment also urgently needed military expenses and asked.
"It's enough for your group, because the money in the hands of these drug dealers is about 4000 to [-] million. Let's get some more depending on the situation."

"Haha, this is a good deal! It must be done!" Zhou Weiguo laughed happily,

(End of this chapter)

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