Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 416 He is also our big brother!

Chapter 416 He is also our big brother!
Zhou Weiguo immediately agreed to kill the drug dealers who cheated and harmed others, and to get so much military expenditure.

"Captain Zhou, how many people do we have now?" Qi Rui asked,

"There are 130 people in the detachment, and the weapons are also very mixed. I heard that there are a lot of drug dealers?" Zhou Weiguo asked just after hearing Jing Yun's general situation, knowing that there were many drug dealers.

"The number of drug dealers is indeed quite a lot, but they are made up of multiple drug dealers. There are probably less than a thousand people, but I'm sure they will separate after Chengde." Qi Rui said,
Seeing that this comrade was confident, Zhou Weiguo asked, "Did Comrade Qi already have a solution?"

Qi Rui smiled and said: "I want them to eat dogs like dogs, so that we can save our worries and effort and strive for the greatest gains at the smallest cost."

Zhou Weiguo understood what this Qi Jun meant as soon as he heard it, and said with a smile: "This method is really good, let these drug dealers plant a deep hatred from now on!"

"That's what I meant."

"Then let's start with the drug dealers first?"

"Captain Zhou, according to my investigation, there are four most famous gangs of drug dealers in Rehe. They are Kong Yuangang, Chiang Kai-shek, Fan Laosan, and Sun Yarong. Before our team and the armed forces team attacked their drug convoy, It made them suffer a lot, so this time they all sent cronies to transport opium to Tianjin, because the Japanese also got involved, and the drug dealers teamed up, so I decided to do it in Rehe."

"Comrade Qi, as far as I know, the little devil is the culprit of drug trafficking, right?"

"That's right. The Yudong Company in Chengde was opened by the Japanese Ittendorf. This company is related to the drug dealer I mentioned earlier. His backer is the Kwantung Army. This company is also our main target, but we can't get him. Hurry up, get rid of these drug dealers first."

"It seems that Comrade Qi is planning to do something big in Rehe!"

"Yes, this time we are indeed going to do a big job, otherwise I wouldn't ask Captain Zhou to bring the team!"

"Comrade Qi knows me?"

"I understand a little bit, you have more brains than many commanders of our army, and you have one of the biggest advantages I like very much, that is, you know how to cherish and love the lives of soldiers." Qi Rui praised without hesitation,
"Comrade Qi has won the prize." Meeting a comrade Zhou Weiguo who understood himself, he said with a happy smile,

"So our next target is one of the four big drug dealers I mentioned before. Whoever it is depends on their fate. In other words, whoever we meet is who."

"Okay, this time our detachment will obey your command."

"No, I'm just going to speak out my thoughts. Captain Zhou has to make up his mind. After all, I don't have much experience in actual combat." Qi Rui is still self-aware about this, otherwise why would he invite the Snow Leopard Special Forces team?

"Okay, then we'll discuss it." Zhou Weiguo could also see that Comrade Qi Jun was being modest, because it was obvious that he already had a comprehensive plan.
"Because the drug dealers want to track down the team that robbed them of opium along the way, they are all riding horses, driving carriages or driving cars. It may take two days to reach the border of Chengde. Captain Zhou, let's take this time to go Inquire about news in Chengde City, and also help comrades get some supplies." Qi Rui said,
"Are you planning to investigate Yudong Company?" Zhou Weiguo asked,
"Yes, this Antendorf was recommended by Tadao Natsume, the Counselor of the Economic Department of the Kwantung Army, to specialize in the opium business. There is also a traitor we must get rid of. His name is Zhang Molin. He used to resell opium for the Kwantung Army. Now he belongs to the Kwantung Army. Andendorf commanded, but getting rid of him also means obtaining the money he has collected over the years."

Sure enough, there was a plan, Zhou Weiguo said with a smile: "Comrade Qi has done his homework a lot!"

"This is necessary. Since we came to Rehe, we must know the local situation in advance. Besides, we are not here to fight guerrillas this time. The purpose is to raise military expenses. Captain Zhou should be fine, right?"

"If you don't grab the money, don't grab it. These drug dealers deserve to die. What problem can I have?"

"Hehe, it's the same as Captain Zhou I know, so I'm relieved."

"What capacity are we going to Chengde with?"

"Captain Zhou is from Shanghai, right?"

"Yes, I am from Shanghai."

"Just pretend to be an opium dealer from Shanghai to purchase. We are all your buddies. I have prepared all the documents for you!" Qi Rui took out a stack of unnamed documents from his bag, and Shunsuke Jiuchi said has the right to issue this document,
"These are Shanghai's resident certificates and travel permits!" Zhou Weiguo exclaimed after seeing them, because being able to get these is enough to prove that Comrade Qi has great powers.

Qi Rui took out the Shanghai Special High School Special Agent Certificate and the letter of introduction. The letter of introduction was signed by Masaken Tanaka of the Headquarters of the Gendarmerie Commander, and said, "Captain Zhou, just follow the plan. If you encounter trouble, I will come forward and make it clear."

"Tsk tsk! That's amazing, Comrade Qi!" Zhou Weiguo was even more surprised when he found out that these documents were all true.

"Captain Zhou, it's time for us to show our talents. We may play many roles, such as drug dealers, bandits, opium dealers, etc."

Knowing what Comrade Qi Jun was worried about, Zhou Weiguo assured him, "Don't worry, Comrade Qi, most of the fighters in my independent detachment are bandits, and they are not familiar with playing these roles!"

"That's good! Then you should prepare first, and pick two or three capable men to follow."

"Two or three?"

"Yes, there are me and a few members of the martial arts team. They are all from Shanghai. There will be no flaws in playing the opium dealer in Shanghai."

"Okay! I'll make arrangements now."

Only then did Qi Rui call Jing Yun and Zhou Daliang to him: "Brother Zhou! Brother Lu! Are you all okay?"

"Brother!? It's really you!" Zhou Daliang and the others all heard Qi Rui's voice and hugged him excitedly for a long time, unwilling to let go.

"Brother! I thought you didn't want us anymore!" Cao Meng burst into tears,

"You are all my dead brothers, how could I not want to, but my special status can't hurt you, now we are together again!" Qi Rui put his arms around them and smiled,

"Brother! Is that our sister-in-law who was injured last time?" Zhou Daliang glanced at the woman not far away who looked at everyone with a smile and asked in a low voice,

"She is Comrade Xiu Chundao, your chief!"

"We guessed it!"

Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing were not tall, and they couldn't get close to the elder brother Qi Rui after a long time of pawing, and they shouted anxiously: "You are almost there, he is also our elder brother!"

Qi Rui said to Zhou Daliang and the others: "Go and say hello to Chief Xiu Chundao first."

Zhou Daliang and the others let go of Qi Rui, Jiang Xing, Jiang Tong and Jing Yun pulled Xiao Wucai and stood in front of Qi Rui.

(End of this chapter)

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