Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 417 Very Important Task

Chapter 417 Very Important Task
Qi Rui hugged them one by one, then shook Xiao Wu's hand and said, "Comrade Xiao Wu! Hello!"

"Hello Chief!" Xiao Wu hurriedly stood at attention and saluted.
"Xiao Wu! Your marksmanship is really good, can you use this gun?"

"Report to the chief, this gun is very good, I can use it completely!" Xiao Wu was afraid that the chief would take the gun back and tightly grasped the strap of the gun.

"I'll teach you some tricks when I have a chance, if you like it, use it to kill devils!" Qi Rui encouraged,
"Yes!" Xiao Wu stood at attention again and saluted.
In the distance, Zhou Weiguo saw that the comrades of the martial arts team had such a good relationship with this Qi Jun, and he understood that they should be comrades in arms who had fought together for a long time.

"Zhang Chu, take your team on standby!" Zhou Weiguo ordered,
"What are you doing?" Zhang Chu asked,
"Of course I have an important task." Zhou Weiguo shouted after finishing speaking: "Xu Hu! Dali! Liu San! You follow me!"

"Yes!" The three immediately agreed beamingly.

"Captain, what is our mission this time?" Zhang Chu asked,

"It's a very important mission. For this reason, Yan'an sent Chief Qi. You have to perform well! Don't embarrass our detachment!" Zhou Weiguo said this to make the soldiers obey Qi Jun's orders when he was not around.

"Captain, that person's sniper rifle seems to be very good!" Sniper Shui Sheng pointed to the sniper rifle on Xiao Wu's back enviously,
"That gun has been modified at first glance. I don't know who has this technology! The person who modified this gun is very strong!" said Zhang Chu, the gunsmith,

"Captain, if only I had such a gun!" Shui Sheng said with drooling,

"I'll ask you later." Zhou Weiguo also saw that the gun on Xiao Wu's back was remodeled. Even if he knew it was a remodeled gun, there was no trace of manual polishing on this gun at all, and it looked like it was all done by machines. So I am also a little curious about who has such a high level.

"Captain, it seems that the martial arts team is not weak!"

"That's for sure, they are comrades of the armed forces team."

The soldiers of the martial arts team all knew that it was a special operations team composed of strong fighters, and the weak ones couldn't get in at all, so they all cast envious and admiring eyes.

Qi Rui continued to ask everyone about their experiences after leaving him, and he was very sure of their achievements.

"Brother, why do you come here to take this risk with your status? If something happens, it's not a small loss?" Zhou Daliang asked,
"For me, there is nothing bigger than the mission given by the organization. Our Taihang base area is constantly being attacked by devils. They even use the policy of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness to deal with our soldiers and civilians. The base area is very difficult. Our soldiers often have full meals. We can’t even eat, so our action this time is very important, because we can find ways to buy weapons, equipment and food when we have money and bases, so that our comrades and soldiers can have the strength to fight the devils!”

"Brother, you have worked so hard!" Cao Meng said distressedly,

"So we must ensure the safety of our eldest brother this time!" Jing Yun said,
"We are not facing the little Japanese Kwantung Army this time, but some drug dealers and Japanese and Korean rogues, so the problem should not be big." Qi Rui said that he never wanted to confront the Kwantung Army head-on when he came here,

"Brother, are the drug dealers finished?" Jing Yun asked,

"Already on the way back." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he said to Jiang Xing and Jiang Tong: "The two of you are in charge of investigating on the Chengdenan highway. Once you find the drug traffickers' convoy, report it immediately."

"Brother, can we report in time?"

"In time, we just need to know why they entered Chengde. Even if we want to do it, we have to wait for the drug dealers to leave Chengde, because then the drug dealers will separate, and we will come one by one." Qi Rui said,
"Understood!" Qi Rui was like telling everyone the general plan of action. This group of people was taught by Qi Rui, so they naturally trust him [-]%.

"This is your ID, use it in case of trouble." Qi Rui gave Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing two special agent IDs.

After Qi Rui made the arrangements, he asked Jing Yun and Zhou Daliang to follow him and Fu Yingxue, and the others stayed behind with the independent detachment of Hutoushan to stay on standby.

Qi Rui, Zhou Weiguo and a group of nine people came to Chengde. The first thing to do after entering the city was to buy clothes for Zhou Weiguo and the others. The boss must have the boss’s outfit. After everything was done, Zhou Weiguo found a higher-grade hotel to stay .

Zhou Weiguo was originally a son of a rich family, so there was no need to rehearse for him to dress up as a rich businessman. Qi Rui was the housekeeper, Fu Yingxue was dressed in men's clothes this time, and everyone else was dressed as a follower, but even the clerks were dressed clean and tidy. Qi, he looked like someone from a big company.

Qi Rui paid for some grain first, because he couldn't buy more at one time, which would arouse the devils' ideas. You must know that Chinese people couldn't eat fine grain at that time. After buying it, Yang Dali was responsible for sending it back to the team.

"Comrade Qi, should we go to Yudong Company to find out the way first?"

"This is not necessary, because all the opium collected by this company is given to another person in charge, Satoshi Fu, and most of the Kwantung Army's opium is sold to various places through his hands."

"So they don't have much money in their hands?"

"There must still be money, because they need the funds to buy a lot of opium." Qi Rui said,
"Comrade Qi means stealing?"

"The best way is to steal!"

"Then leave this matter to Liu San, this is his specialty."

"Okay, we'll discuss this matter later." Qi Rui was a thief himself, so he didn't worry about this action.

"Then what are we doing these two days?"

"Inquire carefully about how many drug dealers' stores there are in Chengde besides Yudong Company, because they are all our targets." Qi Rui said,
Zhou Weiguo hadn't really thought about getting money from this aspect before, so he didn't have much experience. However, Comrade Qi Jun knew the drug dealers in Rehe very well, so he didn't say much and did what he wanted.

To Qi Rui's surprise, Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing got news that night that a team of drug dealers had arrived. Instead of going into the city, they chose to rest in an inn on the outskirts of the city.

"They all came back on horseback?"

"That's right, brother, the accent they speak seems to be from Mengjiang."

"Mengjiang is also an important source of opium. How many people are there?"

"More than 70 people, all with guys, and more than 100 horses." Jiang Tong reported,
"It seems that I chose to rest outside the city because it is not easy to enter the city with weapons!" Qi Rui said,
"Comrade Qi, are we going to sneak attack them tonight?"

"No, since they're here, other drug dealers should be here soon, let's wait!" Qi Rui guessed that these people should be checking the road ahead,
(End of this chapter)

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