Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 428 Shameful Business

Chapter 428 Shameful Business

Xu Baichuan thought the task this time would not be too difficult, but now it seems that is not the case at all. This Xinyang Wharf was originally the property of the Chivalrous Club, because the agency was suppressed by the Japanese, and Anqing is basically busy on the wharf. General Assembly people.

Zheng Ziliang, the president of the Chivalry Club, and his cronies have been detained by the Anqing Association. The mastermind behind this is Xiao Hinata Bailang's Shang Mansion.

"Sixth, the Chivalry Club has been secretly helping us get supplies and money, but Zheng Ziliang, the president, disappeared just a month ago. The boss got information that he should be secretly detained by the Anqing General Assembly, and this Xinyang Wharf is very It might be where he was held."

"So, we're going to save people?"

"It's best to rescue him, because he has a lot of smuggling channels." Xu Baichuan said,

"Fourth brother, this matter is easy for Xiao Jiu, why do you insist on not using him?" Zheng Yaoxian asked strangely,
"Lao Liu, some of the business done by the Chivalry Club can't be put on the table, especially doing business with traitors or even Japanese in private. This is a last resort. The boss is also worried that Xiao Jiu may misunderstand something."

"What misunderstanding can there be? Now is a special period. Even if we do something against our conscience for the sake of material funds, it is helpless. Look at the situation at the dock. It is basically impossible for us to directly enter the investigation. We can only spend money See if you can bribe the people on the pier to ask, but this is likely to scare the snake." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"But the boss' order is that it's best not to let Xiao Jiu know."

"Fourth brother, I don't quite understand. Since Zheng Ziliang had contacts with the Japanese, why was he imprisoned by the Anqing General Assembly?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"The Japanese should know that Chongqing is behind Zheng Ziliang, and they also want to continue the business, but the middleman wants them to decide, so that they have more initiative and can obtain some information about our side from materials." Xu Baichuan said,
"I thought that Xiao Jiu might be involved in any particularly difficult and dangerous mission you brought. Now the priority is to save people. We just need to ask Xiao Jiu to find out the exact location of Zheng Ziliang's detention, and then we can think of a way."

"The boss probably didn't expect this task to be so strenuous. It looks like we won't be able to explore the pier at night, so let's go back first. Sixth brother, you can tell Xiao Jiu to find out the whereabouts of Zheng Ziliang. If possible, ask him where he hid the money. place." Xu Baichuan agreed with Zheng Yaoxian's suggestion and said,

"How much is the payment?"

"This... I don't know too well, I have to ask Zheng Ziliang to find out."

Zheng Yaoxian basically understood what was going on. The boss probably knew that Qi Rui had a sense of justice, so he didn't want him to know about those messy things in private.

Qi Rui went to the International Settlement to visit Chen Jiaying on the third day after he came back. He also came here to know what was going on with the devil's task force investigating the theft at the pier.

"Qi Rui, the special case team only called me once after that, and then they never contacted me again. As far as I know, they went to Hangzhou to investigate. Speaking of this matter, I still want to ask you, how did you act in the dark? Because the traces show that you didn't use a flashlight?" Chen Jiaying asked curiously,

"Sister Jiaying, because many times we will face such situations, I have received training in this area."

"In that case, the Japanese should be able to think that this was done by senior agents, right?"

"Not necessarily, even if you have received such training, you may not be able to be the same as a blind person."

"Qi Rui, the task force will definitely not find you, right?"

"Sister Jiaying, don't worry, definitely not."

Chen Jiaying told Qi Rui some recently intercepted messages. Intelligence personnel from various countries are active now, and they already know that the Japanese will support a puppet government.

Leaving Huimin Pharmacy, Qi Rui thought for a while and realized that it was time to sell some information to make some money, especially to let the countries know that the Devil's Type Zero fighter has been successfully developed and put into use.

When Qi Rui returned to the mansion, Tang Rui reported: "Curator, President Shigeharu Matsumoto of the League News Agency asked you to find him."

It must be something important for this person to find him. Qi Rui came to the news agency as quickly as possible, because he hoped to get in touch with the major plans of the Japanese army again.

Shigeharu Matsumoto had already made tea and was waiting for Shunsuke Hisaike. When he saw him, he congratulated him: "Hisaki! Congratulations on being promoted to lieutenant assistant!"

"Thank you, President Matsumoto!"

"Don't look at me with such anticipation. It's true that I'm here this time, but it's not a spy mission."

"What is the important thing that I need to do?"

"Jiuchi, do you know that a few valuables were lost at the dock some time ago, which alarmed His Majesty the Emperor, and a special task force was set up for this, but they have not found any clues after investigating for so long, so Prime Minister Konoe wishes His Majesty the Emperor recommended you."

"Ah!? President Matsumoto, it's been so long since I took over the matter, I'm afraid I won't find anything!" Qi Rui said very repulsively,
Matsumoto Shigeharu understands Shunsuke Hisaic's thoughts, this is really not a good job, he quickly persuaded him: "Hiuchi, because the lost things are too precious, His Majesty the Emperor is very angry about this, and the Prime Minister recommended you to appease the Emperor's anger .”

"But the scene has been destroyed long ago, what can I find if I go to check now?"

"Jiuchi, after all, you are an expert on traces, and you still have some experience in this area. Besides, you have taken photos at the scene, so you can try it. Even if you don't find many clues, the Emperor will not blame you, because you are just It is to assist in handling the case, and the task force is responsible." Shigeharu Matsumoto continued to persuade,
Qi Rui lowered his head and pondered for a moment before asking: "Since it's the teacher's intention, then I'll go to the scene to see, where is the task force?"

"The special case team is at the pier. If you have time, go and meet with them. In addition, Chen Jiaying also participated in the investigation. You don't know her very well, so you can ask her." Shigeharu Matsumoto said,
"Okay then, President Matsumoto, let me tell you in advance, because the scene has been destroyed long ago, I really can't guarantee that I can find anything."

"I know, you can do your best."

Qi Rui drove to the pier, showed his ID, and was notified. Fukada Yumon and Kuko Hideyoshi from the task force came out to greet him. It seemed that they had already received the notification.

"Nakasa Hisaike! It's great to have you here!" Fukada Yuto bowed and said,
"Tell me about the specific situation." Qi Rui said with a gloomy face,
Fukada Yuto, Kuko Hideyoshi and the others told Shunsuke Hisaike from the beginning to the end of the case, took him around the warehouse, and asked, "Director Hisaike, what did you find? "

"What did you find in Hangzhou?" Qi Rui asked,

"Nothing was found."

"No wonder His Majesty the Emperor is angry, you haven't found any clues for more than a month!"

"Nakazuo Jiuchi! Although we haven't found the lost twelve volumes of the Yongle Canon, we have clues to the other six volumes!"

(End of this chapter)

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