Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 429 Notify the military workers to take action!

Chapter 429 Notify the military workers to take action!

Fukada Yuto said that there were six more clues to the Yongle Canon, and Qi Rui asked calmly, "How do you know that these six volumes are not the lost twelve volumes?"

"Definitely not, the content of each volume is different, we have investigated very clearly." Fukada Yuto said,
"So you know whose hands it is?"

"Yes, the six volumes of the Yongle Canon will be in our hands in two days!" Fukada Yuto said,
"You mean that the twelve volumes are missing?"

"Definitely look for it! Otherwise, I would have invited Director Kuike to come."

"There is also a famous detective among you. I know that I can't find any valuable clues from the scene of the crime. I can only see if I can find anything useful from the documents. Give me all the documents you have sorted out. "Qi Rui said,
"Then I'll leave it to Director Kuike!" Fukada Yuto hurriedly asked his subordinates to deliver all the materials to Shunsuke Kuike's car.

"I'll come back to find you when I have news."

Qi Rui got in the car and left the warehouse and went straight home. He was thinking about the warehouse all the way, because he found that three of the six warehouses at the pier were stocked with ammunition, mainly ammunition, and the remaining two warehouses were canned goods. And supplies such as compressed biscuits, it seems that the devils have recently launched a major military operation.

Counting the days, Qi Rui thought to himself: Could it be that the devils have already started preparing for the first battle in Changsha.

Fu Yingxue saw that Qi Rui was worried and asked, "Qi Rui, what happened?"

"Xue'er, tell the boy to notify the martial arts team to enter the city!" Qi Rui planned to blow up the dock warehouse and destroy the devil's supplies.


Qi Rui took Fu Yingxue to the study room, picked up a pen and drew the plan of the pier and the devil's defenses, and said, "Now there are at least three divisions' supplies stored in this warehouse, we must find a way to destroy them!"

"The supply of the three divisions. Could it be that the devils have some large-scale military operations recently?"

"According to intelligence analysis, the next target of the No.11 Army is Changsha. Neiji Okamura should already be preparing for this battle. I want to destroy them whether it is or not!"

"Qi Rui, I'd better inform the organization first, and ask the chief what he wants?"


"What's in these portfolios you got?"

"It's the information compiled by the task force investigating the theft at the wharf. The devil asked me to assist in the investigation of this case." Qi Rui grinned and said,
"Haha, this is very interesting!" The thing was stolen by Qi Rui, and the devil asked him to search until he died, but he couldn't find anyone.

"Xue'er, the devil found another six volumes of the Yongle Canon, we still have to find a way to get them back."

"Where's the stuff?"

"They didn't say it, so I can't ask directly. According to my guess, the six volumes of Yongle Canon are not in Shanghai now. They should be on the way to Shanghai. I will follow the task force in these two days and see the situation before we talk about it. In short, we must try our best to stop Things were sent away by devils."

"I will also report this matter to the organization. By the way, this is a letter I found in the mailbox when I came back today. It should be given to you by the military commander." Fu Yingxue handed a letter to Qi Rui,

Qi Rui opened the envelope and wrote a few ordinary greetings on it. He processed the letter paper with developer water and developed a lot of words. After reading it, he said, "It was Zheng Yao who asked me to check the Xinyang Wharf first. The traitors from the Anqing Association have detained Zheng Ziliang from the Chivalrous Society."

"Is Zheng Ziliang a patriot?" Fu Yingxue asked.
"Well, Sixth Brother said that this person has been doing things for Chongqing, I've seen him before." Qi Rui had gambled with this person in Zhang Xiaolin's casino.

"Then how do you plan to check?"

"This is easy to handle. Just say that there is a Communist Party at Xinyang Wharf after receiving an anonymous call, and send Song Jian and Tang Rui to take people to check it out." Qi Rui said,
"After checking, Zheng Yaoxian and the others will make the Shang Mansion suspicious."

"No, if Zheng Ziliang is really detained at Xinyang Wharf, after such an investigation, they will probably transfer him away, and we will have nothing to do with the rest. Brother Six and the others should have a solution."

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he called Song Jian and asked him to lead a team to search at the Xinyang Wharf immediately, because the people from the Anqing Association were at the dock, and as soon as Song Jian and the others showed up, the people from the Anqing Association would not even dare Panting, I beat several of their leaders to death before.

Qi Rui was waiting for the news at home. As expected, Song Jian and the others went very smoothly, and the military command's information was also very accurate. Zheng Ziliang and a few of his cronies were locked up in a basement at the pier.

Song Jian did not find the Communist Party that Qi Rui mentioned, so he called to report at the pier. Qi Rui asked them to ask why Zheng Ziliang was detained.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Rui immediately called Shang Mansion again: "Director Kohinata! I'm Shunsuke Kuike!"

"Curator Hisaichi! I know you're back, but I know you must be very busy these two days, and I want to wait for you to finish these two days before visiting you." Xiao Hinata said to Bai Lang,

"I'd better visit you when I'm done. I just called to tell you that I received an anonymous call just now, saying that there was a Communist party hidden in Xinyang Wharf. I sent Shifang Accelerator there. The party did not find it, but found that people from the Anqing General Assembly were imprisoning Zheng Ziliang and others from the Chivalrous Club, what happened?" Qi Rui asked,

"Oh, this Zheng Ziliang has been secretly helping Chongqing."

"Do things for Chongqing? Then why did Anqing always shut down?"

"Zheng Ziliang is also helping us when he is doing things for Chongqing, but I want to use this Zheng Ziliang to force people from the military command to negotiate with Hong Xikui. Business can be done. This middleman must be loyal to our service, because in this way we can benefit from it." Get the information we want." Xiao Hinata said to Bai Lang,

"Mr. is worthy of being a senior. He really thinks far-reachingly. I just want to say hello so there is no misunderstanding."

"What misunderstanding can we have? When Curator Kuchi has time, let's have a good talk."

"His Majesty asked me to assist in the investigation of the theft at the pier. I may not have time these two days. I will come to see you in a few days when I am not busy!"

"I don't dare to pay my respects, I will wait for Curator Jiuchi to visit."

Qi Rui hung up the phone and took Fu Yingxue out to MGM. On the way, he used the public phone to call Zheng Yaoxian: "Uncle Six! I'm Ah Jiu. After seeing the house, the owner lives downstairs."

"Okay! I see, thank you Jiu, and leave the rest alone."

"Uncle Six, the owner said that it is possible to move out, so keep an eye on it, if you can rent the whole house."


Qi Rui hung up the phone and got in the car to go to MGM. He came here because Yui Araki often came here. Qi Rui wanted to know why people like him often come here. Could it be that he had already discovered Chen Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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