Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 434 The new head teacher Yoshimasa Fujita

Chapter 434 The new head teacher Yoshimasa Fujita
Kazuo Shimizu's reminder made other members of the task force a little suspicious, Fukada Yuto asked: "You mean the thieves will cut off the wires to try?"

"Because of the previous theft, the defenders were also punished. Once the power is cut off, the defenders of the warehouse will immediately become tense, and a squadron of troops will immediately enter a state of alert. Just like what Director Jiuchi said, it will be counted as one." Mosquitoes can’t get in, let alone people, once the power is cut off, the defenders will restore power as quickly as possible, do you still think the thieves have a chance?” Kazuo Shimizu asked,
Now the special task force is not preventing thieves for the twelve volumes of Yongle Canon and Jade Guanyin, but to capture them alive. Only in this way can they know the whereabouts of the treasures. Now the task force design thieves basically have no chance. s reason.

Fukada Yuto still stubbornly insisted: "Let's not treat each other as ordinary people! I think we'd better give it a try. If it doesn't work, we'll find a way. Anyway, we have the six volumes of the Yongle Canon."

Kazuo Shimizu was only a member of the team and could only obey the orders of Fukada Yuto, but he wrote a detailed report in private because he was very sure that the design of the special task force would not have any results.

Qi Rui returned to the Jiuchi mansion and Tang Rui greeted him and reported: "Curator, Zheng Ziliang was sent home by the Anqing Association yesterday, but he was found dead at home this morning."

"In the newspaper?"

"The news was published in the newspaper, and Section Chief Sakai also called to tell you about it. In addition, she asked me to tell you, the curator, that she will return to Japan today. At this time, the section chief of the special advanced course is Lieutenant Yoshimasa Fujita. "Song Jian said,
"Has Miss Mieko left already? What a pity!" Qi Rui sighed,

"Curator, should we take care of Zheng Ziliang's affairs?" Song Jian asked,

"This is a matter of the Shang Mansion, we don't need to participate." Zheng Ziliang died, Qi Rui didn't know how the fourth brother and sixth brother would deal with him next, and he still had to wait for news from the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian whether he wanted to participate or not.

"Report to the curator! Headmaster Yunzi Takeuchi of the Special Higher Class is here." Guo Qiyun came to report,
"Miss Yunzi, please come to my office."

Zhu Nei Yunzi came to the office wearing a major military uniform, Qi Rui got up and congratulated: "When did Yunzi get promoted? Congratulations!"

"Kuchi-kun, no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up with you." Takeuchi Yunko looked happy, and Sakai Mieko's departure didn't seem to have any effect on her.

"Section Chief Sakai is gone?"

"Yes, Mieko has already returned to Japan. Now I am the head of the special first class. I am here to invite you."

"Please me?"

"Section Chief Fujita Yoshimasa invites you to the Special High School, he has something to discuss with you."



"Okay, Section Chief Yunzi wait for me for a while, I will go with you after I make arrangements."

"Not in a hurry."

Qi Rui called Song Jian and Tang Rui to the office and gave them an order: "You two lead a team to the pier to cooperate with the task force. If there is any news there, report to me immediately!"


Qi Rui arranged the work of other people in the mansion, and then went to the special high school with Yunzi Takeuchi. Qi Rui met Fujita Yoshimasa and Nantian Yoko in Sakai Mieko's office before.

Qi Rui secretly said: These two devils appear, Minglou, Mingcheng and the others are about to appear.

"Curator Hisaike! Hello!" Fujita Yoshimasa greeted first,

Seeing Qi Rui stunned, Takeuchi Yunko hurriedly introduced: "Jiuchi-kun, this is the new head of the extra-high school, Fujita Nakasa!"

"Oh! Hello, Mr. Fujita!"

"Curator Hisaike is so young!" Fujita Yoshimasa said enviously,
"Please take care of Mr. Fujita!"

Takeuchi Yunko continued to introduce: "This is Ms. Nantian Yoko!"

Yoko Nantian stood at attention and saluted: "Hi, Chief Kuchi!"

Yoko Nantian was not wearing a military uniform, Qi Rui didn't know what her military rank was, so he nodded in response: "Hi Miss Yoko."

"Curator Kuike, please sit down!"

Yoko Minami made tea for several people, and Yoshimasa Fujita said, "Director Hisaike, I am also a newcomer to Shanghai, please support and take care of me."

"If you have anything to do with Mr. Fujita, just ask him, and our Kuchi mansion will fully cooperate. I am originally a person in the special high class."

"I'm not being polite to Director Hisaike when he says that."

"Section Leader Fujita, please tell me."

"Director Hisaike, through our analysis, you should be one of the key assassination targets of the jellyfish assassination team, but I found that Director Hisaike doesn't seem to be very vigilant, and he didn't even arrange guards at home. Why?" Fujita Yoshimasa ask,

"Section Chief Fujita, if the jellyfish assassination team wants to kill me, even the iron wall is useless for protection, and according to my analysis, the jellyfish assassination team is probably not in Shanghai." Qi Rui said,
"Oh! Is Director Kuike's information reliable?"

Qi Rui took out a file bag from his briefcase and handed it to Yoshimasa Fujita, saying, "Look at this."

Fujita Yoshimasa opened it and looked in surprise, "Who is this deceased?"

"He is Sato Shio, the head of the Tianjin Super High School. I am very sure that he was assassinated by the jellyfish assassination team!" Qi Rui said, showing Fujita Yoshimasa the photo of the bullet, and continued: "The head of the class, Sato Shio, died in a special bullet. Under the sniper rifle, this bullet is the same as the one that assassinated Consul General Muto and Commander Fujita."

After carefully reading it, Yoshimasa Fujita asked excitedly, "Director Hisaike, when did this happen?"

"In Tianjin 20 days ago."

"It's been so many days, maybe they have come back."

"Section Chief Fujita, the guns and bullets used by the jellyfish assassination team were modified by firearms experts, and we have never found anyone who can modify such a gun."

"Curator Jiuchi means that the jellyfish assassination team went to Tianjin with guns?"

"There are not many people in China who can modify guns. I have been thinking about how the jellyfish assassination team brought guns from Shanghai to Tianjin."

"So, Director Kuike means that this gun will delay the schedule of the jellyfish assassination team."

"The railways and waterways are controlled by our Imperial Japanese Army. It is almost impossible to bring such a gun from Shanghai to Tianjin." Qi Rui was already prepared to mislead the devils.
Fujita Yoshimasa found this to be a clue, and asked, "Curator Hisaike, can you use these materials for me?"

"It was originally brought back for the extra-high class."

"Did the Tianjin jellyfish assassination team only kill one Sato Shio?" Yoko Nantian asked.

"This is also what makes me strange. At that time, when the jellyfish assassination team was madly retaliating against my Jiuchi mansion, suddenly a member of the jellyfish assassination team came to Tianjin and only killed an inconspicuous super-high class teacher. "

"Where was Director Kuike at that time?"

"After Mr. Sato Shio was assassinated, I went to Taihang Mountain in disguise."

"I've heard about this matter, but the 110th Division has completely failed Curator Jiuchi's hard work. They have completely failed in their campaign to clear the mountains. I heard that they have lost nearly one regiment of troops."

(End of this chapter)

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