Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 435 The Flaws of the Dock

Chapter 435 The Flaws of the Dock

The 110th Division's suppression operation completely failed. For this reason, the North China Dispatch Army sent another mixed brigade to cooperate with the division to carry out a second suppression operation, but no one was found after entering the mountain.

Qi Rui had received the good news a long time ago, and the micro-expression management shook his head and said with a chuckle: "How is it possible? I met General Sang Mu Chongming, and I personally made a combat sand table and conducted many deduction. How could this campaign fail? A few days ago, General Yingzuo told me that the army has successfully entered the base of the Tuba Road."

"It seems that Curator Jiuchi still doesn't know about this matter. The information you investigated is correct. The 110th Division entered the mountain very smoothly, but the Eighth Route got the news in advance. They are very experienced in the transfer. Five days later , because of the supply problem, the three regiments withdrew part of the way back, and on the seventh day, the troops that continued the mission of clearing and suppressing were met with a counterattack from the Eighth Route Army, resulting in heavy losses." Yoshimasa Fujita said,
"Seven days? Why do you have to stay in the mountains for so long!"

"I'm not quite sure about that."

"I have already reminded General Sangmu that Tubalu is very cunning and scheming, so we must beware of their tricks."

Seeing Toshisuke Hisaike humming angrily, Yoshimasa Fujita said, "Director Hisaike, let's talk about the Jellyfish Assassination Team."

"Section Chief Fujita, all my capable men were assassinated by them. I swear to destroy them, and I am always looking for their traces!"

"I know, so I want to remind Director Kuike to pay attention to safety, take more people with you when you go out, and have someone to guard you at home." Yoshimasa Fujita kindly reminded,

"Thank you, Mr. Fujita, I will pay attention to it. Did you come to me for this matter?"

"One more thing, what do you think of Zheng Ziliang's case?"

"Isn't Zheng Ziliang's case in the Shang Mansion?"

"Shang Mansion? I didn't know much about the situation when I first came here. Can curator Jiuchi tell me?"

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation. I only know that this case is related to the monk's mansion of the Anqing General Assembly. Section Chief Fujita can ask Yui Araki or Mr. Shiro Kohinata."

"I'm about to meet Mr. Hinata Bailang."

"I'll go back if I have nothing else to do. I'm going to check on the theft at the pier."

"Curator Hisaike, I asked Section Chief Takeuchi to invite you here to meet and get to know each other, and please support each other in the future if there is anything to do."

"That's for sure, just ask Yunzi to find me if there is anything to do."

"Yoko, send Curator Kuike back, remember to bring a few more people." Fujita Yoshimasa said,
Qi Rui came by Yunko Takeuchi's car. It seems that Yoshimasa Fujita deliberately let Yoko Nanada get along with Shunsuke Kuike.

"Curator Hisaike, I am the assistant of Section Chief Fujita. Takeshige Aoki and Ichiro Watanabe may be transferred to the Shirt Organization. I will become the section chief of the Special Second Section in the future. There may be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future."

"Section Chief Aoki is going to be transferred to the clothing agency? Is he going to continue the counterfeit banknote plan?"

"This is his long-cherished wish, probably to fulfill General Oshima's last wish."

"He's really an admirable person." Since Mieko Sakai came, Takeshige Aoki and Ichiro Watanabe's work has focused on cooperating with government agencies to engage in economic warfare, and the people in the special second section have basically been transferred to other classrooms.

Qi Rui asked Yoko Nantian to take him directly to the pier. Song Jian and Tang Rui led the team to follow the task force. After Yoko Nantian left, Qi Rui wandered around the pier again before leaving.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Qi Rui arrived at the small building in the French Concession on time. Li Xiaonan, Jing Yun, Zhou Daliang and other ten members of the martial arts team were all there.

"Brother!" Jing Yun, Zhou Daliang and the others all stood up and shouted when they saw Qi Rui.

"Sit down!" Qi Rui finished speaking and put a few blueprints on the table, and said, "Look at where this is on the blueprints."

Several people looked around the table, and Zhou Daliang said, "Brother, isn't this the biggest wharf for devils?"

"Yeah, brother, didn't we go there last time?" Jing Yun also saw it and said,
"Are we still on this pier mission this time?"

"Brother, is this the floor plan of the warehouse?" Jing Yuan asked when he saw the other drawings.

"Yes, this is the floor plan of the six warehouses at the pier, three of which are full of weapons and ammunition, and the other two are supplies such as canned biscuits. Our operation this time is to blow up these ammunition." Qi Rui said,
"Great, big brother, what do we need to do!"

"Who is good at water? What I mean by good water is that the Huangpu River can at least swim back and forth. Don't try to be brave. I have to listen to the truth, because this is related to the success or failure of the mission."

"Brother, the two of us grew up by the lake, so swimming up and down the Huangpu River is no problem at all." Jiang Tong said,
Because the success or failure of the operation is related to other people dare not lie, Zhou Daliang asked: "Brother, are we going to enter the warehouse by water?"

"It's almost impossible to go by land. I have observed it in the past two days. We can dive to the pier and enter the warehouse directly." Qi Rui said clearly through the investigation of the case in the past two days,

"Brother, are we going to go in with a time bomb on our backs?" Jiang Xing asked,

"That's right, since the warehouses are all about four to five thousand square meters in size, we need to detonate more of the three warehouses. I figured that I'd have to carry at least a dozen time bombs in." If you carry one or two Qi Rui, you can do it yourself. , three people just right.

Qi Rui has seen the inside of the warehouse, most of them are ammunition, once detonated the entire dock may be destroyed, and this operation Qi Rui just wants the devils to think it was an accident.

"Brother, what shall we do?" Jing Yun asked,

"Your task is to pick them up. Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing will definitely not be able to keep up after completing the task. You need to send two people to pick them up." Qi Rui pointed to the other side of the pier and said,

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Jing Yun asked,

"Don't worry about me, I have my own way, don't forget my identity."

"Brother Qi, isn't it too risky for you to do it yourself?" Li Xiaonan also followed the martial arts team to call Qi Rui and asked,

"As long as this operation is done according to my plan, there will be no problem. I am more familiar with the warehouse. Jiang Xing, Jiang Tong, you two spend a day remembering the explosion point I marked."


"Is there nothing wrong with me?" Li Xiaonan asked Qi Rui resentfully,

"There is no need for all the members of the martial arts team to go this time. It is enough for Jing Yun to arrange two people to meet Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing. The others have other tasks."

"What task?" Li Xiaonan asked,
"You killed a few traitors from the Anqing General Assembly in the past two days! Boy, you are in charge of planning and commanding!" Qi Rui gave Li Xiaonan a list and said,

"Brother, where is the gun you promised to give me?" Xiao Wu couldn't help asking,

(End of this chapter)

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