Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 443 Devil 6's Method

Chapter 443 The Way of Devil Six
Qi Rui understands that Brother Six and Sister Ouyang are worried about their own safety, and he also knows that no one can replace the role of the devil.

"Okay, I won't take part in any action until it's absolutely necessary in the future. Is this okay?" Qi Rui put his arms around the shoulders of Zheng Yaoxian and Sister Ouyang and continued to smile: "Sixth brother, big sister, don't worry, I'm also cultivating mine. The God-killing Action Group, this time they assisted in completing the dock mission, and they will play a greater role in the future."

Zheng Yaoxian and Ouyang Jianping are their own people. They have known about the God-killing Action Team for a long time. Even if they don't say it later, they will ask, because they can't complete the dock task by themselves.

Zheng Yaoxian asked not at all surprised: "Are Wen Qian and Tan Lin also among them?"

"Wen Qian is a member of the jellyfish assassination team. I don't want to break them up. I haven't seen Lao Tan until now. The new head of the Special Higher Course, Fujita Yoshimasa, is the eldest son of Fujita Shinchu. He reminded me to arrange Some people will protect their own safety, Lao Tan went to Japan to study and master Japanese, I want him to come to my house." Qi Rui said,
"How is Lao Tan's appearance now?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"He should have regained his sixty-seven-cost appearance by now. Even people who have studied with him may not be able to recognize him. Didn't I teach him makeup skills, so it won't be a problem if you look carefully."

"It seems that you have arranged everything, but I advise you not to let Lao Tan go to your place, because having multiple people around you will increase the danger." Zheng Yaoxian persuaded,
"I listen to you, brother six."

"Sister must have something to do?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"Sixth brother, there is indeed something to do." Qi Rui recounted the matter of the twelve and six Yongle Canon from the beginning, and asked, "Sixth brother, my eldest sister and I came here just to hear if you have any good ideas."

"According to what you said, if you want to get the Yongle Grand Ceremony, you have to find a way to get close to the task force, but your two masters, Song Jian and Tang Rui, lead a team to protect it. No wonder you are helpless. Did the conference go smoothly?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"It went very well. Wang Fuqu handed over the six volumes of the Yongle Canon to Yumen Fukada without any hindrance. They would deliberately take a bus from the theater to the Shanghai Hotel for dinner, and then settled in the nearby Pujiang Hotel. Song Jian and the others had already changed everything in the hotel. Became their subordinate." Qi Rui said,
"How many people went from the two teams?"

"About 50 people, they are only responsible for the internal security of the hotel."

"So there are gendarmes?"

"Yes, Secret Service and military police guard the perimeter of the hotel."

"Can we enter the hotel with the certificate of Jiuchi Mansion?"

"Yes, but there are only so few people in the Jiuchi mansion, and they are already familiar with each other. Even if the military police let them into the hotel, they will immediately reveal their secrets." Qi Rui said,
"Can people with special advanced courses enter the hotel?"

"It depends on who they are. They may be able to enter if they are above the section chief, but it will definitely alarm Song Jian and Tang Rui. They have worked in the special high school for a while, and they will definitely find out the identities of those who have never met before." Qi Rui I've thought about it all,

"Then it seems that it is best to transfer Song Jian and Tang Rui away, otherwise there is really no chance." Zheng Yaoxian thought for a while and asked, "Xiao Jiu, under what circumstances would Song Jian and Tang Rui ignore anything?" leave the hotel?"

"When I or Yami are attacked, they will definitely run back desperately. I have thought about this method, but I always feel that it is not safe." Qi Rui said,
Zheng Yaoxian pondered for a while and said, "Jiuchi Shunsuke was one of the targets of the assassination at the Shanghai Station. He killed dozens of people in the Jiuchi Mansion before, basically all the main characters were killed. What's the matter, now it's your turn!"

"Lao Liu, are you planning to directly attack Xiao Jiu's residence?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

Zheng Yaoxian nodded and asked Qi Rui: "Xiao Jiu, will the task force stay in the hotel tomorrow?"

"Before they lived in the pier, because the pier was bombed, they will continue to live in the hotel."

"Then I will send someone to attack your residence tomorrow night, but if you notify the hotel directly, you will definitely be suspected. This requires the people from the Jiuchi Mansion to notify Song Jian and Tang Rui. Do you have someone to choose?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"Brother Six, there is a man named Guo Qiyun in my mansion. He was sent by Poison Bee to lurk in the mansion. Brother Six, you can directly ask him to do this matter." Qi Rui said,
"The action plan is like this. I will send people to attack your residence. You immediately call the Jiuchi mansion for help. We will arrange the rest. For this operation, I need Tiecheng or Wen Qian to dress up as Tang Rui or Song Strong."

Zheng Yaoxian has a quick mind, and the basic action plan has been formed. Next, he will study the specific details of the action, the retreat route, and the cover and response plan.

"I see! Song Jian and Tang Rui both have hideous scars on their faces. It's not difficult to make them up, but..." This is indeed a way, but it takes a lot of risk, because both Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian No voice imitation.

"Xiao Jiu, this is the only feasible way. I need photos of Song Jian and Tang Rui, so that the makeup will be more accurate." Zheng Yaoxian also learned makeup skills from Qi Rui and said,

"Okay, let Xiaoan go to the mailbox at home to pick it up tomorrow, and I will put it in there."

"Xiao Jiu, you'd better get a few people to keep at home tomorrow. Even if you listen to Fujita Yoshimasa's persuasion, our people will be able to kill a few at that time. This is more real."

"Okay! I'll call and send someone over later."

"Any questions?" Zheng Yao first asked Qi Rui and Ouyang Jianping,
"Lao Liu, then I will follow your command."

"Tomorrow, you can meet Gao Han and Lao Li. Ma Yunfei and He Jian can both speak Japanese, so just let them come along." After Zheng Yaoxian finished speaking, Qi Rui said, "Xiao Jiu, it's best to transfer Song Jian and Tang Rui away tomorrow." One, in case they leave one when the time comes."

"Okay, I'll figure out a way."

"This is also easy to handle. Now that Chen Gongshu is in Suzhou, you can tell Song Jian to take a few people to Suzhou, and I will let him see Chen Gongshu." After finishing speaking, Zheng Yaoxian wrote Qi Rui the address of Suzhou,

Qi Rui took the note and remembered the address and said, "Then Chen Gongshu is very dangerous."

"Don't worry, I will arrange good people to cover Chen Gongshu in advance."

"Then it will be up to you tomorrow, Brother Six! Be careful, Big Sister."

After finishing what needed to be said, Qi Rui left and arrived at Shenghui Car Dealership. Lao Tan and Su Wenqian had already fallen asleep, and when they heard Qi Rui's voice, they both jumped out of bed.

"Ninth brother! You finally came to see us!" Su Wenqian said happily,

"Brother Jiu, have you forgotten me?" Lao Tan felt that he hadn't seen Qi Rui for a long time, and he didn't dare to move around without ordering him.

"How is it possible? I've been busy these days, so I didn't take care of it." Qi Rui explained,

"A few, who did the explosion at the pier last night?" Su Wenqian asked,
(End of this chapter)

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