Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 444 Brother 9, I want to reward you well!

Chapter 444 Ninth brother, I want to reward you well!

Originally, Qi Rui wanted Lao Tan to visit his house. Yoshimasa Fujita was right, he needed to arrange guards for his residence, but if he arranged for secret agents from the mansion, his actions would be greatly restricted in the future.

It would be different if Tan Lin guarded him, but what Brother Six said was also reasonable. He was worried that if Lao Tan was exposed, he would endanger himself. Tan entered the mansion as a mainland ronin.

"Old Tan, the Kuchi mansion will be recruiting people tomorrow, and you should sign up as a wanderer from mainland Japan."

"Okay! That's great! This way I can stay by Brother Jiu's side all the time, right?" Tan Lin wished he could follow Qi Rui all the time. During this period of time, he felt that he had really become a driver.

"That's right, if I forcefully bring you to my side, people will be suspicious."

"Okay! I'll listen to Brother Nine." Tan Lin, who seldom smiled, couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"Wen Qian, are your hands really okay?" Qi Rui asked,
"Don't worry, Brother Nine, it won't affect my strength." Su Wenqian clenched his fist and waved it twice.
"Wen Qian, Lao Tan, I will teach you one more skill, you must learn it as soon as possible." Qi Rui imitated Su Wenqian's voice and said,

"Ninth brother, you can imitate other people's speech!?" Su Wenqian said in surprise,
"Yes, imitating other people's speech is very useful. Wen Qian, Lao Tan, you have to practice hard, and you will be able to use it tomorrow." Qi Rui imitated Tan Lin's voice and said,

"Ninth brother, you seem to be learning! It's amazing!" Tan Lin also exclaimed,
"Then study hard! Practice hard!"

Qi Rui taught with all his heart, while Su Wenqian and Tan Lin concentrated on learning. It was past ten o'clock after the basic skills were taught, and Qi Rui designed a Japanese ronin identity for Tan Lin before leaving.

Qi Rui still had to go to Zhuang Xiaoman's place. On the way, he called the mansion and sent someone to protect Aoyama Masami. He also informed Fu Yingxue that special agents would go around the house, so she should not worry.

"Jiuchi-kun, you're here, you're making people wait so hard!" Zhuang Xiaoman finally waited for someone to come.
Qi Rui walked into the living room with Zhuang Xiaoman in his arms, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry Xiaoman, I have too many things to do today."

There were only Zhuang Xiaoman and Qi Rui in the living room, and she asked softly, "Brother Jiu, have you eaten yet?"


"Then do you still take a bath?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked shyly, she looked like a concubine who had finally been overturned by the emperor and was a little impatient.

Qi Rui held Zhuang Xiaoman in his arms and whispered in her ear, "Can I stop washing?"

"Ninth brother, even if I don't take a bath for a month, I won't be offended." Zhuang Xiaoman smiled coquettishly,
As long as Shunfu Jiuchi came over, Du Xing, Han Zhang, and Cheng Wu would not enter the small building. Qi Rui carried Zhuang Xiaoman into the bedroom.

"Ninth brother, the boss asked if you did the thing at the dock."

"Yes, you telegraphed the boss and said that the devils are preparing to attack Changsha. I blew up the supplies of the devils' three divisions just to delay the devils' attack." Qi Rui will not be modest in the military command, and these achievements must be recognized.

"I guess it was Brother Ninth, you did it, or our Ninth Brother is the best!" Zhuang Xiaoman said and kissed Qi Rui,
"Why are you so good at guessing!"

"Ninth brother, the boss also asked you if you have any important information recently."

"Isn't it important information that the devils are going to attack Changsha?"

"Do you know when it will be?"

"Originally, the devils planned to attack Changsha in August. After the supplies of the three divisions were blown up, there should be a delay of one month. That is, in September, Komura Ningci will command the Japanese No. 11 Army to attack Changsha. Let the national army prepare for battle." Qi Rui said,
"Brother Jiu is amazing, you can get such top-secret information!"

"What else did the boss say?"

"I didn't say anything else. It should be that I have contacted him less frequently during this period of time. The boss is a little uneasy, but I have already told him the specific situation, and I have given him the first time according to your instructions. A sum of money, the boss is very happy."

"That's good, we have been dedicated to our duties and have never been idle."

"This boss knows it, and he told you not to work too hard, and asked you to command Shanghai Station and the Hurricane Action Team to do something."

"Okay, I got it!"

"Brother Nine, you have made great contributions again this time, and I will reward you well!" Zhuang Xiaoman said, putting his face into Qi Rui's arms, and wrapping his arms tightly around Qi Rui's waist.

" do you plan to reward me?"

Zhuang Xiaoman didn't answer, but had already started kissing Qi Rui furiously...

The next day, Qi Rui returned home after eating the nutritious breakfast made by Zhuang Xiaoman. Fu Yingxue had already driven out. Qi Rui knew that she must have gone to the pharmacy, and the special agent of the mansion came out to report what happened last night.

"Section Leader Fujita of the Special High School said that someone is going to assassinate me. From today onwards, you will take turns to be on duty. Don't let anyone suspicious! Do you understand?"

"Curator, aren't we a little short?"

"Indeed, it's a little less. You guys should keep an eye on it in shifts. I'll go to the mansion and arrange a few people to come over!"

Qi Rui drove his own car to the Jiuchi mansion, and asked Gu Junru to publish the recruitment notice in the newspaper, and indicated that Japanese expatriates and ronin were given priority.

The Jiuchi mansion has lost a lot of people during this period, and now that both teams are performing tasks, there are not many people in the mansion, so the recruitment is very reasonable.

After making the arrangements, Qi Rui went to Pujiang Hotel, called Song Jian and Tang Rui to his side and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Director, no one came at all, and I don't think anyone will come at all." Song Jian said,
"With such a tight defense, only fools would throw themselves into the net." Qi Rui said to Song Jian: "I got a tip that Chen Gongshu, one of the four major killers of the military command, is in Suzhou. Take a few people and go there immediately. Just to be on the safe side Don't alarm anyone, be sure to arrest him secretly! Call me immediately if it happens!"

"Yes! Curator, I'll take someone there immediately!"

"Song Jian! Be careful." Qi Rui urged,
"Yes! Curator, I will definitely complete the task."

Song Jian asked six people to follow him and leave. Qi Rui whispered to Tang Rui: "No matter how hard you work, you should also pay attention to rest. Look at your sunken eye sockets and haven't slept for a few days?"

"The subordinates dare not slack off the tasks assigned by the curator!"

"It shouldn't be a problem. After I leave, find a place to sleep for a while!"


Qi Rui went to see Fukada Yuto again, they were still the same, several people were all staring at the box containing the Yongle Grand Ceremony in the room, for fear that something might go wrong.

"Leader Fukada, are you going to hide in the room all the time? If the thief doesn't come, is there nothing you can do?" Qi Rui asked,

"Curator Hisaichi, we have thought of all the ways we can think of, and now this is the only way, but it doesn't seem to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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