Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 487 The Ingenious and Perfect Ambush

Chapter 487 The Ingenious and Perfect Ambush
Before, some Japanese military officers suspected that the main force of the Chinese army bombed Hongkou Airport. Hearing what Shifang Accelerator said, Masao Asada, who must have been the Black Fox commando before, was also shaken.

"Yesterday, the head of the agency asked Fang Tianyi. It wasn't them at all. After the Black Fox commando broke through, there were only less than 20 people left, most of them were injured. How could they have the ability to blow up Hongkou Airport? The action team did it, there are more than 200 people in total, I don’t know what the purpose of entering Dingshan Lake this time is, but the head of the agency just left at that time, we were controlled by the Chinese army and we couldn’t report it at all!”

"Kameda, what's going on here?" Ono Kametaro asked,
"Report to the captain. At that time, Jiuchi Zhongzuo took us to the water village and was about to launch an attack. Suddenly, he was shot coldly by the opponent's sniper. Jiuchi Zhongzuo was the first to be shot and fell into the lake. Then someone came from the surrounding reeds Our speedboat threw grenades, and we were forced to abandon the boat and jump into the lake, only to find that there were people underwater, and then I was attacked and passed out, and when I woke up, I found myself in a small boat." Kameda said and looked Ten directions pass by one glance,
Song Jian hurriedly said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, in that case the only way to fool those Chinese soldiers is to knock you unconscious!"

"Shi Fang Accelerator, you also participated in the battle?" Asada Masao asked in surprise,
"Yes, the commander of the Chinese army asked the people in the water village who was good at water. Yuu Uchiha and I raised our hands in order to know what they were going to do. In the end, they asked us to dive into the water to fight. I had to try my best to save people, and then Hid him among the reeds."

"How did Hua Jun know that we would go?" Ono Kametaro asked.
"I didn't know it before, but I heard the sound of the engines of the gunboat and the freighter. They responded very quickly and completed the deployment in a short time. It was a regular army!" Song Jian said.
"What's going on with Nakazu Hisaike now?"

"Uchiha Yu rescued the head of the agency, and he hid in the reeds first, and rescued him ashore after the Chinese army left, and told the people in the water village that he was injured in the battle. Fortunately, the people in the water village The people were all in the water, and they didn’t see the chief of the agency being shot and fell into the water and got away with it.”

"So the Huajun has already left?"

"Let's go! I snatched more than a dozen boats from the water village and headed north! Captain Qiantian, I'm here to ask for medicine. If you don't save the chief, you will be in danger!"

"Where are Fang Tianyi and the others?"

"Someone in the Huajun special operations team knew him, and he left with the Huajun."


"He left a few people behind. He said that the head of the protection agency left Dingshan Lake first. I don't know where to go. Captain, I must rush back immediately with the medicine. If it's later, our head of the agency will be hopeless!"

"Why don't you hurry up and send Zhongzuo Jiuchi back to Shanghai for rescue?"

"Before the head of the agency fell into a coma, he told us that no matter what happened, he told us to follow the Black Fox Commando, because only in this way can we find the Wannan Detachment."

"Jiuchi-kun is really amazing! Shifang Accelerator, hurry up and save people with the medicine! Contact us if you have anything to do!"


After Shifang Tong left, Asada Masao looked at the map and drew a range, and said to Ono Kametaro and the others: "We don't know the ultimate purpose of this Chinese army special operations team, but it seems that they have no intention of leaving. , Shifang Accelerator said they went to the north of Dingshan Lake, do they want to go to Kunshan?"

"Captain, why don't I take a team to chase after it? Anyway, we don't have ships that can't go deep into Dingshan Lake, so we can only find a way on land." Ono Kametaro said,

"The question is what are they doing with so many ships?"

"Didn't Shifang Tongxun say that they have more than 200 people in total, are they all hiding in the reeds, and they want to leave Dingshan Lake by boat?"

"It's possible. In this way, you take your troops to the north shore of Dingshan Lake immediately. I will ask Renji Ikeda of the 51st Regiment in Kunshan to send troops to search Dingshan Lake!" Masao Asada said,
"Hay!" Ono Kametaro agreed and immediately went to assemble the team.
Asada Masao looked at the map and shouted: "Captain Matsumoto!"

"Hai!" The captain of the second battalion, Taro Matsumoto, agreed.

"Just in case, you take your brigade to search along Dingshan Lake from east to south, so as to prevent this Chinese army from sneaking into Shanghai city!" Asada Masao ordered,


After the two brigades left, Masao Asada was still looking at the map. Finally, he called the squadron leader of the third brigade, Major Takeshi Horikawa, and ordered him to search from west to northeast.

Horikawa Takeshi led his squadron to search north, and it was dark before they went far. They continued to move forward with torches, and the scouts came back near Dongbin to report.

"Report to Major Horikawa, a dozen people were found ahead heading north!"

"Catch up immediately and capture him alive!" Takeshi Horikawa immediately ordered the whole squadron to chase after him.

Horikawa Takeshi's squadron chased all the way to a small forest, where the trees were relatively sparse, and more than 200 devils chased the forest. When they all entered the forest with torches, there was a sudden burst of gunfire.

"Submachine guns and machine guns! They are the Chinese army! Immediately call the captain! Report our location and ask for reinforcements! Quick!" Horikawa Takeshi ordered,
The communications soldier immediately contacted the headquarters of the regiment, and Takeshi Horikawa ordered the torches to be extinguished to fight back on the spot. All the devils found a small tree as a cover to fight back, but just as their torches were extinguished, the surrounding small trees suddenly burst into flames.

Under the light of the fire, Takeshi Horikawa and the others couldn't see the situation outside the fire. The fire in front of them made all the devils a living target, and the opponent's firepower was very fierce. It was a complete murder, and it took less than 10 minutes In that time, more than 200 devils in a squadron of Takeshi Horikawa were all wiped out in this small forest.

Xu Sheng, Li Tanghai and others saw that another squadron of more than 200 devils had been wiped out, and they all cheered excitedly, but Qi Rui stopped them and ordered: "Captain Li, take your guerrillas and leave immediately Go to Tianmu Mountain, don’t start a conflict with any armed forces on the way, if you encounter devils and take a detour, if you reach Tianmu Mountain smoothly and safely, you will complete the mission!”

"Yes!" Li Tanghai carried out Li Xiaonan's order, and it was also the first battle plan Qi Rui gave. It was the success of the Shuizhai battle plan. Song Jian's words could only be implemented if the devils believed it. Masao Asada really believed that there were elite Chinese troops in the Dingshan Lake area.

At that time, not only Masao Asada's regiment, but other troops of the No.15 Division may also carry out a carpet search centered on Dingshan Lake, which will greatly restrain the strength of the devils, so that the Black Fox commando and guerrillas can Easily jump out of the encirclement and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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