Chapter 488

This was another great victory with zero casualties. You must know that at that time we sacrificed ten people to kill one devil, but today from Dingshan Lake to Dongbin, our side wiped out nearly [-] devils without even one being injured.

This battle was also fruitful, and three more radio stations were seized, nine Type 54 light machine guns, nine grenade grenades and [-] grenades, and three heavy machine guns were buried because they were too heavy for Qi Rui.

"Just take the [-]-type light machine gun, the grenades and the radio, you can bring cans and biscuits, and you don't need to bring anything else." Qi Rui continued to order,

"Chief Song, aren't we going with the guerrillas?" Fang Tianyi asked,
"Too many people will attract the devil's attention. It's safer for us to evacuate separately." Qi Rui said,
"Chief Song, there are wounded in our team who can't walk quickly, why don't we separate here too." Fang Tianyi said,

"Okay, after ten days, we will meet at Jianchi in Moganshan, is there any problem?" Qi Rui asked not wanting to waste time,

"No problem!" Fang Tianyi now admires the Chief Song very much, because all the battle plans he made were perfectly successful, and the most important thing is that he seems to have already started planning this battle when he was in Shanghai.

Not to mention enough weapons and ammunition, even the explosives are prepared, otherwise it would be easy to sink two devil gunboats without enough explosives, especially when ambushing a squadron behind, Chief Song felt that there were fewer devils coming.

From the two battles, Fang Tianyi could see that the Chief Song used his troops very cleverly, especially in the night battle, where he used fire to the extreme. He has now mastered this trick.

Qi Rui asked the guerrillas to wrap flammable tung oil paper and fir bark on the small trees in advance. These are commonly used materials for making torches, and some gunpowder is added to it, so that it is easy to ignite. These small trees in the dark Burning, the fire made the devil nowhere to hide, and under the powerful firepower of his own side, the devil could only be killed obediently.

So after these two battles, Fang Tianyi absolutely affirmed the commanding ability of the Chief Song, and also found that he had many shortcomings. He really wanted to learn from this Chief, so he also looked forward to working with him more.

Fang Tianyi left with the members of the Black Fox commando team, and Qi Rui said to Li Xiaonan and the martial arts team: "Go back to Shanghai and continue the task of assassinating Tieli and Masako Matsumoto."

"Brother, let's go to Mount Mogan with you!" Cao Meng said, wanting to continue killing devils happily,

"You are the martial arts team. You will be required to complete the combat missions around Shanghai in the future, so you must stay." After the guerrillas led by Li Tanghai left, there were no guerrilla activities around Shanghai. A team with excellent combat effectiveness, and this team is based on the martial arts team.

"Cao Meng, do you want to leave the martial arts team?" Jing Yun asked,

"No, I just want to follow Big Brother."

"I'll be back soon." Qi Rui comforted,

"Cao Meng, what are we doing with Big Brother now? If you go to Tianmu Mountain, you might stay in the army!" Zhou Daliang said,

"Then I'll stay in the martial arts team!" Cao Meng said,
"By the way, let me give you a grand introduction!" Qi Rui pulled Song Jian and Tang Rui to him, and introduced them to the martial arts team members with a smile: "You should all know each other, Song Jian! Tang Rui! In the future, you will have More cooperation! They are all masters among masters, you should train hard at ordinary times, don't let them look down on you,"

"Please take care of me!" Song Jian and Tang Rui's words were still deeply influenced by the Japanese.

The Asada Regiment received a call for help from the Horikawa Squadron, and they never replied again. Masao Asada had an ominous premonition, because the telegram said that he was ambushed by the Chinese army, and he immediately thought of what Shifang Accelerator said The Chinese Army Special Operations Team immediately telegraphed Ono Kametaro to let him return immediately to support Horikawa Takeshi.

Ono Kametaro rushed to the small forest near Dongbin with less than a brigade of troops. Some small trees here were still burning, and there were corpses on the ground. This time, another living one was not found.

Ono Kametaro scolded the street and chased them separately for a while, but he didn't see a single person. It was he who immediately telegraphed Asada Masao that the Horikawa Squadron was wiped out. From the scene, they seemed to be surrounded by enemy troops several times.

Masao Asada felt the pressure when he got the news. He immediately telegraphed Yoshio Iwamatsu, head of the [-]th Division, telling him that there was a powerful Chinese army team around Dingshan Lake. They bombed the airport. The fleet of Dingshan Lake Also blown up by them.

Yoshio Iwamatsu was furious when he heard this. He immediately called Major General Chiluli, the head of the [-]th Brigade, and ordered his brigade to conduct a carpet search around Dingshan Lake, asking him to find the Chinese army. elite.

Kagesa Haruaki also received the news that Kuike Shunsuke was seriously injured.

"General Kagezuo, where is Kuike Nakazuo now?" Ken Matsushita asked,
"I heard that he has been carried away by the New Fourth Army. He should be going to the main force of the New Fourth Army. It's really hard work for Jiuchi!" Yingzuo Zhenzhao said,
"General, I heard that Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yuu also followed." Matsushita Ken asked,
"Yes, the news came from Shifang Accelerator."

"It seems that Mr. Jiuchi will definitely find the main force of the Communist Party's New Fourth Army this time!"

"This price is a bit high! Why did an elite Chinese army suddenly appear, and where did they come from? It's really puzzling!" Yingzuo Zhenzhao said very puzzled,

"Most of our troops are stationed in towns, and it is not impossible for the main force of the Chinese army to come here on foot." Matsushita Ken said,

"So we must establish a new government as soon as possible. With them, our pressure will be much less!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said anxiously,

Negotiations with Wang Jingwei and the others have been basically completed, and now both sides are making preparations. The new Nanjing government will be established soon, and the main officials of the new government have basically been settled. Kagezuo Zhenzhao will serve as the top military adviser of the new government.

"General, is this Chinese army coming for the new government?" Imai Yuji asked,
Imai Yuji is another capable subordinate of Kagezuo Zhenzhao, who is mainly in charge of the intelligence department of Mei's agency.

"If it's aimed at the new government, then why is it so high-profile?" Kagezuo Zhen Zhao asked,

"It's true, bombing the airport and destroying the fleet is not only high-profile, but also arrogant!" Imai Yuji said,
"Imai, ask the Nanjing intelligence agency to pay special attention to the safety of important figures in the new government, and ask the Special High School to strictly investigate those who have recently entered Nanjing! Officials of the reform government have been assassinated a lot recently, but Wang Jingwei's cronies in the new government must be safe!" Kagesa Haruaki ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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