Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 490 Battle Plan Approved by All

Chapter 490 Battle Plan Approved by All

The first battle Qi Rui wanted to fight was to make the Anhui detachment famous during the Hunan-Jiangxi battle. It was still feasible to fight a local medium-sized battle according to the detachment's weapons and ammunition reserves.

Now that the Hunan-Jiangxi battle has begun, the national army is fighting bloody battles on the frontal battlefield. As the New Fourth Army, if it can win a big victory behind the enemy, it will also play a role in boosting morale and attacking the enemy, so this battle is still very meaningful.

The second battle is drugs. Now is the season for planting poppies. Drug dealers have a lot of stocks. Qi Rui is still thinking about how to fight this battle, because as long as drugs are involved, the Japanese military and gangs must be behind it. The identity of the Green Gang.

Yan'an already knew that Comrade Miao Dao was in the Wuhu area, and also knew the purpose of his trip, because the New Fourth Army didn't know Miao Dao at all, and organized a special leader to assist Qi Rui here.

Qi Rui was thinking about how to explain the battle plan to the chief in southern Anhui, when he saw a familiar figure: "Chief! Why are you here?"

"I happened to be in Wuhan on business. I heard that you were in the Wannan Detachment, so I rushed over here, Xiao Rui, why did you come here?" the chief said,
"Boss, the Black Fox Commando of the New Fourth Army bombed the Hongkou Airport and made the Japanese army furious. All Japanese intelligence agencies also attach great importance to it. The shadow Zuo Zhenzhao of the Mei agency asked me to investigate this matter. I am here now."

"I already know about this matter. Comrade Luo Bin and Oshima Yumi have already reported. Where is Fang Tianyi now?" the chief asked.

"There are more than 100 people on his side to open up a new base in Tianmu Mountain."

"Xiao Rui, I already know that you commanded a hundred people to wipe out two devil squadrons in Dingshan Lake. Comrade Xiu Chundao said that you might still want to clean up the devils when you come here. Do you have any ideas when you come here? "

"Chief, Okamura Ningji is now commanding the Japanese No.11 Army to launch the Battle of Hunan and Jiangxi. The national army is fighting bloody battles on the frontal battlefield. I think this is a good opportunity. If we can win a big victory in the enemy's rear, the effect and significance It goes without saying." Qi Rui said,
The chief nodded after hearing this: "You are right. We do need to do something to cooperate with the Changsha battle. Do you have any plans?"

"I do have some ideas, Chief. In order to implement the poisoning strategy in Wuhu, the Japanese army forced the people to use more than [-]% of the fertile land to grow poppies. We can think of a way from this aspect." Qi Rui said,
"Have you already figured out how to fight?"

"Chief, the poppies have just been planted, and many drug dealers now have stocks in their hands. We are like this...does the boss think it's okay?" Qi Rui asked briefly about the battle plan,
The chief couldn't help but nodded: "Your method can kill two birds with one stone! It can not only destroy a large number of harmful drugs, but also use this to eliminate the Japanese invaders. I think it is very feasible. Qi Rui, you can formulate a complete battle plan." Make a plan, I will personally tell the commander of the Anhui Detachment."

"Okay! I'll design it right away, and I can give it to you tomorrow!"

"Xiao Rui, let's talk about the battle plan first. It's rare to see you. Your Miaodao team has been of great help to the various teams in Shanghai. The organization is very sure of your work. The leaders have praised your team even more. Tell me Let’s talk about the work in Shanghai, is there anything you need?”

"Chief, everything is fine in our team, and there is nothing needed. I just have a request, and I hope to recruit Comrade Lan Rouge to join my Miaodao team."

Rouge has been lurking in the Secret Service Headquarters for two years, during which she has completed several difficult tasks. Now she has become quite mature and experienced, and she is very eager to join the organization. Qi Rui must help her fulfill her wish.

"I have seen Comrade Xiu Chundao's report. Rouge is indeed a very good talent. We all admire your vision, so I agree to your request on behalf of the organization!" said the chief,
"Yes, she is very smart, and she already knows our identities, plus she is very capable, she has the ability to see ten things and never forget, and her ability to act is also very strong, which was carefully cultivated by me, so I promise to the organization! "

The chief said trustingly: "Comrade Miaodao, since he is the comrade you like, then you can absorb him into the party! You should understand this procedure, right?"

"Understood! Chief, I have one more thing to report to you. I told the organization about the Devil Twins Project before. Afterwards, Tongwen Academy handed over two of them to me. They have received more than ten years of training in Japan. Very good intelligence personnel, and now they have been transformed into my own people."

"You mean Song Jian and Tang Rui?" the chief asked in surprise,
"Yes, it's them. This time they also followed, and they have already made a lot of contributions. I also want to gradually absorb them into the organization, is that okay?"

"Comrade Qi Rui, you are at a very high level now, and you have every right to develop and absorb outstanding comrades for our party. You only need to organize and report at that time, but the premise must be to ensure the safety of yourself and the group."

"no problem."

"Qi Rui, your work is very outstanding, and the leaders are quite sure of your work. We all hope that you can ensure your safety. If necessary, we will fully support you."

"Thank you, Chief! Thank you for the organization's support. I will also keep myself safe for the sake of the Miaodao team."

"Then I'll have a meeting with the comrades in the detachment first, and you should think about the battle plan."

The purpose of Qi Rui's coming is to fight devils, so he has been pondering and designing a battle plan in his mind, and now it has basically taken shape, and after dozens of deduction, he finally formulated a complete set of plans and handed them over to the chief.

After seeing it, the chief praised: "I have heard that your commanding ability is also very strong. I have seen your battle plan and it is true. Qi Rui, come with me! I will take you to meet the commanders."

Song Hu pretended to be a wounded person when he came to the Southern Anhui Detachment. Yan'an specially called to ask for full cooperation. Before, the leaders only thought that the local comrades encountered difficulties. When the chief came up with the battle plan he designed, the commanders above the regiment level knew. This Song Hu is not simple, because the chief came here just for him.

There was no need for the chief's explicit support at all. All the commanders of the southern Anhui detachment, who had been holding back a battle for a long time, unanimously approved Song Hu's battle plan. In the end, the chief suggested that Song Hu be the deputy commander-in-chief of the operation and all agreed.

Qi Rui, who was supported, immediately started to act. He personally led Song Jian and Tang Rui to investigate around Wuhu. The targets of his investigation were the puppet troops collecting opium for the Japanese army and the warehouses storing opium.

Three days later, under the command of Qi Rui, the Wannan detachment sent more than a dozen teams to the villages and towns around Wuhu, snatching all the opium that could be snatched, and burning all the opium that could not be snatched.

(End of this chapter)

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