Chapter 491

Not long after the harvest, a large number of unprocessed poppies were robbed or destroyed, which annoyed the devils. Otake Ou personally led the army to the warehouse where the loss was the largest to investigate.

"Report to the prince, we were attacked by surprise. The other party knew the location of our light and dark posts very well. They sneaked into the resting place of the princes without alarming anyone and brutally killed them!" The leader of the puppet army reported trembling.

"Why didn't they kill you?" Dazhu Xiu asked,
"They forced us to work with guns, so they didn't kill them."

"Where are the weapons given to you by the imperial army?"

"Snatched away by... the New Fourth Army!"

"Baga! You trash, you should all be dead!" Dazhu Xiuqi drew out his command saber and killed the leader of the puppet army, then raised the knife and angrily looked at the hundreds of puppet soldiers kneeling on the ground.

The puppet soldiers were so frightened that they didn’t even dare to breathe, and many of them directly pissed in fear. In the end, Da Zhuxiu did not kill any more people, because he always believed that the truly brave Chinese would not do things for the empire. The Chinese in front of them They are all people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, what can be expected of them.

At this time, the person surveying the scene reported: "Co-leader, all the jade fragments of the Yansi team, almost all of them were slaughtered in their sleep!"

"Obviously, this is an operation planned by the New Fourth Army long ago. Their goal is poppies. Could it be that they also want to exchange money?" the team leader Jing Shenhaoji asked,

If you don't want to change the money, why take it away, Dazhu Xiuqi said: "Does it need to be said, these poppies must be found, otherwise the task entrusted to us by the higher authorities will not be completed!"

"This time the New Fourth Army took action at the same time, not only to snatch the poppies in our hands, but also to destroy the stocks in the hands of many drug dealers. Captain, if we want to complete the tasks assigned by the higher authorities, we can only snatch the lost poppies back."

"Send someone to investigate immediately to see where the New Fourth Army of poppies have been transported!"


"Captain, didn't you say that Shunsuke Kuchi of the Jiuchi Mansion is with the New Fourth Army? Does he know where Dong XZ is?"

"He is indeed in the southern Anhui detachment, but I don't know how to contact him. Shunsuke Kuchi will not be unaware of such a big move by the New Fourth Army. Maybe he will send someone to inform us."

"Yeah, it would be great if we could get in touch with him, Chief Kuike is a well-known intelligence officer."

Just as he was talking, a soldier came to report: "Report to the captain! There is a man named Shifang Accelerator asking to see you!"

"Shi Fang Tong Xing! Bring him quickly!" Said Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, Da Zhuxiu guessed that he must have come to deliver information.

Song Jian came to Da Zhuxiu, bowed and said, "Master Da Zhu! The head of the agency sent me to tell you that the Anhui South Detachment of the New Fourth Army has stolen a large number of poppies, and they are now stored in the bamboo forest west of Wuhu."

"The bamboo forest in the west? Where exactly!"

"In Fanchang territory."

"Shifang Tongxing, why didn't you notify me in advance of such a big move by the New Fourth Army?"

"Master Dazhu, we didn't know about their actions in advance. We only found out after the action. The head of the agency immediately sent me out when he knew it was wrong. Dazhu Dazuo, I came here overnight from Fanchang."

"A flourishing bamboo forest?"

"Yes, it's the bamboo forest in the mountains."

"Then I will trouble you to lead the way!"


Song Jian was secretly happy, everything was in the calculation of his elder brother Qi Rui, he would be anxious if he knew that the devils had lost so many poppies, as long as he told them the location, he would go there without hesitation.

In the bamboo forest in Fanchang, Qi Rui has already set up an ambush to wait for No. 15 Division No. 60 Seventh Regiment, but it is a pity that Da Zhuxiu only brought a brigade of troops this time.

At noon the next day, Da Zhuxiu led a team to the outside of Fanchang Bamboo Forest. Looking at the wheel marks, complicated footprints, and fallen poppy shells in front of him, Da Zhuxiu was sure that the information provided by Shifang Accelerator was accurate.

Otake dismounted and drew out his command saber to order: "Follow the footsteps!"

More than 200 devils all entered the bamboo forest. The devils in front used bayonets to open the way, and Da Zhuxiu followed into the bamboo forest on foot and followed the team.

After going deep into the bamboo forest for a thousand meters, the bamboo forest in front of me became sparser, and a sharp-eyed ghost pointed to the front and shouted: "There seems to be someone in front!"

"Report to the captain, there is a figure moving ahead!"

"Catch up!" Da Zhuxiu had never suffered a defeat when he came to China, and he didn't pay much attention to the poorly equipped New Fourth Army.

The devils in front increased their speed, and almost a squadron of devils in front chased them less than [-] steps away, when they heard a sudden loud bang, bang, swish, and then they found densely packed bamboo javelins falling from the top of their heads .


"Quick retreat!"




Bamboo spears flew down like raindrops, and the devil in front of him couldn't avoid it. He quickly turned around and wanted to run, but before he could move his leg, he was pierced by the sharp-edged bamboo spear.

There was wailing and screaming in the bamboo forest. Hundreds of devils were shot by bamboo javelins.

"Baga! What's the situation!?" Da Zhuxiu had never seen such a situation. Is the primitive tribe on the opposite side still using such a method.

Qi Rui has intermediate-level mechanism trap skills, and these bamboo javelins are designed and arranged by him himself. There are many bamboos in this bamboo forest. He thinks killing devils like this is more enjoyable than shooting with guns. The main reason is that the ammunition of the New Fourth Army is not very rich. Want to use the ammo wisely.

Da Zhuxiu immediately ordered to rescue the wounded. Hundreds of devils were worried about the terrifying bamboo javelins, and went to rescue them one by one cautiously. As a result, the second batch of bamboo javelins attacked again, and dozens of devils were nailed to the ground.

Under Da Zhuxiu's order, nine heavy machine guns began to shoot forward. The bamboo was knocked down by the bullets, but there was no movement on the other side.

"Shifang Tongxing, what's going on here?" Da Zhuxiu asked,
"Dazhu Dazuo! I don't know, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing!" Song Jian said with a blank face,

"Captain, it seems that the New Fourth Army knew that we would definitely come after us and set up this mechanism in advance!" Second Lieutenant Assistant Jing Shenhao said,
"You're right. They probably want to slow down our progress. I think there should be no bamboo arrows in front of us after shooting from machine guns. Send someone over to have a look."

A small group of devils marched forward again. Sure enough, there were no more bamboo javelins this time, but few devils who were shot before were still alive. At any rate, more than 200 people were counted and died under these bamboo spears.

"Go forward!" Da Zhuxiu ordered, unwilling to suffer such a big loss.

(End of this chapter)

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