Chapter 492
Da Zhuxiu ordered the three teams to disperse and move forward. After walking about 300 meters, they were stabbed by ground spears, bamboo rafts, and bamboo arrows, and dozens of people were killed or injured.

"Baga! Cunning Chinese people!" Dazhu Xiuqi yelled at the New Fourth Army, which had lost nearly one-third of its troops before seeing the figure.

"Captain, there may be such a trap mechanism in this bamboo forest, shall we continue to move forward?" Jing Shenhaoer asked,

"It's all here, are we going to retreat?" Da Zhuxiu asked unwillingly,
"Captain, let's send engineers to the front to explore the way."

"Nakazuo Jingbuka, you can make arrangements!" Otake Osamu lost all confidence when he said this.

This time, Ibuka Koji only sent ten engineers to disperse to explore the road ahead, and when they came back, they reported that they found nothing and did not trigger the trap.

Although he didn't find any traps, Da Zhuxiu didn't dare to move forward, because he brought a brigade, and now it has lost one-third, and the morale of the officers and soldiers who came again was low, and they didn't want to fight any more.

"Withdraw from the bamboo forest and wait for the reinforcements!" Da Zhuxiu has already sent the communication soldier to call for help, and the nearby garrison will come soon.

Da Zhuxiu wanted to go back the same way, and walked to the place where he was attacked by the bamboo javelin for the first time. Suddenly, there were loud gunshots on both sides, and the devils on the two wings were shot and fell down.

The two wings were attacked, and because the situation was unknown, Da Zhuxiu didn't dare to fight and ordered to withdraw from the bamboo forest immediately. The devils retreated quickly while fighting back. Even if they shot a lot of devils, they shot randomly without target.

Qi Rui made all the New Fourth Army who came to ambush them disguised. Although there were no auspicious clothes, bamboo leaves were the best camouflage tool in the bamboo forest.

Song Jian followed Da Zhuxiu all the time, and at least one squadron protected them. The ambushing New Fourth Army did not pursue them fiercely, and stopped the pursuit after knocking the devils out of the bamboo forest.

Da Zhuxiu took the rest of the ghosts away from the bamboo forest. After counting them, he stomped his feet angrily. This was the biggest loss for them to come to China. Now there are only 100 people left from more than 770 people. Died in the bamboo forest.

"This is no ordinary New Fourth Army!" Da Zhuxiu asked Shifang Tongxing after finishing speaking, "Captain Shifang, have you seen this New Fourth Army?"

"Reporting to Mr. Dazhu, we have seen two independent regiments of the New Fourth Army. They are not together. The weapons used by the New Fourth Army in the bamboo forest are relatively mixed, and their ammunition is not very sufficient, but their marksmanship seems to be quite good. look."

"Captain, wouldn't it be better if we resolutely resisted at that time?" Koji Jing Shen said, not many people in the New Fourth Army heard the gunshots,
"Baga, how do we know if they have any other ambush in that situation? If they ambush an army outside the bamboo forest, it doesn't need to be many, just a few hundred people, and we will be blocked in the bamboo forest. At that time, we may have The possibility of annihilation of the entire army!" Da Zhuxiu said,

"Hayi, this subordinate understands!"

"Zhongzuo Jingshen! Don't worry, there will be reinforcements coming soon, and we will enter the bamboo forest as soon as they arrive!" Dazhuxiu comforted,
Song Jian couldn't follow them anymore, and said, "Master Dazhu, I'll take a detour to find the head of the agency now, and I'll also check which army is on the opposite side! How many people are there in total?"

"Then I'll leave it to Captain Shifang!" Of course it would be great if he could get definite information, Otake immediately agreed.

Song Jian left towards the south, and Koji Jingbuka asked, "Commander, is this one of Zhongzuo Kuike's subordinates?"

"That's right, I haven't actually met Curator Jiuchi yet, it's this captain named Shifang Accelerator who is delivering the news."

"Captain, he is not a spy, is he?"

"Impossible, he called General Kagezuo of Mei Agency in front of me, and General Kagezuo asked me to fully support Director Kuike."

"We don't seem to have any useful information."

"It should be that they haven't investigated clearly. The last time Shifang Tongxun said that the head of the Wannan detachment was not there."

"I hope we can get the details of the Southern Anhui Detachment! They have always been our heart disease."

"I also hope to meet the famous Chief Toshisuke Kuike as soon as possible. I heard that he is a student of Prime Minister Konoe!"

In the bamboo forest, a battalion of the New Fourth Army was quickly cleaning the battlefield, and several soldiers guarded the traps that had not been triggered to prevent their own people from being hurt.

"This deputy commander is too powerful. Look at how scared these devils are when they die! I feel that some of them are dying of pain!" said a soldier who watched the bamboo spear pass through the lower abdomen and was nailed to the ground.
"Being shot and killed by bamboo, I get goosebumps all over my body just thinking about it, but this method is really good, saving bullets, this deputy commander-in-chief must be a descendant of the Mohist family, right?"

"You still know the Mo family?"

"Didn't the story say that the Mohists specialize in mechanics?"

"Wow, so the deputy commander-in-chief is a very capable person!"

"Anyway, we made a lot of money this time. Look at these [-] big guns, machine guns, grenades, and melon grenades! Hahahaha..."

The soldiers withdrew with their trophies, and all the corpses of the devils remained in place. Qi Rui looked at the sand table made by himself in the temporary headquarters deep in the bamboo forest and thought about it. He was worried that he might have missed anything, so he repeatedly deduced it in his mind think.

"Deputy Commander..."

"Deputy Commander!"

Qi Rui, who was thinking, heard the call and came back to his senses. Seeing that it was the head of the independent regiment Sun, he quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, chief!"

"Deputy Commander, we can completely wipe out these devils in the bamboo forest this time, why did we let them go?" asked Commander Sun very puzzled,

"This will make them feel that there are not many people in our bamboo forest. They will definitely call for rescue. No matter how many troops come, they will enter the bamboo forest again. Next time we will never let a devil go." Qi Rui explained,

Qi Rui has a big appetite. It is true that he was able to wipe out this brigade before, but after that, it would be tantamount to exposing his own combat power completely. If the devils come again, it will not be a brigade, maybe a brigade. No matter how big Qi Rui's appetite is, he dare not say that he can swallow a brigade of devils, and besides, Song Jian is still in the opponent's team.

"Understood, no wonder you only allowed one battalion to participate in the battle for the first time, and didn't let you use new weapons, just to avoid exposing our combat effectiveness?"

Qi Rui smiled and comforted: "Chief, don't worry the soldiers, the devils will come soon, just follow the battle plan we made!"

Commander Sun left with a smile, because it was his first battalion that fought before, but this time his regiment took advantage of it, because it captured almost a battalion's weapons and equipment without losing a single soldier.

"Brother, Song Jian is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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