Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 493 Don't Forget There Are Puppet Army!

Chapter 493 Don't Forget There Are Puppet Army!
Qi Rui felt relieved when he saw Song Jian came back safely, because he had been following the devil team dangerously before.

"Brother!" Song Jian and Tang Rui came to Qi Rui,

"Come back unscathed! Well done!" Qi Rui praised,

"Brother, don't worry, I've been with Da Zhuxiu all this time, it's still very safe."

"The leader is Otake Osamu, Commander?"

"Yes, it is Otake Osamu, the commander of the 15th Regiment of the No.67 Division. He only brought Koji Ibuka's First Battalion this time. After being attacked, I heard him ask the communications soldier to call the Second Battalion and the First Battalion. The third brigade is coming, but the reinforcements should not be full." Song Jian said,
"It's definitely not full-staffed. One of the second brigade is in the direction of Xuancheng, and the nearest squadron is in Hongyang Town. It takes about half a day to get here, and the nearest squadron of the third brigade to Fanchang is in Banziji According to our previous investigation, there is only one squadron, and it will take three or four hours to arrive here." Qi Rui looked at the sand table and said,

In order to ensure the complete victory of this battle, Qi Rui has personally investigated these few days, and checked the devil's surrounding forces clearly and clearly.

"Brother with such a small number of devils, why are you making such a big battle?" Song Jian knew that this time the Wannan detachment had given the elder brother three regiments of troops, and there were less than two regiments ambushing in the bamboo forest.

"Don't forget that there are puppet troops! This time, Dazhuxiu will definitely transfer the puppet troops to come and use them as cannon fodder! There are at least two regiments of regular puppet troops near here with more than 4000 people! Even half of them will be enough for us to kill for a while. "Qi Rui said with a headache,

Qi Rui is very aware of the fact that most of the people in this era are illiterate. In the training program of Tianmu Mountain, cultural lessons are very important. Just like Li Tanghai, the captain of the guerrilla team, you give him an order, and he even understands it. It is very difficult, and how to ensure that he can fully implement your intentions and instructions.

Qi Rui also knows that many puppet troops are actually forced. In this era, the team mainly depends on who leads it. Most Chinese people are loyal to one person, such as division commander, brigade commander, regiment commander, or even battalion commander. In the country, it is for this reason that some national army units are often full of surrender devils.

So Qi Rui who knew this situation couldn't bear to kill ordinary puppet soldiers. Here I want to say that Qi Rui has never been soft on those real traitors and traitors, and he has killed quite a few.

To give an example, the Japanese army implemented a law and order strengthening strategy in Shanxi, requiring nearly half of the villages in the province to set up self-defense regiments, with an average of one regiment member for every two households. As a result, a 47-strong army was formed almost overnight. Huge "puppet army".

But these 47 people only have 3 broken guns, and the rest are basically spears and sticks, so is it okay not to be this regiment?Certainly not!Disobedience to orders ranges from arrest to execution, and the common people have no choice but to deal with it, so you can say that these 47 people are puppet troops or traitors?

So if you asked Qi Rui to kill these "pseudo-armies" and "traitors", how could he do it? Qi Rui also inquired about the puppet army in Wuhu, and many of them were forced to join. suffer.

"Brother, don't you have the heart to kill these puppet soldiers?" Tang Rui asked,

"Many puppet soldiers don't actually know what they are doing. Most of them may become puppet soldiers just to have a full meal. As long as they are guided correctly, it is not impossible for them to become anti-Japanese heroes." Qi Rui said ,
"Brother, do you mean that the puppet army will stop fighting?" Song Jian asked.

"At that time, if only puppet soldiers come in to serve as cannon fodder, we will mainly focus on scaring. If there are devils in the team, then there is nothing we can do." Qi Rui said,
"That is, the New Fourth Army will definitely act according to the battle plan. If the puppet army comes, we can only blame them for their bad luck." Tang Rui said,
"Well, it took at most two hours for the puppet army to arrive here, so as soon as they arrive, Da Zhuxiu will definitely launch an attack. Now he should have realized that there are only a few hundred New Fourth Army in the bamboo forest." Qi Rui said ,
This is an illusion Qi Rui deliberately gave to the devils, because there is a real ambush deep in the bamboo forest, in order to let more devils come, Qi Rui does not expect to eliminate many devils, he only hopes to eliminate the surrounding devils.

Qi Rui has estimated that the ideal is to eliminate more than 2000 devils in the two brigades. In this way, the devils around Wuhu will basically be wiped out. At that time, the Japanese No.13 Army will definitely dispatch a brigade or a division to encircle and suppress them. At that time, the Wannan detachment would just continue to fight guerrilla warfare with the devils, which is what they are best at.

"Brother, do you want me to go back and induce Da Zhuxiu again?" Song Jian asked,

"No need, the next battle may be an annihilation battle, it's too dangerous for you to go back."

"Will Dazhu Xiu be fooled?" Song Jian asked,

"Of course they will. The little devils are insatiably greedy. They will definitely not give up so much opium. Besides, the devils have never paid attention to the New Fourth Army." Qi Rui still has some research on devils.

Just as Qi Rui guessed, Da Zhuxiu really came to his senses now, if there were a large number of New Fourth Army in the bamboo forest, how could he let hundreds of people like him leave so easily.

"Baga, there may only be a few hundred New Fourth Army in the bamboo forest!" Da Zhuxiu scolded,

Koji Jingbuka had thought of this earlier, and reminded Otake just now, so he stopped talking.

"Leader of the Reporting Coalition, Zheng Xueyi, head of the Dongxiang Security Regiment, asks to see you."

"Bring him over here!" Da Zhuxiu sat on a small slope, holding a command knife in his hand, and his height of about 1.5 meters made a funny and mighty look.

"Captain of the Big Bamboo Union! Zheng Xueyi will report to you with the Dongxiang security team!" Zheng Xueyi stood at attention and saluted with a bit of military temperament, which he specially practiced for the Japanese to see.

Zheng Xueyi is definitely a hard-core traitor. This person has done bad things and died ten thousand times, which is not enough to anger the common people. He is also a pioneer in planting opium for the devils, and he has made a lot of profits from it. He has seven concubines alone. It is said that every concubine Just manage a smokehouse.

"Zheng Sang! It's great that you came, there are hundreds of New Fourth Army in the bamboo forest, please take your security team to wipe them out immediately!" Da Zhuxiu ordered,
"Hundreds of New Fourth Army?"

"Yes, there are only hundreds of New Fourth Army!" Dazhuxiu knew that this cunning guy would not be active if he talked too much.

"Obey!" Zheng Xueyi asked after finishing speaking, "Excuse me, is Taijun with us?"

"Of course we are together! Zheng Sang, if we see anyone retreating, we will die!" Da Zhuxiu warned,
"Yes!" Zheng Xueyi stood at attention, saluted and took orders.

Dazhuxiu sent a squadron to follow the security regiment to supervise the battle, and those who disobeyed the order and fled were shot on the spot. In this way, a regiment of more than 2000 puppet troops pushed flat into the bamboo forest.

(End of this chapter)

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