Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 494 We Are the Real Fighting Nation!

Chapter 494 We Are the Real Fighting Nation!
Dazhuxiu sent a squadron to follow the security regiment to supervise the battle, and those who disobeyed the order and fled were shot on the spot. In this way, a regiment of more than 2000 puppet troops pushed flat into the bamboo forest.

A squadron of ghosts supervised the battle behind the puppet army with a [-]-type cover and a [-]-type machine gun, while Da Zhuxiu asked the signal soldier to continue to contact other reinforcements outside the bamboo forest to ask when they would arrive.

Bamboo Forest Temporary Headquarters

"Brother, a regiment of the puppet army has entered the bamboo forest, followed by a squadron of devils."

"More than 2000 puppet troops?"

"Yes! The leader is that bastard Zheng Xueyi."

"Most of this puppet army are real traitors, kill them as you like." Qi Rui sighed and ordered,

"Then shall I notify the combat troops to prepare for the war?"


Song Jian went to convey the order, and Tang Rui asked, "Brother, why are the puppet soldiers and devils still going here? Don't they know how to take a detour?"

"That's a good question, Tang Rui. They came here to eliminate us and take back the drugs. Since they know where we are, there is no need to go around. Besides, they are not familiar with the bamboo forest and dare not divide their troops. Even if they go around and want to outflank, we are prepared, and in the end we will force them to follow the route we designed."

Seeing that Tang Rui still didn't understand, Qi Rui continued: "Because the devils are here to look for us, what are they going to do when they find us, but they may make some tactical adjustments after confirming our exact location, and we are also aware of this." There is a response, don't worry."

"Brother, it's a pity that you are not a commander."

Qi Rui actually likes to lead troops to fight, but he knows what is more important in his heart, and said with a smile: "If you have a chance, let's use it. Our real job is spy warfare. In fact, the basis of this operation is intelligence work. It is precisely because we have investigated the enemy's strength and deployment clearly that we have basically won this battle."

"Brother, the next step is a full-fledged battle. Shall we go to the front line?"

Qi Rui shook his head and smiled wryly: "Chief No. [-] won't let me go!"

With a talent like Qi Rui, how could the chief be willing to let him go to the front line to take risks? He has already taken all the risks he should have taken. Didn’t he personally investigate the enemy’s situation, and leave the battle to the combat team? That's fine, this is indeed the order of Chief No. [-].

The puppet soldiers walked forward with their guns in hand. After half an hour, they saw hundreds of Japanese soldiers who died tragically in various positions.

"Leader! It seems that they were all stabbed to death by sharp bamboos! Did a big battle happen here!"

"So many princes have died, no wonder we have to wait for reinforcements. The situation is not good, everyone, be careful!" Zheng Xueyi knows better than anyone that his team is often cannon fodder, and it seems that this time is the same. He can only pray for the team in his heart It's okay to be cannon fodder, as long as you don't die.

Because the death of these Japanese soldiers was so ugly that it could even be described as horror, the puppet soldiers became more and more frightened as they went forward, so the speed became slower and slower. There was a squadron of devils urging them behind, which made the team more and more dense.

Bang bang bang... swish swish... chirp chirp...

The sound of bamboo guns firing through the air made everyone look at the sky. The devils were very familiar with this scene, and they all turned around and ran away when they heard the sound.

"No! It's a bamboo arrow!" Zheng Xueyi screamed and hid behind several people.

The puppet soldiers found that a dark cloud drifted over the suddenly sparse bamboo forest. When they saw what it was, the bamboo arrows had already been nailed into their bodies, and some were nailed to the ground and died before they even had time to shout.

A squadron of devils did not escape the bamboo javelin attack again. This time the screams and wailing were more tragic than before. Only 1 minute later, the second wave of bamboo arrows rained down again. I hate my parents for giving me two legs.

There are bamboos everywhere here, and Qi Rui, who is proficient in organ traps, also uses local materials. He wants to let the devils know that we Chinese are the real fighting nation, because our history is 5000 years of war history. Who will fight?
Since ancient times, we Chinese have focused on the enemy's army in wars. Increasing the certainty of the enemy is a must-do job. Before the war, Chinese generals were faced with military books and strategies. They thought about how to divide the enemy and how to use military tactics to control the enemy.

If it is ten, it will be surrounded, if it is five, it will be attacked, if it is doubled, it will be divided, if the enemy is small, it will be able to fight, and if it is small, it will be able to escape.This is the art of war that every commander must master at least.

That's what Qi Rui is doing now, and it's also the arrangement, because he knows the enemy army well now, and he has assigned combat tasks to the three regiments of the Wannan Detachment.

Because the main purpose of this operation is to eliminate the devils garrison in Wuhu area, the elimination of the puppet army is secondary, Qi Rui has basically determined the number of devil troops and marching routes that can come to support from the surrounding areas.

Our army's best tactic is to encircle and fight for reinforcements. This tactic is indeed very effective. Qi Rui sent all the troops with better weapons to fight for reinforcements, because the devil army that came to support was at most two squadrons. Send troops several times the size of the enemy to ambush.

Poor weapons and equipment?It doesn't matter, it's enough for me to use one regiment to ambush two squadrons of five hundred devils, so Qi Rui is very confident in this battle.

Da Zhuxiu followed up with his team, but he heard screams in front of him. Seeing that the fastest escaped was actually a squadron of the supervisor, he was furious, and he drew his gun and shot it in the air. Shouted: "Baga! Stop all of them!"

More than half of a squadron was left, and all the devils stopped, and all the more than 1000 puppet troops behind them also stopped.

"Baga! Anyone who dares to retreat will be shot!" Da Zhuxiu had set up four heavy machine guns and shouted at the puppet army.
The puppet soldiers were all terrified at this time, because no one had seen this scene before, they were all thinking about how these bamboo arrows and bamboo javelins were fired by the opponent, were they thrown by hand?Impossible, how many people and how much effort would it take.

"They have finished firing the bamboo arrows, now you can move on, hurry up! Don't give the other party time to prepare! Hurry up!" Da Zhuxiu fired another shot to threaten the puppet army.

Like many Japanese military officers, Otake Osamu is very conceited. From top to bottom, they think that one brigade of their own can wipe out three regular divisions of the national army and five miscellaneous divisions, including Neiji Okamura, the commander-in-chief of the No.11 Army. thought.

Dazhuxiu's idea is that his own brigade can definitely wipe out two New Fourth Army regiments. Now he still has more than 700 troops. Under the cover of the security team, he can wipe out the New Fourth Army and regain opium.

Da Zhuxiu also thought that the New Fourth Army might have reinforcements coming, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he hoped that there would be more New Fourth Army, so this trip was not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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