Chapter 501

Qi Rui knows what Ouyang Jianping expects of him, and he also understands it very well. The eldest sister must hope that everything she guesses is correct, otherwise she would not take the risk to ask herself.

"Sister, we will have a lot of cooperation in the future. I also understand what you think. Dingshan Lake is relatively close to Shanghai. Once there are some situations, it would be great to have someone outside the city to support you. So I agree with your people."

"Xiao Jiu, we can think of you as the commander of the battle, can the Japanese also think of it?" the eldest sister asked,

"Maybe, but at this moment Song Hu has gone to Yan'an with the No. [-] chief. This news will be released in a few days. Comrade Song Hu will also give a report in Yan'an to talk about the command experience and battle plan of this battle. Conception and finalization process." Qi Rui said,
Ouyang Jianping smiled when she heard Qi Rui's words, she stepped forward and held Qi Rui's hand tightly: "Xiao Jiu! I really didn't expect you to have such abilities!"

If Xiaojiu wasn't Comrade Song Hu, how would he know that it was the No. [-] chief who came, and how would he know that Song Hu had returned to Yan'an? This must have been done deliberately by Yan'an to protect Qi Rui. It's also very high, too, how could such an all-around talent be at the bottom!

"Sister, are the people you just mentioned really as you said?" Qi Rui asked,

"Elder sister assures you that they are indeed good sons and daughters of China. Their relatives basically died during the Battle of Songhu. Their only purpose in life is to kill devils. They said that as long as they can kill devils, they can do whatever they want. But they seem to have some misunderstanding about the New Fourth Army, no matter how much I persuade them, they refuse to join." Ouyang Jianping said,
"Since that's the case, eldest sister let them come over, I will send someone to train them."

"It must be someone who is stronger than them, otherwise they cannot be convinced to obey orders."

"Don't worry, elder sister, I have no weak soldiers under my command."

"By the way, what happened to Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yuu?"

"The two of them are my right-hand men, and they have made great contributions to this operation."

"Xiao Jiu, you can surprise the elder sister every time, especially this time the elder sister is so happy!" Ouyang Jianping would not understand the words too clearly, it is enough to know that Qi Rui is his comrade.

"Sister, go and sit according to your wishes. I also had the idea of ​​building a team with excellent combat and action capabilities before." Qi Rui said,
"The Dingshan Lake martial arts team is yours, right?"

"Sister, I plan that this team should be at least the size of an independent group, and there must be a basic team."

"You still dare to think and do it, have you already found an acting deputy head?" Ouyang Jianping knew Qi Rui's identity and it was not convenient for him to command the team himself.
Qi Rui sighed and said with a smile: "I don't have any secrets in front of my eldest sister!"

"I'm not the same!"

"Sister, as long as these people can get here safely, don't bring weapons or anything inconvenient. I will prepare them for them here."

"Xiao Jiu, don't worry, they are very familiar with the surrounding environment, and they are not afraid of hardships. Besides, weapons are their life, and they will definitely be reluctant to let them go."

"When I arrive at Dingshan Lake, I will give them a gift to make sure they are happy."

"I see, you were the one who gave the Black Fox commando those American-made weapons before! No wonder the devils couldn't find this weapon." At this moment, Ouyang Jianping fully understood what was going on.

"Sister, I can't talk to you anymore. If I continue to talk about it, I will tell you that I wet the bed when I was nine years old."

"It's not explained now!"


Qi Rui thought that the No. [-] special agent team had some urgent task to find him, but he didn't expect that their idea was exactly what he wanted. The organization had agreed to form an independent team around Shanghai, and the organization appointed Fu Yingxue as the political commissar. The organization hoped to be able to Of course it would be great to establish a base area around Shanghai.

Because this army can give the local underground organization the strongest support, its role is self-evident, especially since it was suggested by the Miaodao group, the organization also believes that Qi Rui can switch roles well.

The No. [-] special agent team was originally a team of our party. If the people they recruited don’t believe in them, who else can they trust? After Qi Rui left, Ouyang Jianping’s excited mood could not be calmed down for a long time. Still a commanding genius!
More than 100 people ambushed more than 200 devils in a squadron and wiped them all out. There was not a single wounded on our side. How could Ouyang Jianping refuse to accept such a commanding ability? More than 100 people were handed over to Qi Rui to bring them.

Qi Rui left from the No. [-] special agent team and went directly to find Li Xiaonan.

"Brother Qi, when did you come back?" Li Xiaonan crawled out of bed in pajamas and opened the door and asked,
"I've been back for two days."

There must be something important for coming so late, Li Xiaonan asked: "Is there any task for me?"

"Do you know where are the anti-Japanese publications printed by Comrade Prime Minister?" Qi Rui asked.

"I know, sister Xia told me before she left."

"Send these publications out tomorrow, be sure to pay attention to safety!"

"Can you tell me why?"

"The government has started a plan to counterfeit banknotes again. We must find out the printing houses and printing plates that printed the counterfeit banknotes."

"I understand, the Japanese will definitely track down the publications, so you have a legitimate reason to ask Kuchi Mansion to investigate the printing factory!"

"You are right. This counterfeit banknote plan is very harmful to our country. It must be stopped as soon as possible. Little comrades must ensure their own safety and never allow a comrade to be targeted." Qi Rui urged again, because once someone Being arrested will probably disrupt his plan this time.

"Then is it okay for our martial arts team to do this?" Li Xiaonan asked,
"Okay, you are in charge of this matter."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Qi Rui left Li Xiaonan's house after assigning the task. When he got home, it was past eleven o'clock, and Fu Yingxue was still waiting for him.

"Why did you come back so late?"

"Sister Ouyang guessed my identity, and she wants to give us an anti-Japanese team of more than a hundred people."

"How did she guess that?"

"The No. [-] special agent team has been to the Southern Anhui Detachment before, and has been active in Wuhu. It is not difficult to find out something according to the rank of the eldest sister." Qi Rui said,
"Then you admit it?"

"I don't admit that the eldest sister knows it well. She has already decided to let the more than 100 people go to Dingshan Lake first. Didn't the organization agree with us to form an independent group? These people couldn't be more suitable."

"Are you going to ask Jing Yun and the others to bring these people?"

"It can only be brought by them, and our Miaodao team can stay behind the scenes."

(End of this chapter)

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