Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 502 Unstoppable

Chapter 502 Unstoppable
Overnight, anti-Japanese propaganda publications reappeared in Shanghai. In the conference room of the special high school, all the main figures of the secret service agencies arrived, including Director Bi Zhongliang of the Secret Service Headquarters and several directors.

"Everyone, the publications printed by the Communist Party have appeared again, and must be banned as soon as possible! The notices continue to be posted, and those who hide them will be severely punished." Masahide Tanaka ordered,

"We must continue to search for the underground printing factory of the Communist Party!" Tamaki Imai said at the meeting on behalf of Kagesa Haruaki.
"These printed materials should be printed by medium-sized and above printing machines. It seems that we need to control the printing factories!" Qi Rui said,
"This matter has a great impact, and the impact must be eliminated as soon as possible, and these printed materials must not be allowed to spread among the people! Everyone! Please take action immediately!" Masanori Tanaka said,
Qi Rui asked Li Xiaonan to distribute the publication for this effect, and then he will use this as an excuse to thoroughly investigate the suspicious printing factory in Shanghai until he finds the one who helps the government to print counterfeit banknotes.

Qi Rui returned to the Jiuchi mansion and immediately handed over this task to Yi Yuxian, asking him to lead people to cooperate with the Special High School and the Secret Service Headquarters to investigate the case of printed matter.

However, Song Jian and Tang Rui searched for information and used the method of elimination to find printing houses capable of printing counterfeit banknotes. Such printing houses were one of the few in Shanghai at that time.

After finding out the suspects, Qi Rui personally took Song Jian and Tang Rui to investigate for routine reasons, because these printing factories were all run by Japanese, Qi Rui didn't mobilize people, just simple questioning and goodwill on the surface reminder.

Through these seemingly perfunctory visits and inquiries, Qi Rui, Song Jian, and Tang Rui memorized all the layout of the printing factory, and immediately drew the floor plan after returning home, and asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to search for the printing factory at night. Traces of counterfeit money.

With the two helpers of Song Jian and Tang Rui, Qi Rui was much more relaxed. Tonduo survey finally locked Ridahe Printing Industry, which is a very professional Japanese printing factory. Most of the military combat maps are printed here. Even if the printing factory does not print counterfeit banknotes, it should be destroyed.

Song Jian and Tang Rui found some burnt banknote residues and some very good quality ink in this printing factory, and Qi Rui finally determined that this was a counterfeit banknote printing factory.

Zheng Yao first wanted to take away all the information that Qi Rui investigated, and ordered that Qi Rui should not be in charge of the next matter, and he would personally direct and solve these printing factories.

"Brother Six, are you going to destroy all four printing factories?"

"Knowing that destroying these four printing factories will not confuse the devils, my purpose is very simple, that is, to prevent that shirt organization from printing counterfeit banknotes again within a period of time." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Sixth brother, the combat map of Yamato Printing Industry is also very useful to us. If you can, you'd better find the printing plate of the map and send it back, so that we will have the same accurate map as Japan. Using their map to fight against our army It is also very helpful." Qi Rui reminded,

Zheng Yao first listened to Qi Rui's suggestion and said with a smile: "Xiao Jiu, you reminded me well, I also have the same intention. Our commander actually likes the maps drawn by devils, and they are indeed very accurate."

"Brother Six, don't you really need our help?"

"Xiao Jiu, you have been to these printing factories. If something happens to them, you will be the first to be suspected, so you'd better not be in Shanghai during this time."

"Alright, I happen to have something to deal with, so I'll go for a walk in the suburbs of Shanghai."

Qi Rui will go to investigate around Dingshan Lake again, because Dingshan Lake is definitely not enough to build a base of his own. Qi Rui also wants to build a training base. Start scientific training.

Therefore, Qi Rui is very cautious about where to build a safe and hidden secret training base, but there is definitely no suitable place near Shanghai, so Qi Rui wants to expand the scope to find it this time.

As for this operation is indeed a matter of the Shanghai station, Qi Rui knows the sixth brother's ability, he has already finished the preliminary work, and the next operation is indeed not suitable for him.

It is impossible for these secret service agencies to find the underground printing factory, because these publications were all printed when the prime minister was there. When the search failed, Qi Rui sent Yi and Xianren to the villages and towns on the outskirts of Shanghai to investigate.

And he took Song Jian and Tang Rui to start looking for a training ground. As expected, there was no suitable place around Shanghai, so Qi Rui took the train to Suzhou, Huzhou and other places, and finally decided to set up the secret training in Mogan. The mountain base is divided into three areas.

Because the transportation between Huzhou, Suzhou and Shanghai is relatively convenient, the team can shuttle between these places. Originally, what Qi Rui wanted was a very mobile team.

"Brother, transportation is very convenient, but soldiers can't always carry their weapons with them?" Song Jian asked after knowing what Qi Rui was thinking.

"That's natural. Guns and ammunition can be hidden somewhere."

"Brother, what do you mean, there are a batch of weapons hidden in Mogan Mountain, Taihu Lake, and Dingshan Lake?"

"Yes, wherever the team gathers, use the weapons hidden there, and let the team send someone to be responsible for the supply of weapons, ammunition and other supplies." Qi Rui had already thought of this when considering the base.

"It's really flexible, it's just a little bit expensive."

"It's not a problem!" It's really not a problem for Qi Rui, because there is nothing more important than the safety of the soldiers.

Zheng Yaoxian sent people to investigate the four printing factories most likely to print counterfeit banknotes provided by Qi Rui, and he directly transferred the Hurricane Action Team to take action against the four printing factories together with Shanghai.

Zheng Yaoxian's action this time was relatively simple and rough. Four teams took action against four targets at the same time. There were very few armed personnel in the printing factory. Sixth Brother's subordinates were basically elite military commanders, and the operation was completed very smoothly.

The bombing of the four printing factories made the spies of various intelligence agencies puzzled, but because of the seriousness of this matter, Kagesa Haruaki personally called Fujita Yoshimasa, Bi Zhongliang, Sakata Nosuke, Kohinata Shiro and other important tasks to Mei organ.

"Why didn't Chief Jiuchi come?" Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked the person who didn't see the Jiuchi Mansion,

"General, the people from the Jiuchi Mansion are all from towns around Shanghai to investigate the Communist Party's underground printing factory." Fujita Yoshimasa said,
"We checked the printing factories and found that four printing factories were bombed. Is there any connection between them?" Xiao Hinata asked Bailang.
"It seems that the plan of the clothing agency has been discovered by the Chinese, and they are here for counterfeit money this time." Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"General, has this plan failed?" Fujita Yoshimasa asked,

"It didn't fail, because the counterfeit money is printed in our country, and the Chinese can never destroy it!"

(End of this chapter)

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