Chapter 504

Zheng Yaoxian said: "We only found the printing plate of the combat map in Yamato Printing Industry. Based on the clues, we are now very sure that the printing plate of the counterfeit banknote is kept by Takeshige Aoki himself!"

Qi Rui didn't feel that something was wrong, because if it was him, he would be as cautious as Aoki Takeshige, so he asked, "Brother Six, do you mean to attack him?"

"This is an order from the boss, the printing plates must be destroyed! And the sooner the better, because the same counterfeit banknotes were also found in Chengdu and Xi'an." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Any plans?"

"Xiao Jiu, don't worry about this matter, I will contact you when we are done."

"Sixth brother, be careful!" Qi Rui must be assured of the strength of Zheng Yaoxian and Chi Tiecheng,

"Ninth brother, such a small action does not need you, a great god, just wait for our good news!" Zhao Jianzhi smiled,
"I wish you a smooth operation! Everyone is safe!"

"Thank you Brother Nine!"

Qi Rui talked to Chi Tiecheng for a while, and asked them what the jellyfish assassination team was doing recently. Why didn't Su Wenqian come? It turns out that they have been operating in Nanjing recently, killing many traitorous officials of the reform government. Su Wenqian is still there. Perform an assassination mission in Wuxi, and come back when you're done.

Qi Rui gave some instructions before leaving. He didn't expect that the Mei Organization and the Shanji Association jointly designed a big trap waiting for Sixth Brother and the others.

Qi Rui was still supposed to do what he should do, and asked Fu Yingxue to call Bernard, and learned that the weapons from the United States had arrived in Shanghai, mainly Garand rifles, Thompson submachine guns, and M1918 light machine guns.

Because there were quite a lot of weapons in this batch, Qi Rui kept a small part, and Zhuang Xiaoman let Zhuang Xiaoman find a way to store most of them secretly.

On the evening of October [-], Song Jian ran to his home and reported: "Director, there was a fierce gun battle at the shirt office, and it seems that someone has been ambushed!"

"Do you know what's going on now?" Qi Rui's heart skipped a beat when he heard that, it must be Brother Six who attacked the shirt organ.
"Those who were surrounded may not be able to leave. I heard that many people died."

"Let's go! Go and have a look!" Qi Rui put on his clothes and asked Tan Lin to lead a few people to the shirt office.

When Qi Rui and the others arrived at the Shanguan, the battle here was over, Takeshige Aoki, Ichiro Watanabe, Tamaki Imai, Keiyin Haruki, Yoshimasa Fujita and others were all present.

"What happened?" Qi Rui asked them as soon as he came,
"Curator Hisaichi came here very quickly, on behalf of the organization, I thank you for your support!" Aoki Takeshige said,
Qi Rui saw more than 20 corpses in the yard of the shirt agency, and he was very sad, and asked calmly on the surface: "So many corpses, who are these people?"

"Curator Hisaike should have seen it for himself." Aoki Takeshige said with a smile,
Qi Rui went over to look at them one by one, and some of them seemed to have been seen somewhere. They were the operatives of the Military Command Shanghai Station. Fortunately, Brother Six and the others were not found among these corpses.

"These are military spies! Why did they attack the government?" Qi Rui asked Takeshige Aoki,

Aoki Takeshige let out a few victorious laughs and said contemptuously: "Who knows, maybe he came here to commit suicide!"

Qi Rui glared at Takeshige Aoki and looked at Yoshimasa Fujita, Tamaki Imai and the others, Haruki Keishin said: "Kiichi, don't be angry, let the general tell you about this."

"Where's the general?"

"I'm talking to the head of the agency Makoto Sakata."

"Oh! Are all the people who came to attack the shirt organization here?"

"I ran a few under the cover of two snipers. We have blocked all the roads and searched. I believe they can't escape!" Qingqi Qingyin said,
When Qi Rui and the others came, they saw a large number of devil soldiers and plainclothes. This was the normal reaction of devils after an accident. After hearing Qingqi Qingyin's words, Qi Rui couldn't help feeling worried, and even more worried that if there were wounded among Sixth Brother and the others, they would die. broken.

At this time, a Zhongzuo officer came out and said: "General Yingzuo let you all go in!"

Qi Rui had never seen this person before, so he asked Qingqi Qingyin in a low voice: "Who is this?"

"He is Fangzheng Zhongzuo Okada, and he is also one of the persons in charge of the Sugi work plan." Qingqi Qingyin said,
"Sugi work?" Qi Rui asked pretending not to know, the Sugi work plan was a counterfeit banknote plan approved by Japanese Army Minister Hideki Tojo.
"It seems that Mr. Jiuchi doesn't know, so let's see what the generals say." Qingqi Qingyin said,
When he came to the conference room, Qi Rui saw two people sitting there, and Kagezawa introduced the two to everyone who came: "Chief of the Shirt Organization Sakata Makoto and Major Yamamoto Kenzo!"

After seeing the ceremony, Yingzuo Zhenzhao signaled everyone to take their seats, and continued: "Everyone! We can be sure that the military command's attack was carried out by the military command's Shanghai station. Judging from the snipers who responded to them, the jellyfish assassination team also Participated in the operation, under the desperate protection of the juntong operatives, several people escaped! We guess that among those who escaped was Zheng Yaoxian, the station chief of the juntong Shanghai station!"

"Jellyfish Assassination Team! Finally there is news about them again!" Fujita Yoshimasa said excitedly,

Kagesa Haruka glared at Yoshimasa Fujita angrily, and continued: "Now we have blocked all the exits around and are searching with all our strength. Let's wait here for good news!"

"It would be great if we can catch Zheng Yaoxian and the jellyfish and herd fish from the jellyfish assassination team this time!" Qi Rui said excitedly.

"It's a pity that our target this time was the God-killing Action Group, but unfortunately they didn't show up! It's really a consolation to catch Zheng Yaoxian and the Jellyfish Assassination Team." In Yingzuo Zhenzhao's heart, the God-killing Action Group was even more threatening .

"General, what's going on?" Qi Rui asked,
"Jiuchi! You came very quickly." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said with a smile,
"When I heard something happened here, I brought people over immediately."

"Hahaha...they want to block our cedar work plan! Go ahead and dream!" Yamamoto Kenzo laughed loudly,
"Major Yamamoto, tell me about the specific situation!" Kagesa said,
"Everyone, I planned the Shan work plan, and it has all been completed now..."

After listening to Kenzo Yamamoto, Qi Rui realized that Takeshige Aoki was an assistant from the beginning to the end, and Yamamoto was the main planner. The counterfeit banknotes that appear now were originally printed in Japan, so we can't stop the counterfeit banknotes at all circulation, how can this be done.

"Everyone, our plan was relatively successful this time, thanks to Lieutenant Aoki, who risked his life to attract these military spies." Kagezuo Yoshiaki said as if he couldn't get used to Yamamoto Kenzo who repeatedly showed his merits.

Takeshige Aoki stood up and thanked Kagezuo for his praise first, and then said very confidently: "I still have a way to lure the God-killing Action Team out!"

(End of this chapter)

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