Chapter 505
Aoki Takeshige also wanted to perform well. If he made more contributions, he would probably be promoted to Colonel and become one of the main persons in charge of Sugi's work plan.

"Zhongsao Aoki, what can you do?" Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked expectantly,
Aoki Takeshige said very excitedly: "When we catch Zheng Yaoxian, the God-killing Action Team will definitely find a way to rescue him using him as a bait!"

All the people present rolled their eyes when they heard what he said. He still thought of this method, even a fool could think of it.

"Sit down! Let's wait until we catch Zheng Yao first." Yingzuo Zhenzhao said disappointedly,
Takeshige Aoki also realized that what he just said was nonsense, and wanted to explain a few more words, but seeing Kagesa Haruka and Sakata Makoto swallowed the words back with dark faces.

"General, why are you so sure that the God-killing Action Team did not participate in this operation, but none of us have seen them, maybe some of them are among these corpses?" Qi Rui asked,

"Jiuchi, if you have any ideas, just speak up."

"General, after listening to Major Yamamoto's explanation, the military special agents must have found clues left intentionally in the printing factory, so they focused their attention on the shirt organization and Zhongzuo Aoki. Since Zheng Yaoxian was able to find the help of the jellyfish assassination team, Why don't you ask the Killing God Action Group to inquire about the situation in advance? Didn't we always suspect that their people were lurking beside us?"

"Jiuchi, we have repeatedly conducted internal investigations, and we have not found anyone from the God-killing Operation Team, but to be on the safe side, I didn't even notify you of this operation in advance. According to the current signs, it seems that they have not been found. ’” Kagezuo Shousaki said,
"Is there no one left alive?" Qi Rui asked,

Yingzuo Zhenzhao smiled slightly and said, "Jiuchi is still more sober, don't worry, now I have sent people to interrogate the two survivors, I believe that the exact situation will be obtained soon."

"Then we still have to focus on search now! Shall we lead a team out to help?" Qi Rui asked,
"It's already 22:[-] in the evening. There is at least one gendarmerie brigade in charge of the search. You can only affect them if you go there. You should sit here and wait for the news!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"There seems to be no wounded among those who escaped, otherwise they would not have been able to escape for so long!" Qi Rui said,
"It seems that there are really no casualties. The two snipers from the jellyfish assassination team killed more than a dozen of us and covered a few people to escape. Zheng Yaoxian must be among them, because at that time we heard someone desperately cover and shout for someone to escort the sixth brother away. "

"Escort Sixth Brother away! That is indeed Zheng Yaoxian! General, shall we go out and help search?"

"You don't want to go, because we have made arrangements in advance. Unless they can really fly into the sky and escape from the ground, they will definitely not be able to escape."

"But it's been so long."

"Don't worry, wait a little longer."

Qi Rui sat there anxiously. The sixth brother lived until the liberation of the whole country, so he should be fine, but many things have changed in this world, so Qi Rui has to worry.

Half an hour later, a soldier came to report: "Report to the general! An armed force suddenly appeared from the west and killed many of us and rescued a few of us!"

"Rescue people! Bastard, can you let them escape with so many people?"

"Report to the general, all the people who came came with submachine guns. When they arrived, they used firepower to suppress them. We couldn't pursue them. When we eliminated the people covering the cover, the other targets were gone, and our people were still chasing them."

"How many newcomers are armed?"

"Dozens, only six people blocked us, and they have all been wiped out."

"Baga! Hurry up and chase them! Don't let them escape!" What Yingzuo Zhenzhao wanted was Zheng Yaoxian's order from a living person,

As soon as the soldiers left, another gendarme came in and reported: "Report! One of the survivors caught before died, and the other person confessed that Zheng Yaoxian was indeed the leader of this operation, but he didn't know about the Jellyfish Assassination Group and Operation God Killing." He said he hadn’t even heard of it, and he said he just came here a few days ago, and he doesn’t know much about things in Shanghai.”

"General, according to the ranks of the jellyfish assassination team and the god-killing action team, I am afraid that only Zheng Yaoxian will know about it, and it is normal for the soldiers not to know." Imai Yuji said,
"Did he explain anything else?"

"They came with a total of 27 people, and only four escaped under the cover of their efforts. This person only knew three of them. Besides Zheng Yaoxian, Song Xiaoan and Zhao Jianzhi, he had never seen the other one."

"Take this person to identify the corpse, and see how many people are from their military command station, and how many people don't know."


Ying Zuo Zhenzhao thought for a while and said: "I haven't seen it before, so that means this person is not from Shanghai Station, maybe he is a member of the jellyfish assassination team."

"General, that's not necessarily the case. Since this person says he is new here, I'm afraid he can't even recognize the secret agents of the Military Command Shanghai Station." Qi Rui said,
"What Jiuchi said makes sense."

"General, the Shanghai Navy Control Station is almost out of force in this operation, so who just rescued them?" Fujita Yoshimasa asked,

"Could it be the God-killing Action Team?" Qingqi Qingyin asked,

Qi Rui shook his head and said: "Definitely not, there won't be so many people in the God Killing Action Team, and besides, they shouldn't be able to carry out rescue missions based on their level. I guess it should be the Hurricane Action Team."

The Hurricane Action Team had registered with various intelligence agencies of the devil a year ago. According to Shunsuke Kuike's ability, he must have thought of this, even if he said it, it didn't matter.

Kagezuo Zhenzhao agreed: "Jiuchi is very right. The only team in Shanghai with such good weapons and so many people is the Hurricane Team!"

"As expected of Zheng Yaoxian, he has already thought of the way out, and he actually let the Hurricane Action Team come to support him!" Qi Rui said,
Now that Zheng Yaoxian and the others have jumped out of the encirclement, Yingzuo Zhenzhao said with some frustration: "Now that we have reached such a situation, you should stop sitting here and take your people to hunt down Zheng Yaoxian immediately. No matter who it is, as long as Capture the person and record it as a great achievement, and be promoted to a higher level!"


The Special High School, Jiuchi Mansion, Shang Mansion and Banxi Mansion all began to assist in the investigation. When Qi Rui saw the body of the responder, he remembered that the deceased was a student who was trained by Wang Tianfeng.

This time, Qi Rui regretted sacrificing so many excellent operatives. It's all his fault that he didn't find out that this was a devil's conspiracy in advance, which caused the loss of so many elites.

The sixth brother has worked hard for so long to accumulate this wealth!Qi Rui could only imagine how sad Sixth Brother was.

"Brother, these people are military commanders, do they have something to do with us?" Song Jian asked in a low voice.

Qi Rui sighed and said nothing, Tang Rui prayed: "Nearly 30 people died this time, those who hope to escape are now safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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