Chapter 507 Six Brothers Transferred Back to Chongqing
Zheng Yaoxian didn't want Qi Rui to take the risk of avenging the sacrificed brothers, and told him: "It's up to you, we will avenge this revenge ourselves, Xiao Jiu, you are responsible for your own affairs, and don't worry about anything else."

"Don't worry, Sixth Brother, I will never mess around. You have to bear with me recently, and I will notify you as soon as possible if there is any situation."

"Xiao Jiu, we are safe in the French Concession, so don't worry about it. You should try to come here as little as possible in the future, because this time the mission fails, and I will probably leave Shanghai. At that time, you must be careful and act carefully." Zheng Yaoxian urged road,

Dai will definitely blame him for this failure, Qi Rui also guessed that Sixth Brother might leave Shanghai because of this, and said, "Sixth Brother! Take care!"

"Xiao Jiu, you are much more mature than before, and you are also very assertive, but no matter what you do, you still have to be careful! Especially when you employ people."

Although Zheng Yaoxian didn't know who else Qi Rui had under his command besides Tan Lin and Fu Yingxue, he knew that there must be other people. He guessed that they should be the action masters sent by the organization. Xiao Jiu's killing god action team has really been formed Stand up, and the strength is definitely not weak, as can be seen from the bombing of the dock before.

"I remember!" Qi Rui wanted to tell Zheng Yaoxian about his plan, but seeing that he was in a bad mood and might leave Shanghai, he didn't say anything in order not to worry him.

"Brother Jiu, if you need anything from our jellyfish team, go to the cake shop, we will always be there." Chi Tiecheng said,
"How is Miss Zishu?"

"Hmmmm...hahaha... Brother Jiu, don't worry, she is no longer the little girl she was before, how can my apprentice be so bad! I guarantee that in another three months, she will be able to perform the task!"

"Tiecheng, I didn't ask you to train her to be a killer!"

"Yeah...hahaha, then I'll leave the training to Brother Nine, okay?"

"We'll talk about it later, Tiecheng, remember what I said." If Qin Zishu had been following Chi Tiecheng, he would have become a member of the jellyfish killer team, but this was not what Qi Rui wanted to see.
"Brother Nine, why should I train her?" Chi Tiecheng trained Qin Zishu because he really wanted her to be his assistant.

"Tiecheng, are you willing to let her be a killer?" Qi Rui also wanted to guide some Chi Tiecheng well during this period, but he had less and less contact with them, so there was no chance at all. It seems that what he said was still the same as before .

"There's nothing to be reluctant about!"

"Tiecheng, let's talk about this matter when we have time, let's go!"

After Qi Rui left, he went to Zhuang Xiaoman's house, and he had promised to accompany her a long time ago. He came today to see if the boss had contacted her to say anything.

"Ninth brother, you didn't even say hello to me when you came, and you came so late." Zhuang Xiaoman complained,

"Xiaoman, has the boss contacted you?"

"I really got in touch. Brother Six may have to leave Shanghai."

"Then who will come?"

"The boss didn't say anything, he just said that no matter who comes, we are not allowed to contact Shanghai Station. The boss said that it is mainly for your safety. In addition, the boss asked you to find a suitable opportunity to get rid of the twin Zheng Anguo. You must not let this He has returned to Chongqing, and he is also a hidden danger to us in Shanghai."

Qi Rui probably understood Dai's meaning, because the military intelligence of the Hunan-Jiangxi battle was given in a timely manner, allowing him to make great contributions to the old man, and he didn't want to increase his own danger just because of this role.

As for Zheng Anguo killing him is very simple, just let the martial arts team go, it seems that Dai doesn't want to use him at all, so Qi Rui didn't bother to bother.

Qi Rui will still act according to his own plan. Sister Ouyang Jianping has given the news that more than 100 people she said will arrive at Dingshan Lake in the past two days, and Jing Yun brought Fang Tianyi and the others over.

Qi Rui lived with Zhuang Xiaoman for three days, mainly to arrange things for her, because she will be responsible for the supplies of Dingshan Lake, Taihu Lake and Mogan Mountain.

Zhuang Xiaoman already knew that Qi Rui would form a team of her own, she would never stop or question Qi Rui's decision, she would only fully support Qi Rui's decision.

"Ninth brother, Shen Xilin's poppies have arrived." Zhuang Xiaoman said to Qi Rui,
"Xiaoman, you store this batch of poppies in an independent warehouse of yours first, and I will ask Huang Jinrong to pick up the goods, and you can just collect the money and give him the goods for normal transactions."

"Ninth brother, should you let Boss Shen continue to deliver the goods?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked,
"Continue to deliver the goods, the packaging remains the same, you can handle the goods inside, as long as a small part is poppies."

"I see!" Zhuang Xiaoman heard from Qi Rui that there was a batch of poppies in Wuhu, and he wanted to exchange them for money for anti-Japanese funds.

"Xiaoman, it's your fault here."

"Ninth Brother, are those all our own people?" Qi Rui asked Jing Yun and the others to join Junfu Foreign Firm, and they were responsible for the business and transportation around Wuhu.

"Yes, they are all real people, but you just need to know it in your heart, and you just need to explain to Zhang Jing (Jing Yun's pseudonym) if you have anything to do."

"I know."

"Xiaoman, I'll come back in a few days."

"Ninth Brother, I'll wait for you!" This time Qi Rui stayed with him for three consecutive days for the first time, Zhuang Xiaoman was very content.

On the surface, the official business of the Jiuchi mansion is going on as usual, and everyone seems to be quite busy. Secretly, Qi Rui has asked the No. 100 special agent team to start arranging training for the more than [-] people they brought. They should give them guns, ammunition and food. Clothes are also provided.

"Teacher, how about the goods for you?" Qi Rui asked Huang Jinrong,
"Very good, Director Jiuchi, are the goods in the future guaranteed?" Huang Jinrong asked while offering cigarettes and tea.

"Of course, teacher. I shipped these goods back from Tianjin. The price is very reasonable!" Qi Rui's price was [-]% lower than the market price, and Huang Jinrong himself could not get this price from anyone.

"It's very suitable, Director Jiuchi, it would be great if we can keep this price and supply."

"Teacher, don't worry, I will tell you the truth. These goods are purchased directly from Rehe area, so the price is absolutely guaranteed. Since we are going to do it, we must maximize the profit, right!?" Qi Rui Asked with a greedy look,

"Great! Director Jiuchi, you are really my God of Wealth! I will give you a lot of money in the future!" Huang Jinrong laughed imitating the tone of the Japanese,

"Hahaha, teacher, let's make money together!"

"That is required!"

At present, Qi Rui is giving Huang Jinrong the poppies transported by Shen Xilin. He will find an appropriate opportunity to sell them to him and destroy them when they are transported back from Wuhu. Only when he broke his fortune can he feel comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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