Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 508 Exquisite Miniature Incendiary Bomb

Chapter 508 Exquisite Miniature Incendiary Bomb
On September 23, the General Command of the China Expeditionary Army was established in Nanjing, under the jurisdiction of the North China Front Army, the No.11 Army, the No.13 Army and the No.20 First Army, and the Central China Expeditionary Army was disbanded.

The commander-in-chief of the Chinese dispatched army is General Nishio Hiszo. This person has no skills. He is ironically called the food and grass officer by the Japanese. The chief of staff of the dispatched army is Seishiro Itagaki. He is a powerful character. Defeat more than [-] Chinese divisions with half a division.

On October [-], [-], the Battle of Hunan and Jiangxi ended. The Japanese army failed to achieve its strategic goal of eliminating the main force in the ninth theater and occupying Changsha. China's international status has also been significantly improved.

Qi Rui was rewarded for providing timely information on Japanese military operations, but these rewards and medals were all stored in the safe by Boss Dai.

"Brother Nine, Boss Dai called and said that this reward will continue to be saved for you. If there is a chance to go back, he will take you to see the principal."

"Then save it. I probably won't be able to go to Chongqing in a short time. By the way, have you been rewarded?"

"What reward can I have, at most it is a few compliments."

"Did you give the money to the boss?"

"I give it on time every time. The boss is quite sure of our Junfu foreign company."

"That's good!"

"Brother Nine, I have stored the things from Wuhu in the warehouse and packed them according to your wishes." Zhuang Xiaoman said while leaning into Qi Rui's arms,
"Have you hidden everything I gave you?"

"It's all put away according to your wishes. Huang Jinrong is just looking at the surface of the goods. He dare not check carefully."

"After careful inspection, they can't find it. Don't worry, it's already mid-October. Find a windy day and ask Huang Jinrong to transport all the poppies away! And inform him to trade in full according to the previous rules."

"I see, Brother Jiu, what did you ask us to put in the poppy?"

"That is a miniature incendiary explosive bomb I made. It is a kind of thunderbolt bomb in ancient times. Once it is heated, it will explode. The combustion accelerant inside will immediately ignite the poppies. Once it burns, it cannot be extinguished at all!"

"Brother Ninth, you are so ruthless, now Huang Jinrong has to burn all the money he has made to deceive the people over the past few years." Zhuang Xiaoman laughed,

"He must be punished, and my purpose is not just to burn those poppies, he must have stored the goods in the drug factory, and by then the fire will burn all the hair with the wind."

Qi Rui also racked his brains to trap Huang Jinrong, because he has the ability to set up traps, Thunderbolt is one of them, plus blasting, gunpowder manufacturing and other skills, in order to burn these miniature incendiary bombs made by poppies, these incendiary bombs are only the size of the palm of your hand, They are all hidden in the poppies, and only one in a box is enough.

On October [-]th, Huang Jinrong finished the transaction with Zhuang Xiaoman, and asked Rongshe's car to transport all the poppies to the warehouse of the drug factory. It was already late at night when they were all stacked.

The staff in charge of the warehouse were tired and exhausted, just sitting and resting, when they suddenly smelled some burning smell, and then found thick smoke wafting out of the warehouse, and when they rushed into the warehouse, the fire was already burning, and it could not be extinguished at all.

What shocked these warehouse managers the most was that the unburned boxes also spontaneously ignited when they were moved to the yard. The people in the warehouse immediately organized fire fighting and called the fire brigade. When Huang Jinrong and the fire brigade arrived, the fire broke out. The entire drug factory has been swallowed up.

"What's going on here? Why is it on fire!" Huang Jinrong asked the person in charge of the warehouse,
"Boss! We are always here. I really don't know how this fire started."

Huang Jinrong led people around the warehouse for a few times and found nothing. At this time, Qi Rui led people to arrive, because the fire was too big, and the Japanese had already been alarmed. .

"Teacher, what's going on?"

Huang Jinrong cried: "Director Jiuchi, I don't know, this fire is really strange, I suspect someone set it on fire!"

"Did you see the arsonist?"

"No one saw it."

"Did someone smoke and throw cigarette butts in the warehouse?"

"This should not be the case. The people in the warehouse said that these boxes are all spontaneous combustion, which is too strange."

"Spontaneous combustion? How is this possible!" After Qi Rui finished speaking, he carefully inspected some ashes and said: "I didn't find anything except the ashes of poppies. These are plants that are difficult to extinguish once they catch fire. Teacher, you are too careless! "

"Boss Huang, Director Jiuchi is right. Although the possibility of arson cannot be ruled out, the wind is so strong today that once a fire catches fire, it will be difficult to control. Be careful next time!" Nantian Yoko found nothing at the scene warned,

"Director Jiuchi, you'd better check it out for me, this fire is really strange."

"Teacher, then I'll go around and see if there are any clues." Qi Rui took Song Jian and Tang Rui to investigate the surrounding area, and found the footprints of the two people and some black grease.

This fire must not be a spontaneous combustion, it must be arson, otherwise Huang Jinrong will suspect Zhuang Xiaoman and himself, these traces were left by Qi Rui on purpose by Xiao Wu and Jiang Tong.

Taking the things back, Qi Rui Jinrong and Nantian Yoko said: "It seems that someone really set the fire, and the other party seemed to use torches, no, not torches, if I guessed right, they used rockets!"


"Yes, they are very familiar with the layout of your warehouse, and they also know that you have brought in a lot of goods today, so they shot rockets into the warehouse with a bow, and the rocket burned and ignited the packaging, because the wind is so strong today that the fire spread quickly, teacher! Who have you offended recently?" Qi Rui asked,
"I..." Huang Jinrong had many enemies, he really couldn't think of anyone who would be so ruthless,

"Boss Huang, these are all your own affairs. We came here to remind you not to let the fire continue to spread!" Nantian Yoko thought that this was a private fight between gangs and had nothing to do with the anti-Japanese armed forces. people leave.

Qi Rui said to Huang Jinrong: "Teacher, if you check, who knows who bought the goods today, but according to my experience, it is not so easy to check, because so many cars have entered the drug factory, it is difficult not to be discovered by those who are interested."

"Chief Jiuchi, I will send someone to investigate, please help me to investigate, this time my loss is too great!"

"Teacher, I will try my best to help with the investigation. There is also my dividend in it. These bastards are really hateful!" These poppies are made into opium and sold, and Huang Jinrong will indeed give Jiuchi Shunsuke some dividends.
Qi Rui said angrily to Song Jian and Tang Rui: "Shi Fang Tong Xing! Yuu Uchiha, immediately lead someone to investigate the gang in Shanghai who can shoot arrows!"

(End of this chapter)

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