Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 509 The Poisonous Scorpion Team Arrives

Chapter 509 The Poisonous Scorpion Team Arrives
Qi Rui burned all the poppies brought in from Wuhu, and cheated Huang Jinrong hard as he wished. Qi Rui would let Fang Tianyi hand over the money to the detachment as military expenses.

As for Huang Jinrong, he will definitely not be able to go bankrupt for a while. After all, he still owns several large theaters, gambling houses, tobacco halls and other places, and he is still the largest opium dealer in Shanghai. Qi Rui decided Wait for him to slowly think of a way to pit him hard.

"Captain Fang, the money is all for the detachment, and the chief agrees that you keep some of it for use." Jing Yun followed Qi Rui's instructions and let the Black Fox commando team that had completed the mission return to Tianmu Mountain.

"That much money?"

"The detachment leader knows what the money is, you just have to give it to him."

"We're just about to recruit troops, so you're welcome to leave some money!" Fang Tianyi, as the head of the regiment, now has only a few hundred people under his command. Now that he needs to open up the Tianmu Mountain base, he naturally needs to recruit troops.

"Our chief has prepared weapons for you, and will support you with weapons and ammunition for a regiment!"

"Are they all original big eights?"

Jing Yun smiled and said, "There are machine guns!"

"Captain Jing, are you talking about Chief Song Hu?" Fang Tianyi already knew that Song Hu had commanded a big victory in Wuhu, and it was a pity that he did not participate in this battle.

"Chief Song Hu is in Yan'an now. Our other chief got it for you, but we, Chief Song, naturally know about it, and he approved it." Jing Yun said,
"I really want to thank the chief in person!"

"The chief said, as long as you kill more devils and traitors, weapons and ammunition will not be a problem!"

"Then I'm relieved. I can't guarantee other requirements, but killing devils is what our Black Fox Commando and the Independent Regiment like to do most! Let the chief wait for our good news."

Fang Tianyi took his people back to the Tianmu Mountain base, and the martial arts team only left Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing. The others all brought more than 100 people brought by the No. [-] special agent team to train in Dingshan Lake. He gave Jing Yun a task, which was to recruit people to train as soon as he asked.

Qi Rui was staying in Shanghai during this time, and he already knew that Chen Gongshu had returned to Shanghai to be the station master, because he had met him before, so Qi Rui kept a low profile during this time and hardly appeared in public.

In the dark, Qi Rui only met a few people from the No. [-] special agent team and the jellyfish assassination team. With the help of Song Jian and Tang Rui, some activities of Qi Rui were relatively safer.

"Ninth brother! I told Qin Zishu that she doesn't want to go there, she just wants to follow me and Wen Qian, what should I do?" Chi Tiecheng asked,
"It seems that Ms. Qin still likes you as always!" Qi Rui thought of this result. Zi Shu was blind in the TV series and raised his daughter and insisted on waiting for Chi Tiecheng to come back, let alone her now.

"Ninth brother, why don't you go and persuade her?"

"Stop it, I can't force you if you don't want to, just treat her well, it's best not to let her carry out the assassination mission, because it will implicate Mr. Qin."

Because Qin Henian could still play an important role in the War of Liberation, Qi Rui paid attention to Qin Zishu to protect the old man.

"I listen to Brother Jiu! I promise not to let her take risks. As a man, I can still do this." Chi Tiecheng promised,
But his promise Qi Rui didn't expect anything at all, and said: "It's best!"

"Brother Jiu, is there anything for us to do?"

"Where are Wen Qian and Song Mian?"

"Brother Nine, they are all fine."

"Next, our targets are Aoki Takeshige, Yamamoto Kenzo, Sakata Makoto and Sakata Nosuke and other devils. Be careful."

"Please Brother Nine to provide us with some information."

"I can't go very close to the Shanguan and Sakata Mansion, but I will help you pay attention, and I will call your cake shop directly if I have news."

"Yeah...hahaha...thank you Brother Nine!"

At the end of [-], although the Wang puppet government had not yet been formally established, some institutions had begun to operate, such as the Secret Service Committee, which was the superior unit of the Secret Service Headquarters.

On December [-]th, Shunsuke Kuchi was called to the Secret Service Headquarters by Akira Kagezuo, where Qi Rui met the heads of all the intelligence agencies, all of them were present at the Secret Service Headquarters and above, and there was another person who was Zhou Mohai, He is now the head of the special committee.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Mohai! Starting today, the Secret Service Headquarters will be directly led by the Secret Service Committee. Due to work needs, some staff from the Secret Service Headquarters will be transferred to serve on the committee. Let me tell you about the department and personnel list." Zhou Mohai came straight to the topic and said,

Zhou Mohai's list had been drawn up a long time ago, and it was recommended by Qingqi Qingyin and Bi Zhongliang. He read out the list of people who would be transferred on the spot.

"The intelligence department and the telecommunications department transferred the most people!"

Qi Rui was both happy and worried when he heard the name of Lan Rouge on the list. This department was just established, and Yan Zhi could get a lot of information when he went in. What he worried about was that this little clever ghost would fight alone.

"Everyone, the headquarters of the Secret Service Committee is in Nanjing, and there is also a branch in Shanghai. You will first go to Nanjing for training for a period of time, and then where you will be assigned will be determined according to your wishes and achievements. If you have any opinions or difficulties on the list, feel free to raise them. , we will try our best to be satisfied." Zhou Mohai said,

Going to the special committee is tantamount to escalating, who would not want to, so no one has an opinion.

Qingqi Qingyin said: "Directors Bi and Director Wang are still in charge of the Secret Service Headquarters, Director Wang Manchun and Wang are in charge of the Intelligence Department and the Telecommunications Department, and the positions of the others remain unchanged for the time being. People from the Secret Service Headquarters can adjourn the meeting if there is nothing to do. The people on the list Go back and prepare, and take a special train to Nanjing to take office in two days."

In the end, only Bi Zhongliang was left in the Secret Service Headquarters, and Yingzuo Zhenzhao said: "Director Bi, the Secret Service Headquarters can recruit some more people, but strict checks are still needed."

"Yes! The subordinates must serve the new government with all their heart and soul!"

Kagesa Haruaki said to other Japanese military officers: "Everyone, from today onwards, all our agencies must work closely with the Secret Service Committee, especially for the Communist Party, we must share resources, share intelligence, and act in unison."


"Please take care of me in the future!" Zhou Mohai bowed and said,

This big traitor has long been on Qi Rui's blacklist, but people like these are always cautious, because they know very well that many people in the country want their lives, and killing them is more difficult than killing the devil general .

Now that the special committee has been established, the poisonous snake should be back soon. Qi Rui also got a piece of information recently, that is, Mingtai is now in Hong Kong, Yu Manli and Guo Qiyun have arrived in Shanghai, and the photo studio of the poisonous scorpion group has started. business.

(End of this chapter)

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