Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 510 No Sacrifice!

Chapter 510 No Sacrifice!
The poisonous scorpion team will not have any contact with the Shanghai station. They are an independent action team sent to Shanghai by Wang Tianfeng. Just like the plot, he, a lunatic, still has to stick to his death plan.

Qi Rui knew that it was Wang Tianfeng who informed Du Scorpion that they were here. Qi Rui told him that he was very optimistic about Mingtai and Yu Manli when he was at the training base, and he also told him to let him know in advance if he had any plans, so he could take care of them in Shanghai assist.

Qi Rui is one of the people Wang Tianfeng trusts 100%. He also knows that if he wants to make a difference in Shanghai, he cannot do without the help of Xiaojiu, so Wang Tianfeng notified Qi Rui before the poisonous scorpion team came, but he did not have a specific action plan. explain.

The poisonous scorpion team didn't know about Qi Rui's existence, and Wang Tianfeng didn't dare to tell them. What Qi Rui is thinking about now is how to communicate with Minglou and Mingcheng. Their level of secrecy is very high, so they can't use the same ones as Chen Jiaying. road number.

After the meeting ended, Qi Rui went to his car and saw Wang Manchun waiting with his head down, so he kindly asked, "Miss Wang, are you waiting for me?"

Wang Manchun looked up and saw Shunsuke Kuchi and asked shyly: "Teacher, I have to rely on your care today. My family and I have long wanted to thank you very much. If you have time today, you can come to my house and sit for a while." Is it? I also want to tell you something."

"I have to go home and talk about it, it seems that the matter is very serious!" Qi Rui thought of Yi and Xianren's desire to pursue her at this moment,

"Teacher, if you allow me, I can also visit your home."

"Oh, then come to the house, I will let Yami cook Japanese food to treat you! By the way, do you come by yourself?"

"I'll go by myself! I'll trouble Teacher and Miss Yamei!" Wang Manchun bowed and said,

"You call me teacher, we are our own people, I hope you will often come to our house as a guest in the future, and don't be so restrained when you see me in the future, I hope to be your good teacher and helpful friend!"

"Thank you, teacher!" Wang Manchun thanked Shunsuke Kuike sincerely. At first, he thought that the other party had unreasonable thoughts about him, but now it seems that there are also lecherous and honest gentlemen among the Japanese.

Qi Rui trained her to use her to deal with Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun, but it turned out to be useless, but Qi Rui believes that there will be a day when she will be useful, but it must be used in key places.

After Wang Manchun left, Qi Rui opened the door and got into the car. He just sat down firmly when the passenger door opened and a burst of fragrant wind came.

"Hi, Chief Jiuchi!" Lan Yanzhi said and closed the door.

Seeing that there was no one around, Qi Rui said, "Little clever ghost, I was just looking for you."

"Brother Qi Rui, I'm so happy now! I can finally play the same role as you!" Lan Rouge has not fully utilized her abilities in the Secret Service Headquarters. It will be different if she is in the Secret Service Committee. She is smart enough to predict this. arrive.

"Rouge, don't forget what we taught you. You have been training in Secret Service Headquarters for nearly two years. I believe you can deal with any difficult situation, but you must remember that no matter what you do, you must do so while ensuring your own safety. Come down." Qi Rui urged,


"Rouge, you are now an official party member, and you are also an official member of our Miaodao team. No matter what difficulties you encounter, don't carry them by yourself. You must know that we are a team! You will never fight alone!"

"Comrade Qi Rui, don't worry, I obey the organization's arrangement and the captain's command, and I will definitely ensure my own safety. I must become a senior underground worker like the captain!"

Looking at the clever blue rouge all over his body, Qi Rui smiled gratifiedly and said, "I believe! You can definitely do it!"

"Brother Qi Rui, I saw Wang Manchun looking for you just now, isn't she also one of us?"

"She's not one of us, and she's an out-and-out traitor!" Qi Rui said,
"Then why do you still accept her as a student?"

"Rouge, my students are all excellent Chinese sons and daughters like you, Wang Manchun is not worthy of being my student."

"Brother Qi Rui, do you have many students?" Lan Yanzhi only knew that Qi Rui taught herself and Feng Manna.

Qi Rui grinned and said, "I'm so good, how can there be so few students?"

"Hehehe, can I meet them then?"

"Rouzhi, only me, sister Jiaying, and sister Xueer know your identity in Shanghai. Your secrecy level is also very high. In the future, even if you see who is your own, you will not be able to recognize each other. Even if your comrades sacrificed in front of your eyes You have to be indifferent, remember!"

"I know, you have taught me these words before!"

"Just remember! I'm still very relieved of you. After obtaining any information, try to remember it with your brain. This is the most powerful thing!"

Qi Rui told Lan Yanzhi again, if it was before, Yanzhi would have been impatient, but today she listened carefully and kept it in her heart, because she swore to become a qualified teacher from the moment she joined the organization. Excellent underground worker.

Qi Rui sent Lan Rouge home, he had already explained everything that should be explained, and told all that should be told, Qi Rui believed that she would be able to do it.

When Qi Rui returned to Jiuchi mansion, he called Fu Yingxue and told her that Wang Manchun would be a guest at home in the evening, and asked her to prepare more meals.

Gu Junru just came in at this time, and when he heard that Wang Manchun was going to visit the curator Jiuchi's house, he also said, "Curator, I'm your subordinate, and I haven't been to your house yet."

"You can go whenever you want, I think Masami will be very welcome!"

"Then can I go today?"

"Do you know Wang Manchun?"

"Of course we know each other, our two families are family friends!"

"Then go! It happens that Yami can cook some delicious food, you are lucky."

"Thank you, curator!"

"By the way, I remembered that you have a beautiful cousin, why have I never heard of it from you?" Qi Rui wanted to know something about Gu Xiaomeng,
"Is the curator talking about my cousin Gu Xiaomeng?"

"It should be. The last time I saw her, I was very impressed! She is a very special girl." Qi Rui said,
"The curator actually still remembers the cousin who has only met once. She has been studying abroad and is much more promising than me. She just returned to China half a month ago."

"She looks more assertive than you."

"The curator is right. Sister Xiaomeng has been very determined since she was a child, and she seldom plays with us."

It seems that Gu Xiaomeng is also here for the puppet government of Wang. With her ability, she will definitely break into the confidential office of the puppet corps. Thinking of Comrade Lao Gui sacrificed Qi Rui in order to keep secrets in the play, she feels very sad. She must not let such an excellent Comrade sacrifice.

Qi Rui is not the Holy Mother, he will never let his comrades sacrifice if he knows the plot, the doctor Li Xiaonan cannot sacrifice, the prime minister Shen Qiuxia cannot sacrifice, and the old ghost Comrade Gu Xiaomeng cannot sacrifice!

(End of this chapter)

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