Chapter 512

Qingqi Qingyin, Bi Zhongliang and Qi Rui all stared into Wang Tianmu's eyes, only Qi Rui saw that he was lying. Those three people were arranged by Wang Tianmu in advance, and he still had a task to complete so he took the risk to stay .

"Advisor Qingqi, Director Jiuchi, I really didn't lie, if it was arranged by me, how dare I come back!" Wang Tianmu said,
"Wang Tianmu, you are the person surnamed Dai who chased you down. Your bonus is probably much higher than Chen Dirong's. They can't justify it if they don't kill you!" Bi Zhongliang said,

Qi Rui looked at the information and said: "Mr. Qingqi, Director Bi, we have all seen the damage Wang Tianmu caused to the Central Command and the Military Command. Director Bi also said that he is the number one assassination target of the Military Command Bureau. But Ma Hetu, Why didn't Yue Qingjiang and Ding Baoling kill him by the way, I think this is very strange, are you sure these three are military killers?"

"It must be, because they all returned from the military." Bi Zhongliang said,

"Advisor Qingqi, Director Jiuchi, Director Bi, I, Wang Tianmu, have worked hard for the new government and the Japanese Empire since I surrendered. I was really shocked by what happened at that time, but I am afraid that if I I will definitely not survive if I run, because the surname Dai will never forgive me, and I can only survive if I stay." Wang Tianmu said,

What Wang Tianmu said also had some truth, Qingqi Qingyin and Bi Zhongliang were silent, Qi Rui saw this and asked: "Director Bi, have you sent someone out?"

"They were all dispatched to arrest Ma Hetu, Yue Qingjiang and Ding Baoling, but there is no news until now. It is obvious that this is a well-planned assassination operation." Bi Zhongliang said,

"I heard that there were many assassinations yesterday. According to the judgment, they were all done by the Military Command Shanghai Station. Chen Gongshu was so mad that he even killed the officers and soldiers who took to the streets. I don't think they will stop. He immediately ordered the entire city to search for the Military Command Shanghai Station. Secret agent!" Qi Rui said,
"Chief Jiuchi, Advisor Qingqi, please don't worry, I will not only search and arrest, but also execute some military agents in prison to sacrifice Chen Dirong and He Xingjian."

"You are going to liven up the human sacrifice! Are there any important figures in the military command in prison?" Qi Rui thought to himself: Bi Zhongliang, you are courting death!

"Yes! Zhou Xiliang, Xu Shouxin, and Yu Yanzhi are all recently arrested military command agents. These three are very hard-spoken and will not explain anything. I will kill them tomorrow to avenge the military command bureau!"

"Yo Xi! I agree with Director Bi's decision, and we must give Juntong and Chen Gongshu some color!" Qingqi Qingyin said,
"Then do it according to your wishes, Mr. Qingqi! Director Bi, you'd better ask General Yingzuo for instructions about Wang Tianmu!" Qi Rui said,
"Don't worry Jiuchi-kun, we will truthfully report the situation to the general!"

"Then I'll go back and ask my people to track down Chen Gongshu, Ma Hetu and the other three!" Qi Rui looked at Wang Tianmu with a sullen face and said, "Director Wang! If you let me know that this matter has something to do with you, I will It will make you regret coming to this world!"

"Chief Jiuchi, I really dare not!" Wang Tianmu cried,

"Hmph!" Qi Rui snorted coldly and walked away.
Qi Rui thought to himself: This Wang Tianmu was brought back from Chongqing all the way by himself. If he admits that he was a fake traitor later on, then he will definitely be implicated too. It can be said that he has put life and death aside.

Song Jian was still driving, Qi Rui was sitting in the back seat, Tang Rui asked, "Brother, what's going on?"

"Chen Gongshu, the number one killer of the military command, seems to mean that he is going all out this time. We should also be careful not to hit their guns." Qi Rui said,
"Brother, don't worry, we two brothers are here to make sure you're okay."

Song Jian drove back safely to the Jiuchi mansion, and Gu Junru came up to report: "Director, six Japanese policemen were killed in the public concession this morning, and the director of the police department of the Ministry of Industry, Akagi Okino, was also almost killed. .”

"A military killer did it again?"

"The method is the same as yesterday, all of them ran after shooting."

"Where are Yi and Xianren?"

"He led the team out to search for clues."

"Is there anything else?"

"There's nothing else to do."

"Then go get busy."

Song Jian and Tang Rui followed Qi Rui to the office and asked, "Curator, do you need us to do something?"

"The two of you take people out to have a look. It's best to meet the chief of police Chi Muqinzhi and ask him what's going on."

After Song Jian and Tang Rui left, Qi Rui thought to himself: Chen Gongshu, why are you so stimulated!
Such an assassination operation is actually very undesirable, especially as long as the Japanese army in military uniform is the target, the consequence of this is that training and training military agents for many years will also lose a lot.

Just as Qi Rui expected, news came one after another. Because the devils were prepared, as long as the military command killer appeared, he would be chased and killed by the secret agents of the secret service headquarters and the Japanese military police. Although many Japanese officers and soldiers were killed, the military command Shanghai station also lost Many people.

And these Qi Rui can't be stopped, because he has no contact with Chen Gongshu, so he can only watch Chen Gongshu lead the Shanghai station to continue crazy revenge, especially after Xu Shouxin, Zhou Xiliang and Yu Yanzhi were sacrificed alive.

"How come there are so many military killers in Shanghai all of a sudden!?" Yingzuo Zhenzhao asked the few responsible persons in a strange way.

"General, according to the investigation of the identities of the dead military commanders, it is found that many of them have official jobs in Shanghai, and some even have families. It seems that they are military agents who have been lurking for a long time. They were all awakened by Chen Gongshu this time. "Fujita Yoshimasa replied,
"Awakened the spy who had been lurking for such a long time just to assassinate some of our soldiers?" Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked in disbelief.

"At the moment it looks like that's what it looks like."

"Kuichi, what do you think?"

"General, I also feel that this Chen Gongshu seems to have been stimulated to act like this. I think this is a good thing. This lets us know the true strength of the military command Shanghai station." Qi Rui said,
"Indeed, let the several of you organizations join forces to carry out another major cleansing!"


For the next half month, Shanghai was completely shrouded in terror, but after a city-wide raid, few military agents were caught. Later, I learned that Chen Gongshu had been transferred from Shanghai again. I don’t know who the current station manager in Shanghai was. .

Qi Rui guessed that Boss Dai also disapproved of Chen Gongshu's retaliatory actions, because now he has found out that Yu Yanzhi, who was sacrificed by a living person, is the captain of the fifth action brigade of the Shanghai Station of the Military Command, Xu Shouxin is the Chief Inspector of Shanghai Station Telecommunications, and Zhou Xiliang is also a key member.

(End of this chapter)

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