Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 513 Hello, Deputy Director Ming!

Chapter 513 Hello, Deputy Director Ming!
Qi Rui got the news from the special high class that all the radio stations of the military command Shanghai station were silent, and after a large-scale raid on the military command agents, they also stopped a lot. The reason why the jellyfish assassination team did not act anymore was because of Qi Rui's order.

On January 24, [-], Qi Rui was invited to attend the establishment reception of the Shanghai branch of the Secret Service Committee. At the reception, he saw Minglou and Mingcheng. They were exactly the same as those in the Pretender. attended the reception.

"Teacher!" Wang Manchun was also wearing a gorgeous dress, with the most popular hairstyle at that time, looking graceful and elegant.

"Director Wang is here too!" Qi Rui felt very sorry to see such a beautiful Wang Manchun. With her ability, if she served the country and the people, she would definitely be no worse than anyone else. Unfortunately, she was proud of being a traitor. .

Seeing that Shunsuke Kuike was alone, Wang Manchun asked, "Why didn't the teacher bring Ms. Yami?"

"She doesn't like such occasions."

"The teacher probably doesn't want to be embarrassed, hehe..." After Wang Manchun finished speaking, he glanced at Zhuang Xiaoman, who was socializing not far away, and said with a smile,
Qi Rui leaned close to Wang Manchun's ear and whispered, "I'll be even more embarrassed if you say that."

This was a very intimate gesture, which made Wang Manchun's cheeks blush, and said with a quick smile, "Then I won't bother the teacher."

Wang Manchun probably didn't want Minglou to see himself so close to a Japanese and run away. Qi Rui looked at her graceful figure but felt a chill in his heart. No matter how beautiful she is, what's the use of being a traitor? Tragic.

"Chief Jiuchi! I have long admired your name! It is a great honor to meet you today, please take care of me in the future!" Minglou held a glass of wine and came to Shunsuke Jiuchi, followed by Mingcheng.

"Hello, Director Ming! The new government will surely improve with each passing day with talents like you! In the future, we hope that we will cooperate sincerely with each other! Please take care of Director Ming!" Qi Rui bowed his head and said,
Yoko Nantian walked over at this time and said with a smile: "It seems that you know each other without my introduction!"

"How dare you bother Mr. Nantian! Besides, we are all our own people. I hope that the special high school and Jiuchi mansion will take good care of us in the future work of our special committee!" Minglou said.
A few people talked a few words together, under Minglou's hint, Mingcheng invited Nantian Yoko to dance, and he invited Kuike Shunsuke to sit down and chat about the current situation, especially talking about how to restore Shanghai's economy .

During the conversation, Qi Rui observed the elf-like Gu Xiaomeng on the dance floor. Her performance this time was completely different from the aloof and arrogant last time. She seemed to be able to talk to anyone, like a courtesan.

"Hi, Chief Jiuchi!" Tang Manqing came over to say hello in a friendly way.

Qi Rui quickly stood up and bowed his head: "Hi, Miss Tang!"

"Won't this handsome guy introduce you to me?" Tang Manqing looked at Minglou with a smile and asked Shunsuke Kuchi,
"This is Director Ming Louming of the Secret Service Committee. He is also the Chief Financial Advisor of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Inspector General of the General Administration of Customs of the new government!" Qi Rui introduced,

Ming Lou also stood up politely and stretched out his hand to greet: "Ms. Tang is good!"

"I don't know what to call you with so many titles!" Tang Manqing laughed,

"Just call me Minglou!"

"Director Ming, Miss Tang is the boss of MGM! She's a socialite in Shanghai."

"I also hope Director Ming will support and take care of my business in the future!" Tang Manqing said,

Tang Manqing is a well-known courtesan. She knew Minglou's identity a long time ago, and she acted like she was very familiar with Shunsuke Kuike, and he introduced her to her, just to let Minglou take a look.

Afterwards, Qi Rui solemnly introduced Zhuang Xiaoman to Minglou: "Mr. Ming, this is my agent, Ms. Zhuang Xiaoman. Please take care of me in the future."

Ming Lou glanced at Zhuang Xiaoman and said with a smile: "So this beautiful woman is Boss Zhuang! It's a pleasure to meet you! My sister often mentions Boss Zhuang's care for my Ming family's business in her letters. I will definitely come to thank you in the future!"

"Director Ming, you're being polite. Ms. Mingjing is my big client, and it's too late for me to flatter you!"

Towards the end of the reception, Miura Yoshiaki, Iwai Eiichi, Kagesa Haruaki, Tanaka Masanori, and Zhou Mohai appeared. They congratulated the establishment of the special committee one after another. Kagesa Haruaki and Zhou Mohai spoke successively.

After the meeting, Qi Rui sent Zhuang Xiaoman home, and Du Xing and Cheng Wu drove behind.

"Brother Jiu, Minglou is one of us!" Zhuang Xiaoman said,

"You know him?"

"It was the boss who sent a telegram asking me to tell you not to misunderstand, because the effect of the poisonous snake is much greater than that of Wang Tianmu."

"His code name is Poisonous Snake, and Wang Tianfeng's code name is Poisonous Bee. It seems that they belong to the same class."

"Ninth brother, no matter how powerful they are, they are not as good as you!"

"You can't say that. The poisonous bee is the economic advisor of the Wang puppet government based on its strength, the deputy director of the special committee, and the inspector general of the General Administration of Customs. I can't do what he does."

"But I still think Brother Nine is the most powerful!"

"Then tonight, I'll let you experience how powerful I am!" Qi Rui said in a very good mood when he saw Minglou and Mingcheng today,

"Brother Ninth! You're dead!" Of course, Zhuang Xiaoman knew what Brother Nine meant when he said powerful, and her face flushed with embarrassment.

Minglou and the others finally came, which proves that the Wang puppet government will soon be formally announced, and he will be the strongest support for his intelligence work.

"Xiaoman, does Minglou know you too?" Qi Rui asked,

"I don't know about this, Brother Jiu, why do you say that?"

"I saw him look at you a little bit differently just now."

"Ninth brother, I hope he knows me, so we can save some trouble, but I think it's impossible, because you are the boss' trump card, and the level of confidentiality is very high."

"Did the boss tell you who his upline and downline are?"

"Minglou is in direct contact with the boss, and his downline is Mingcheng, Brother Jiu, the boss really trusts you!" Zhuang Xiaoman said,

"Aren't we worthy of his trust?" Qi Rui asked,

"It's worth it! Of course it's worth it, Ninth Brother, is it so good over there?" Zhuang Xiaoman now knows very clearly that Qi Rui is a Communist Party member and a very important person, she still can't understand why.

"Xiaoman, do you want our country to be prosperous and strong?"

"Of course I hope! What we are doing now is not for this goal."

"Xiaoman, let me tell you, only there is the hope of our country, and only there can realize the great rejuvenation of our Chinese nation. I hope you believe what I say."

"Ninth Brother! I absolutely believe in you!" Qi Rui's ability Zhuang Xiaoman knows too well, how can such a capable person have a bad vision, he said that the Communist Party is the country's only hope, so it must be, Zhuang Xiaoman is not without I have seen the brave and fearless Communists.

(End of this chapter)

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