Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 514 The task given by Seishiro Itagaki

Chapter 514 The task given by Seishiro Itagaki

Minglou and Mingcheng never dared to go home, and they only got down to business when they returned to their place of residence.

"Cheng, Shunsuke Kuike, have you checked?"

"I've checked, this person's identity is very complicated. Before the Battle of Songhu, he was active in Shanghai as Qi Rui, and he was also a boss of the Youth Gang Rongshe. Not long after the battle, he became a special high-level class. Sir, I heard that he is a student of Japanese Prime Minister Fumma Konoe. He was promoted to Lieutenant Commander within two years because of his repeated military exploits, and he established the Kuike Mansion! He is highly regarded by Kagesa Haruaki, and his status is higher than that of the Shang Mansion. Quite a few."

"are these all?"

"He fought several times with the jellyfish assassination team and the god-killing action team, but he didn't take advantage of it, but the military command Shanghai station and Tianjin station did not suffer less from him. Wang Tianmu was brought to Shanghai by him."

"Do you understand the God-killing Action Group?"

"The code name and information of the military command are there, and Fan Luocha even went to the commendation meeting, but I can't find any substantive news about these people, and the level of secrecy is even higher than that of my brother." Mingcheng said,
"As far as I know, there are not many people with a higher level of secrecy than me in the military system. It seems that something is wrong!"

"Brother, Shunsuke Kuchi's name is in the top ten on the assassination list of the Military Control Bureau. The jellyfish assassination team is in Shanghai, and they have never failed in their attempts. Why haven't they killed Junsuke Kuike for so long? auxiliary."

"This may have something to do with the red rose." Ming Lou said,
"Red rose?"

"Zhuang Xiaoman, the owner of Junfu Foreign Firm, she is a military agent, code-named Red Rose, she is now Shunsuke Kuike's woman, and she is in charge of all the business for him, Ah Cheng, maybe this is the reason Shunsuke Kuike is alive. "

"Brother, how can you be sure that Zhuang Xiaoman has surrendered to the enemy?"

"Ah Cheng, many of the strategic materials my sister got are from Junfu Foreign Firm. If Zhuang Xiaoman is a traitor, something will happen to my sister long ago."

"Brother, if Zhuang Xiaoman is an agent of the military command, wouldn't the eldest sister be very dangerous!"

"So I can't understand it now. With Shunsuke Jiuchi's ability, I shouldn't be able to detect what Zhuang Xiaoman is doing in private, so there is still a possibility that Shunsuke Jiuchi is still alive!"

"He's one of us!?"

Minglou couldn't believe this, shook his head and said, "Maybe he is really strong, even the Jellyfish Assassination Team and God Killing Action Team can't kill him! Who he is needs to be further confirmed. Check it out secretly, and don't disturb anyone."

"Yes! Brother, what about Wang Manchun?"

"I didn't expect her to become like this." The former lover and the person who almost got married has now become a hardcore traitor and murderer. Minglou felt sad for a while,

"I can see that she still likes big brother." Mingcheng said,
"Why are you so good at watching!" Minglou said, glaring at Mingcheng,
"Brother, the young master is back!" Mingcheng was cautious, because he knew that Mingtai was the younger brother that Minglou and Sister Mingjing loved the most.

Minglou's expression became even more sad when he heard this, and he asked, "When did you come back?"

"The day before yesterday! He is now the leader of Wang Tianfeng's poisonous scorpion team. Guo Qiyun and Yu Manli are his team members. They opened a photo studio as a cover."

When Minglou heard the news about Mingtai, he felt bad, because he knew the death plan, but Wang Tianfeng said that we can all die, but your brother can't!Leaving nothing to say, what Wang Tianfeng said is right, when the national crisis is at the head of the nation, who deserves to die, and who cannot die!

"Big brother..."

"How can I explain to Eldest Sister!" Minglou sighed with worry after finishing speaking.

At this time, Mingtai didn't know that his eldest brother Minglou and second brother Mingcheng were worried about him, and he was very excited that he was going to show his strength in the familiar magic city.

On January 25th, when Qi Rui arrived at the Jiuchi mansion, he received a call from Zuo Zhenzhao, Mei Guanying, asking him to come over immediately.

Qi Rui rushed to Meiji Kagezuo Zhenzhao's office, but found that there were two other people besides him, one was Takeo Imai, and the other was Seishiro Itagaki, chief of staff of the Chinese Dispatch Army.

There is no need to introduce these generals, Shunsuke Kuike must know them, he quickly bowed and shouted: "General Itagaki! General Kagesa! Colonel Imai!"

"Nakasa Hisaike!" Shouted Seishiro Itagaki,

"Hayi!" Qi Rui bowed respectfully,
"sit down!"


After sitting down, Qi Rui had the same attitude as other Japanese military officers, bowing his head respectfully in front of the senior officer.

"Zhong Zuo Jiuchi, you should have read the newspaper, and you know that Gao Zongwu and Tao Xisheng announced the content of our negotiation with Mr. Wang?" Imai Takeo asked,
"Hayi! I saw it!" Qi Rui didn't let the military commander kill Gao Zongwu before because of this day. This news is definitely Wang Zha, because they published all the content and details of the negotiation in the newspaper and made it public.

"Zhongzuo Kuchi, I personally went to Changsha to implement our Tong plan, but Jiang was unmoved. Next, we need to promote the work of the new government headed by Wang Jingwei as soon as possible." Seishiro Itagaki continued,

"General! Please tell your subordinates what to do!"

"Zhongzuo Jiuchi, I know you have been to Chongqing many times, and we have a very important task for you next."

Qi Rui quickly stood up and bowed: "Hayi!"

"There are two very important figures in Chongqing. What Mr. Wang means is that the new government cannot do without them."

"Do you want me to bring them back?"

"No, you need to get rid of them this time!"

"Isn't he a very important figure in the new government?"

"Mr. Wang needs these two people very much, but our Great Japanese Empire doesn't need them. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood! If they come back, we won't be able to arrange for our own people!"

"Very well, you are very smart. That's right, these two people will hold very important positions when they come back, but these two positions must be filled by our people! So they must die! And they must die in Chongqing's hands! It’s best to be killed by a killer from the military command or the central command.”

"Hayi! I understand! Let the new government and Chongqing deepen their hatred!"

"That's right, in the conditions we negotiated with Mr. Wang, they stated that they would never fight Chongqing. The armed forces of the new government are only responsible for the tasks of suppressing the Communist Party and maintaining law and order in the ruled area. This is something we cannot agree to. In addition, killing these The two will also bring more Chinese to the new government and weaken the Chongqing side."

"Understood! I will take people to Chongqing secretly!"

"Yo Xi! Nakazuo Kuike is really smart! He knows that this kind of thing should be done in secret! We must never let Mr. Wang know that it was our people who did it!"


"Jiuchi! We all believe in your ability, and we are sure that you can successfully complete this task. We are waiting for your triumphant return!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"Hayi! Never dare to live up to the high expectations of the generals!"

(End of this chapter)

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