Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 515 Code 05

Chapter 515 Code 05
Qi Rui didn't expect Seishiro Itagaki to personally assign tasks for him, and it was a very dangerous assassination operation, because the assassination targets were all important ministers in Chongqing, and one of them was a veteran of the national army.

At this time, Qi Rui must think about the problem as Shunsuke Kuike, so that he can correctly analyze the real purpose of these three people.

At this time, the Japanese Prime Minister was no longer Fummo Konoe, but Mitsumasa Yonei, the Minister of the Navy who opposed the military alliance with Germany and Italy. He was opposed by the Japanese Army as a pro-American and British faction.

Seishiro Itagaki strongly advocated the establishment of the Triple Alliance with Germany and Italy, and approved the 23rd Division of the Kwantung Army to provoke the Soviet Army at Nomenkan, but was completely wiped out. He also caught up with the signing of the Soviet-German alliance for the fourth partition of Poland. These events led to He was expelled from the highest decision-making level in September [-].

Seishiro Sakanishi, who came to China as the chief of staff of the dispatched army, has actually been marginalized. He tried his best to make some achievements to restore his reputation. At present, Britain, the United States, and France all hope to sacrifice China's interests to hold Japan back. It is best to deal with Germany and protect the interests of its own colonies with all its strength.

At this time, Itagaki Seishiro asked Qi Rui to carry out such a task. He should have seen clearly that Chongqing would not agree to "negotiate peace", so he wanted to promote the establishment of the Wang puppet government as soon as possible.

Back home, Qi Rui immediately asked Fu Yingxue to report this action to the organization, and the reply he got was to ask Qi Rui to go to Chongqing first, and then send someone to meet him directly for a detailed discussion.

"Qi Rui, are you going to go for a long time this time?" Fu Yingxue asked reluctantly knowing that she would definitely not be able to accompany her.

"Xueer, this time the matter is more difficult. If I don't kill these two people, I will not be able to explain to Itagaki Seishiro, Kagesa Haruaki, and Imai Takeo when I come back. The meaning of the organization is still unclear. I don't know what to do. As for how long I don't know if I didn't come back, you and sister Jiaying should take care."

"Will you bring Song Jian and Tang Rui with you this time?"

"I will definitely bring the two of them with me this time. After all, it's an assassination mission. They won't believe me if I go by myself." Qi Rui said,
"Do you think it is possible that the Mei Agency will send other people there? After all, it is very difficult to consider this operation as Shunsuke Hisaike, and it is very likely that he will not be able to come back!"

"It's really uncertain, so this operation is really tricky, we can only adapt to the situation." Qi Rui said,
"Do you have any arrangements for things here?"

"Now there are more than 500 people in the three training locations of Moganshan, Taihu and Dingshanhu. The members of the martial arts team have begun to train them according to the training outline I gave. Don't take any action on your side. Just like Aoyama Masami."

"Where is the military commander?"

"I don't know how the military command is arranged now. The jellyfish assassination team is directly commanded by Chongqing. There is no problem with them if I am not there. If the eldest sister of the No. [-] secret service team comes to look for it, you can just tell her."

"It looks like you're leaving tomorrow?"

"Well, I will fly to Yueyang tomorrow morning, and I will arrive in Chongqing in a few days. Xue'er, you can tell Zhuang Xiaoman later, and let her go on as usual."

"Didn't you inform Chongqing in advance that you were going back this time?" Fu Yingxue asked.
"I can't inform you yet, I'll talk about it after I talk to the people sent by the organization first."

"Rui, come back early if you can, don't let me worry about you." Fu Yingxue said and plunged into Qi Rui's arms.

It will take at least a month or two before we see each other again this time. Qi Rui fed Fu Yingxue enough to eat this night, and took Song Jian and Tang Rui away early the next morning. Take care of him temporarily.

On January 29, [-], Qi Rui, Song Jian, and Tang Rui, who had put on make-up, arrived in Chongqing. This time, Qi Rui did not disturb anyone, and went alone to the designated place to meet the people sent by Yan'an.

Arriving at a private house, Qi Rui knocked on the door with a specific signal. Three finger knocks followed by two palm knocks. After an interval of four seconds, three palm knocks followed by two finger knocks. Ten seconds later, Someone inside coughed four times and opened the door, but his whole body was hidden in the doorway, only half of his face was exposed.

These are all joint codes, completely aligned, the door opens and Qi Rui sneaks in, because he knocked on the door only after he was sure it was safe, and the person who opens the door will not put his head out to observe the surrounding situation, doing so will arouse others' suspicion .

When Qi Rui came into the room, a middle-aged man in a long gown smiled and stretched out his hands to hold Qi Rui's hand: "Comrade Miaodao! Hello!"

"Hello!" Qi Rui shook the hand of the comrade who did not introduce himself vigorously,

"Sit down, Comrade Miaodao, my surname is Qian, and my code name is 09. I will leave Chongqing immediately after I tell you what the organization means."

"Hello, Comrade Qian! What is the decision of the organization?" Qi Rui asked directly, the comrades with the digital codes are not too low,

"Comrade Miaodao, we know that the Japanese have been in contact with Chongqing recently to discuss peace talks. Chongqing's condition is to let the Japanese army withdraw back to the state before the July [-]th Incident, but our party's condition is that the Japanese army retreat to the Yalu River. Fortunately, the previous The Battle of Hunan and Jiangxi raised the anti-Japanese sentiment among the army and the people, which gave Chongqing a lot of confidence, and Lao Jiang was not influenced by Britain, the United States and other countries to agree to the conditions of the Japanese.”

"Does the organization know that the Wang puppet government is about to be established?"

"I know, Gao Zongwu didn't expose it in the newspapers before. We investigated the two people that the devil asked you to kill. They were indeed members of Wang Jingwei's group before. They all said they wanted to draw a line with him.”

"Can you believe their words?" Qi Rui asked,

"So, Comrade Miaodao, the organization still hopes that you can find out the true thoughts of these two people before making a decision. After all, you also have to explain to the Japanese on this trip, so you must think carefully."

"The organization means that if they really want to be traitors, they will be killed?"

"The organization lets you decide for yourself. After all, you still have military commander and Japanese identity. You must not let the Japanese doubt you because of this matter."

"I see!"

"Comrade Miaodao, this time is a test for you. The organization believes that you will be able to solve this problem perfectly."

"Does the organization have anything else to do?"

"Comrade Miaodao, if you encounter difficulties in Chongqing, please go to this person. Here is his contact information and address." Comrade Qian handed a sealed envelope to Qi Rui, and continued: "Open it and read it and burn it." drop it!"

After reading it, Qi Rui smiled inwardly, because the person the organization asked him to find was Ouyang He, code-named 05 in the attendant room, Qi Rui struck a match and burned the note.

Comrade Qian stood up and held Qi Rui's hand again and said, "Comrade Miaodao, I will help you to go well."

(End of this chapter)

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