Chapter 516

Qi Rui knew what the organization meant, so he called Director Dai and told him that he had arrived in Chongqing and that he had to report something very important in person.

So Dai Li immediately gave an address and asked Qi Rui to meet alone: ​​"Xiao Jiu, what important matter do you need to come back in person?"

Qi Rui told him the tasks assigned to him by Seishiro Itagaki, Akira Kageza, and Takeo Imai, and asked, "Boss, I heard that these two have drawn a clear line with Wang, and they are veterans and important ministers. Your subordinates dare not If you want to make a claim, please ask the boss to show you."

Dai asked in surprise, "Is that what they said about these two?"

"Yes, and told me that people must be killed by our people, so that some people will go to the new puppet government of Wang."

"Xiao Jiu, did they suspect you? Why did they send you to carry out such a dangerous mission? You must know that these two have their own guards, and they have extraordinary martial arts masters. Even if they are real traitors, it will not be easy for you to kill them." ah!"

"Boss, that's why I said that this matter is very difficult. If you don't kill the devil, you will really suspect me."

"Xiao Jiu, the two people you mentioned have deep roots, especially Li Lao. Now many officers in the army are his disciples. If he is killed, many people will definitely turn against him! Although the other one does not have such Such a big influence, but it's not far behind, the little devil really has ulterior motives this time!"

"Then what to do? I think they should be imperative, and there may be other killers."

"Xiao Jiu, if you want to die, you must let them die in the hands of the Japanese, but if this is the case, you will not be able to explain it when you go back! In addition, as you said, we still need to understand their true thoughts. After all, the foundation is too deep. They may Shake the foundation of the party and the country.”

"Boss, then you can help to check."

"Xiao Jiu, although our department is feared by many people, it is also unpopular. More importantly, if you investigate this matter, the news will be leaked and you will be exposed. Another veteran who is even polite to the principal has a eccentric temper. , it might be counterproductive if we know that we are secretly investigating him." Dai said in a difficult way,

"Boss, you will definitely need to check their affairs, what else should I do?"

"Xiao Jiu, I think it's better for you to handle this matter. I will tell the principal that I will arrange a military post for you, and it will be convenient for you to investigate."

"Boss, can I find out who I am not familiar with?"

"Xiao Jiu, any disturbance in this matter may cause uncontrollable consequences, so this matter should be carried out as secretly as possible, and it may take a long time, but you can rest assured that these two guards are considered to be the top Japanese guards. The killers are also very difficult to get, so you don't have to worry about the devils doubting your ability."

"Boss! You really don't love me!"

"Xiao Jiu, you are my heart, and I just took this opportunity to rest well in Chongqing."

"Boss, I'm in the mood to rest for such a difficult task."

"Xiao Jiu, it's useless for you to worry about some things. You still have to learn to regulate yourself. It just so happens that I still have your bonus here, so you can have fun. If you don't have enough money, come to me for it!"

"thank you boss!"

"I will help you find a military position in the army as soon as possible. You can take a good rest these two days."

Qi Rui didn't go to find Song Jian and Tang Rui after parting from Dai, but went to Jialing Hotel to get a room first, and then went to find Song Jian and Tang Rui.

"Brother, what shall we do?" Song Jian asked,

"Next, you just have to play around in this city, and I will notify you if there is a task."

"Brother, how can we be so leisurely?"

"Let you play as long as you want. You don't need you for the early stage. If something happens, I will notify you. You two should have a good rest. In addition, I will not live with you. I will go to Jialing Hotel [-] if I have something to do." Find me three."

Qi Rui gave them some money and left, but Song Jian and Tang Rui were really not in the mood to have fun, at most they just went to a teahouse to drink tea, or went fishing by the river.

Dai's actions were quick. After he went back, he went to the old man to explain the situation, because he wanted to see the ace agent for a long time. The next day Qi Rui was brought by Dai himself to meet the old man.

This was the first time Qi Rui met this man, after the report, the old man made the decision to arrange Qi Rui into Zhang Zhizhong's servant, and also told Zhang Zhizhong about Qi Rui's mission this time.

Qi Rui definitely needs someone to help him with his affairs. Zhang Zhizhong, the peace general, is one of the old man's most trusted confidantes. In order to facilitate Qi Rui's work, the old man personally promoted his rank based on merit. Now Qi Rui is the same as Zheng Yaoxian and the others with the rank of colonel, but The name on the military certificate is Fang Rui.

Qi Rui also immediately checked the information of Mr. Li, and found that he has a business grandson named Li Dingchuan, who is 25 and six years old this year and is a famous playboy.

"I have a solution!" Qi Rui laughed,
"Xiao Jiu, are you going to attack this playboy?" Dai asked,
"Boss, according to the information, this person is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, all of which are prodigal hobbies!"

"Xiao Jiu! It seems that I don't have to pay you out of my own pocket!"

"Boss, my little bonus is not enough to play with Mr. Li. When I need money, the boss will support me a lot!"

"I know what your kid wants to do!"

"Hahaha... Li Dingchuan is the best key to understand Mr. Li's true thoughts as soon as possible!"

"Xiao Jiu, are you still looking for your fourth and sixth brothers?"

"Wait until they recognize me." Qi Rui had used the name Fang Rui before, and Xu Baichuan and Zheng Yao would definitely recognize it when they saw it first.

"Okay, if you have anything to do here, go to me directly, or call me."

Qi Rui suddenly became a colonel in the attendant's office. The full name of this unit is the attendant's office of the chairman of the military committee, which is equivalent to the military aircraft department in the past. Few people here dare to mess with it.

Qi Rui first had to stay at the waiter's office for two days to get acquainted, while Ouyang He was here, and he was still a Frost beauty, and he didn't even look straight at the new officer.

"Beautiful Miss Ouyang, let's get to know each other, my name is Fang Rui!"

Hearing this name, Ouyang He's body trembled slightly, her icy face raised sharply, and it turned out to be Fang Rui with Qi Rui's make-up. The last time he came to carry out the mission, he used the name Fang Rui.

"Colonel Jiu...Fang! Why is it you?" Ouyang He asked in amazement, because she paid more attention to Qi Rui, she still knew something about Qi Rui. Why did the chief of the Jiuchi mansion come to the attendant's room all of a sudden? Could it be that he came to investigate something? of.

During this period of time, the attendant's room also conducted an internal investigation, mainly to investigate the Communist Party. Ouyang He passed this internal investigation without any flaws, but she knew that this matter would never end. If Qi Rui were to investigate, then Not a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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