Chapter 519

From the communication between the two, Qi Rui found that Ouyang He seemed to know Li Dingchuan very well, and from the look in her eyes, she seemed to hate him very much, probably not because he was so entangled.

"Xiao He, it's getting late, I'll send someone to take you back." Li Dingchuan said,

"Did you call Xiao He?" Qi Rui reached out to hold Ouyang He's hand,

"You!..." Li Dingchuan was furious when he saw this, because he watched Ouyang He break away from Fang Rui's hand,

Qi Rui deliberately went to hold Ouyang He's hand, because of her temper, she would subconsciously break free. If Ouyang He didn't give Li Dingchuan any hope, then where did he get his anger and how could he be fooled.

"Mr. Li, right? I see that you are very dissatisfied with me. Why don't we have a contest? If you lose, you will stay away from Miss Ouyang!" Qi Rui said,
"Hmph, how do you want to compete?"

"Don't worry, I won't fight with you, why don't we gamble."

Li Dingchuan blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "Do you really want to bet with me?"

"Do you dare to gamble with me? Tell me happily!"

"Okay! Three days later, we will have a big game at Regal Casino! The gambling money must be at least 5000 million French currency! If anyone wins, both parties will donate all the gambling money to the national army for anti-Japanese military expenses! How dare you!" Li Dingchuan knew Gambling is not completely sure of winning, but even if he loses, he doesn't want to make this Fang Rui feel better.

"5000 million!? Are you all so big here?" Qi Rui pretended to be surprised and asked Ouyang He,
Hearing this number, those who watched the scene, including Zhang Li and Yu Xiaowan, were stunned, so much money!This Li Dingchuan deliberately made things difficult for Fang Rui.

"Don't you want to bet with Ben Shao? 5000 million is already my minimum bet! Boy! I won't bully you, I'll give you three days to raise the money, if you can't make it, then stay away from Xiaohe!"

"Hahaha..." Qi Rui laughed and said: "Donate to the national army as military expenses, you have a good idea! But 5000 million is a bit short, how about doubling it? And no matter who loses, they will leave Ouyang He is far away! No more harassment is allowed, how about pigs and dogs who can't do it?"

Li Dingchuan is definitely not stupid, because he has been in business since he was 12 years old. He has a very good brain. He never expected that the other party would dare to increase his gambling money. bluff.

"I promise you, if you can't get so much money after three days, don't blame me for being rude to you. Also, this is Chongqing, so don't try to slip away!"

"You'd better not run away! We'll see you at the Regal Casino in three days!" Qi Rui promised,
Can Boss Dai come up with so much money? Really, the Military Control Bureau has never asked Lao Jiang for money. Boss Dai has dozens of trading companies alone, and there is also a large-scale transportation company. This transportation team But running back and forth between the Kuomintang-controlled area and the occupied area is the real turning of the wheel.

Besides, if the money is won, it will be handed over to Boss Dai, and it is not his business how to arrange it at that time.

Li Dingchuan left, but the crowd still lingered, because they were still guessing who Fang Rui was who dared to make a bet with Mr. Li.

"You guys play, I'm going back." Zhang Li was already very cooperative, but it was already past eight o'clock and she would usually go home early.

"Zhang Li, I don't worry about you going back alone when it's dark. I'll take you home one by one after a while." Qi Rui said very gentlemanly,
"Fang Rui, where do you live?" Ouyang He asked.
"I still live in Jialing Hotel, why do you still want to stay there for a few days?" Qi Rui asked,

"Okay! I really like it there." Ouyang He also wanted to know more about Qi Rui's mission promise,

"I'm going too!" Yu Xiaowan shouted,

"How about you all follow me to Jialing Hotel?" Qi Rui asked Zhang Li,

"I won't go! Xiaowan, what kind of hotel do you live in yourself! Come home with me!"

"Sister Li, I stayed with Sister He at the Jialing Hotel last time. Don't you want to see the scenery of the Jialing River as soon as you open the window, why don't you stay with me?" Man, she likes to hustle and beg,

"Tomorrow I will send you to work one by one!" Qi Rui said,
Zhang Li stayed in the end, because she was worried that Yu Xiaowan, a good sister who had her head changed, would suffer, so she planned to persuade her later, because after observing Zhang Li, she found out that Fang Rui must have some kind of conspiracy. She didn't want Xiao Wan to be used.

Zheng Yaoxian was planning to rest at his home when Zhao Jianzhi called and said in surprise, "Brother Six, guess who I saw!?"

"Fuck away!"

"I saw Brother Jiu!"

"Who did you say you saw?" Zheng Yaoxian thought he had heard wrong and asked,
"Brother Six, I'm sure it must be Brother Ninth! With him are Ouyang He from the first office, Zhang Li from the second office, and Fei Zhengpeng's goddaughter Yu Xiaowan. Go back to Fang Rui's attire, but this time the greasy hair and pink face look very awkward."

"That girl Ouyang He can't be moved by anyone. She has always had a good relationship with Xiao Jiu, so don't say hello to Xiao Jiu in the past. If he pretends not to know you, then you can check where this kid lives. where, then tell me."

"If you recognize me, ask him."

"It's okay to ask, don't talk about it, he is Fang Rui now!" Zheng Yaoxian urged,

"Understood, Sixth Brother!"

Zhao Jianzhi hung up the phone and walked towards Qi Rui, but the other party ignored him and passed him by. Zhao Jianzhi remembered that Qi Rui was staying at Jialing Hotel when he came, so he made a phone call to check that he was there.

Zhao Jianzhi immediately went to the bar and picked up the phone to call Zheng Yaoxian: "Sixth Brother, Ninth Brother ignored me, I checked that he lives in room [-] of Jialing Hotel."

"Okay, I got it!" Zheng Yaoxian hung up the phone and thought to himself: What important task does this stinky boy have? He didn't come to me when he came to Chongqing, and he actually took three beauties to have fun.

Qi Rui originally thought that Li Dingchuan would bet with him that night, but he didn't think that this kid was still a ruthless character, he would let himself pay the money even if he went all out, it seems that this kid has a solid family background.

Ouyang He hesitated for a while and finally agreed to stay in the hotel with Qi Rui, while Yu Xiaowan returned home reluctantly because Zhang Li threatened to call Fei Zhengpeng.

When he came to the hotel, Ouyang He said to Qi Rui, "Let's talk about Li Dingchuan."

"It seems that there is still something I don't know."

"What you know is superficial. I found that this matter is serious, so I plan to tell you something you don't know." Ouyang He said,

"Okay, then listen to the Li Dingchuan you know."

In the ballroom, Qi Rui found that Li Dingchuan was not like the description in the information, he was a playboy who was not doing business, eating, drinking and having fun. No wonder the organization asked Comrade Ouyang He, No. 05, to help him. It turned out that she knew the Li family.

(End of this chapter)

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